Thursday, December 27, 2007

Whap happens when you are playing ultimate and you run up to gaurd an inexperienced player? get hit with a frisbee thrown at full force in the face.

it hurt.

Wednesday we played ultimate from 4:30 to like....some time after 4:30, maybe around 6? Ok well we didn't play ultimate that whole time, first we were throwing a disc around, we being Davis, David, Zach R, and Melvin (I think that was his name) who is a friend of Zack's and coached Zack when he was on SW ultimate. After awhile Zack decided we should do 2v2 with perma handler, but then Sai and Bodon finished their swim practice and they joined us. Oh also Bijorn (idk how to spell it, bee-yorn) a friend of Zack's I have hung out with many times showed up. that made it 4 on 4. we played maybe one point, then Ashley was dropped off and we played 4v5 for awhile. My team got pwned, but I blame it on having been hit in the face, and having more inexperienced players, our 3 to their 2.

Christmas was good too I guess, but that will take awhile to post about so instead I will add some specifically good gifts I received. Got a miniDV camcorder from my dad that my cousin said is really good. Got a $100 gift card to best buy. Got a poster of Transformers signed by cast. Got a ps2 game from my cousin, which is funny because I have gamecube in Shoreline and xbox in West Seattle, and he guesses ps2.

Shoot one more thing I just remembered I was going to post about, I had a very gay experience before christmas... my grandma wanted to go to the Men's Chorus at Benaroya Hall. It was gay.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Escape + Spring Reign

This weekend I was introduced to escape games, which can become extremely addictive. For those of you who don't know what an escape game is, they are point and click based puzzles that require you to interact with your room in order to escape. You click things, gather items, combine and use items, and ultimately find a way to open the door and escape. For a good list of escape games, look here :list of escape games

One particularly good room that I escaped with the help of Ashley and Nick, (a guy from Cali), was muselock, found here: muselock

Don't get too frustrated, just ask for some help if you need it. Also it makes it more entertaining if you try to solve together with someone else, making it easier and faster as well.

Try not to get too addicted, remember to take breaks and then go back with a fresh mind. I found it helps to work on a different room for awhile so you can get a look at different types of puzzles and styles, then go back and look at it a different way.

One last note, we need to play more ultimate. I found a video of Churchill's freshman team, normally called B division team, at Spring Reign 2007. We played them in the semi-finals, and you can watch clips of the game at around 3:30. Of course the clips are designed to make them look good and us bad, but we do suck, and they did beat us 13-3. Churchill is one of the better teams no doubt, and don't expect us too look like them this season. =P
Spring Reign 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's up?

Here are a couple of things I found amazing...
first a random video from that Chris showed me:

Second a pretty cool starcraft game that I thought I would post:

Ok so we need to play more Starcraft, or people should send me replays, because honestly most of the ones I thought were good...make us look like shit.
That is all.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Starcraft Montage!

David, Sai and I were playing some Starcraft Sunday night and Sai made this hilariously awesome SCV rush that pwned this zerg player, when I realized I have a lot of good replays from games we have had. At this point I decided to make a montage of some of our great Starcraft moments. Not only would this finally put SOT on youtube, but I will have a lot of fun making it also. Uhh... I can't think of anything else to say right now so yeah. Oh btw sorry about that last post, I was obviously in a bad mood.