Wednesday, December 21, 2005


YAY ITS BREAK!! so far this break has sucked. a lot. all i have done is sit at the computer and waste time doing absolutly nothing. but here at my dads there isnt much to do so i guess ill just have to live till the end of this week. hopefully after this week is over and i get back to shoreline the break will pick up......
i need to do something when i get back
-jack and jake we need to go on another bike ride
-everyone who plays poker, we need to have another tourny
-uh, everyone else, we should hang out er something

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Today was fun. Specifically the, throwing snoballs at cars and getting the cops called on us part. Allow me to elaborate... Me and a few guys where across meridan, the main street behind my house, at the church and we where chucking snowballs at cars and hiding behind the church sign. We got a few cars to stop and turn around, but we just ran around the church so it was all good. I would probably still be out there right now (we were out there for like three hours), except that we got the cops called on us. Finally one of the cars like turned around and came back and yelled out that she was going to call the cops. At that point we decided to call it a night, and head in. It was hella fun, I hope it snows again!