Tuesday, February 27, 2007

100th post

Dangit, i wasnt paying attention and didnt celebrate my 100th post. this is now my 102nd post, but all the same it has the same effect. dang, it seems not too long ago that i just started blogger, and i think to remember the good times of starting off blogger i will go through my archives. happy blogging.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Nanaca Crash

Haha nanaca crash is now on addictinggames!

DBR Evolution

We should play ssbm more, cause they look like they have a lot of fun messing around and playing. We need to all play a lot more during the week and stuff. So yeah, check out the new playlist.


Whoo 100th post!

Sunday, February 18, 2007




someone remind me to post the ssbm videos after ppl have seen the editing pwnage. i have some real ssbm pwnage..

Thursday, February 15, 2007


quick a stupid quote by my sub b4 i forget..
"These people had no savings, if they had any at all." she was completely serious.

Anyway i love my second period class, even if it is mostly conservative. we debate about anything possible instead of doing work. today we debated about the assembly and how they bashed bush too much. for any of you who know jerard(sp?) you know how he will go the extra mile to prove his point. and with our highly opinionated sub, this made for an intresting final 35 mins of class.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Friday and Saturday were pretty good days. Friday started out like any other Friday, school, then paper route. But this time after the paper route Orion and I got locked out of my house because I didnt put the spare key back in its spot after using it on Superbowl Sunday. This Friday just so happened to be the day my mom was working at the Einstein dance, so she wouldnt be home to let us in until five or something. David was on his way since he was going to pick me up to spend the night at his house, but Orion and I needed some way to entertain ourselves. We found an old deflated kick ball/dodgeball in the back, so we kicked that around for awhile. Then David got there and we couldn't think of anything to pass the time. Until one of us had an idea...

Fuck this is going to be a long post.

We had a scooter, a truck, and a broom pole... what to do... It was decided that we should pull someone on the scooter while one person drove, and another held on to the pole from the back of the truck. I was stuck with the holding on to scooter with one hand, and the pole with the other. We started going down my street, everything was fine. We were going 10-15 and it was fun. It was when we hit 20, and David turned into the middle of the street, when the scooters front tire hit a manhole and flipped me over the handle bars. That hurt. I start walking it off going back up the street to my house, when my mom pulls up. At least we can get inside now. I didn't really want to admit to our stupidity, so I hid the scrape on my forehead, cuts on my hands, and small limp due to my hip getting road rash pretty bad. We went inside, I kind of tended to my wounds, and we played Warioware. Played that for awhile, then Orion decided he should go home for dinner. So he left and David and I played a short time longer then went to his house. For some reason David went on youtube while i was packing, and somehow came accross the PP lego video again. I remembered how cool it was, and thought that we should make a video using legos. So this is what we did when we got to his house.

Oh btw no frisbee for a few days so I can heal.

I would first like to say, David has the largest collection of legos we would ever need to make a movie. Honestly, I would doubt that anyone in our class has a larger amount of legos. This was very time consuming, yet fun, and we didn't manage to finish (this may be due to the oftly long "brainstorm break" we took to beat Gears of War). We will have to finish it later, and then upload it on to youtube for the public's viewing pleasure. It will pwn. We went to sleep sometime after 2.

David when are we going to finish our video of pwnage?

Saturday I woke up surprisingly early, this may be due to the smallish couch I slept on. We found out that Sai's party was cancelled so we had to change our plans a little. Around 12ish we went to TDM for a lunch of tacos. After that I was dropped off at my mom's to be picked up at by my dad after he dropped off my sister at a friends house to work on a project. My dad and I went around running errands for awhile while my sister did her partner project. I could write a lot about stuff but I'll summarize it to one store. Home Depot. We went to look at deck heaters, but my dad wanted to find out more information about one of the choices, so we tried to find someone to ask. There was one employee talking on his cellphone, and two others having an in-depth converstation about something not work related. We chose the two. One followed us over and said he needed someone else's help to figure out the info. So he left for awhile. He came back later with another guy, who started talking with the other employee about how they could find out the specs. One sugests to the other that they run a search on a computer, so they walk away talking about something. My dad and I are left standing there like....wtf. Are we supposed to follow you? Do you realize we are here? Home Depot customer service rating of the day--1/5.

Post almost completed! Your doing great!

Driving around for awhile made for time to listen to the radio. I heard some intresting stuff. Such as how a study was conducted and based on life style, number of fast food restaraunts per capita, and availibility of gyms, Seattle is the second most fit city in the nation. The least fit/most fat---Las Vegas. Most fit was some city in Colorado. I also heard about two Gonzaga basketball players that were arrested for possession of drugs at a standard traffic stop. This caught my attention because I learned that possession of pot is just a missdemeaner, while possession of psychedelic mushrooms is a felony. So remember kids, only take your pot with you while driving.

Go Huskies!

After errands, we picked up my sister, and headed to West Seattle. Now I'm sitting with nothing to do, trying to pass the time by writing extended blog posts. Although this did give me time to do useless web searches, and I found a cool online reaction time test. I searched for one because I wanted to see what my reaction time was for cs:s. Hopefully this can keep me amused until Monday. Somebody please save me!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


today i got counter-strike source finally. its basically the same as 1.6, as in i can pwn at both, but there are noticable changes. right off the bat i noticed that i couldnt set two keys to a certain action, such as jump. this proved to by a hindence cause i used to use space just to jump and mouse wheel down to make it easier to bunny hop. i also used mouse wheel up for duck when i wanted to do the little hop, but i think they fixed that glitch in source. anyway gameplay is great. guns come with ammo now so i'll have to get used to not pressing b 6 and 7, and having b 6 be equipment, but won't take too long. i like the save weapon set function in the buy menu, because i can set it to whatever i want which is cool. i read that you can control your crosshair size a lot more in source, so i adjusted it to 1000. one other guy said he played with his at 4000, but i find that hard to believe because i would assume that would be nearly invisible. grenades are a lot better in source, and i mean a LOT better. flashbangs actually bang, and so do the high explosives. smokes now produce brown smoke, and are more realistic. i found out that the mp5 is no longer the most effective smg, now its what i know as the p900 (thought its probably a newer version that i havnt heard of). i noticed you cant right click for silencer and then quickly change weapons to put the silencer in effect, you actually have to wait for it to go on. however weapon switching to reset recoil still works. i dont know why, but it seems easier to get headshots in source, but maybe its just me. and to finish off this rather long post that i had planned on being short, i will mention how either the guns look extremly toy like, or my graphics card is not supporting the game completely. soooooo yeah. im going to have to break cs:s in this week, however i will not be able to play this weekend due to the annoyance of having a shit computer at my dads. oh well i will just have to play twice as much during this week. happy pwning.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


MMmmm i love xfire. i also love blogging. so why not combine the two?
now i have my mini-xfire profile on my blog to track how much i have played cs each week(past 7 days), and all time. MMmmm.