Wednesday, February 15, 2006


why does picaso make the quality of the pictures so crapy?!?!?!?!?!

dont i look profesional Posted by Picasa
btw that last picture was me after my job share, and that coat I'm wearing was givin to me by my host. overall it was a pretty awsome time. i got to put in a new server and configure it. i learned soooooooo much!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Sai's party

Sai had a party, apparently it was his birthday party but he couldnt tell anyone cause his mom didnt want people to get him stuff lol. so for all of you who either 1)didnt come because u where busy, or 2)werent invited, it sucks for u cause it was kinda fun...and now im mad cause i left at 6 for the basketball game and now im sitting at my computer not playing halo and not leaving yet cause the game starts at sucks some times....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i was told to make another post

So i just went to dinner for my birthday. its a little late but i wasnt feeling good around my birthday. you guys should guess where i went....its kinda funny....