Saturday, August 23, 2008

Worth Posting About

(Also so David will be my friend again)

So today was pretty sweet:
At first it started off shitty because of the night before. No, I didn't have a hangover. Ashley called while I was watching a movie with my mom and sister, so I said I would call her back after it was over. It was already really late but I planned on staying up for a while. Well, I kinda fell asleep during the movie, and even though I had asked my mom to wake me up if I fell asleep I remained asleep until Ashley called at around 11:00am. We were planning on hanging out today (Friday), but I guess she was mad since she was expecting me to call, and stayed up waiting for me to call. I can understand why she would be upset, but we never get to hang out and this made me mad/sad.

Fortunately things got better. I remembered that it was double fame weekend on Guild Wars so I hoped on my PC and started crankin' out some fame. I started somewhere like 30-40 fame below r5, and got to about 20-30 above r5 when Orion called and reminded me we needed to do the route, one last time. He came over and we did the route, his last throw was dead on.

We played double dash, again for the last time, and got a perfect 40 on all 3 cups... after... well lets just leave it at that. Orion wanted to play Ultimate/poker so we started thinking up people to call. We got together a decent group in no time at all, and since it was still hours before 6, we walked to Shoreline Center to throw a disc around. That was fun, I hadn't touched a disc in weeks, maybe months. Afterwards we started walking back to Orion's so he could tell his parents the deal. On the way there were three little kids selling lemonade, but they were having an "exercisers discount", so since we were walking we each got a free medium lemonade. They were nice kids.

Got to Orion's, found out his mom had planned a Turkey dinner for him, so I walked home and agreed to hold of starting poker until like 6:30 when he would probably get there.

Got back home, talked to my mom and sister for a bit as they played Animal Crossing upstairs on teh cube, and let my mom know about the plans. I realized I should have asked before inviting everyone, but I've come to learn that when Kelsey is going to my dad's, it means my mom is going to Gregg's.

People showed up, in an order I don't really care to remember atm, and we started playing DDR while waiting for more poker players. It's really fun to watch people embarrass themselves on DDR, and I'm also glad I found the memory card so I can maybe start playing it once in a while again too.
People showed up, we started playing poker.
There are probably lots of things to talk about that happened during the game, but poker is poker and it's similar every time. So if you have ever attended one of these "parties", you know what it's like. I'll save some space here because I know this post is already 10 times too long for my standards.

Everyone left, and I started to get a really good idea. I figured Ashley was still upset so I didn't bother calling her... I might regret that later... and I didn't think I had anything strenuous going on tomorrow, except now I remember Orion trying to plan Ultimate for tomorrow.. er today.. crap. Oh well. I decided to bust out the energy drink that Sai left here after last poker party, and settle down for the long haul of fame!! Long story short, it's now 8:11am Saturday morning, and I can't help feeling like I shat my pants. I don't know what it was, but as soon as I crashed, and I crashed hard, it felt like I had shat my pants. I literally had to check my shorts after a HA match to make sure I hadn't. Luckily I hadn't but I felt like shit.

I decided to go upstairs and get some cold water, thinking that would help a bit since I felt like passing out. It did help. Fortunately the group I had been with all night disbanded and I didn't have to feel guilty about leaving such an pwnage team without their best player.

I immediately went into the bathroom conveniently located less than 10 feet away, and.. well you get the picture.

Energy drinks = bad.
All nighters with double fame = good.

I've pretty much become as efficient a healer as possible, so I dare say I'm teh fucking pwnage now.

Wow... pwnage at an MMO...

What am I doing...

Time to go rethink my gaming career and pass out on the couch.