Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Something else that is pissing me off and is why I am blogging so much now

screw you comcast.

*5 minutes later*

inconsistent much?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Couple Things

A couple things I forgot to mention.

There is this middle-aged guy in my english class that is going back to school in order to pursue a theory he has. It's pretty awesome. It would be fun to one day when I am rich and retired to go back to school to pursue random crap like this:
I decided I would feel kinda bad publishing this guys theory. I have no idea whether or not it would be okay for me to do so, so I'll just play it safe and not. If you are really interested email me and I might consider sending you the original, and as always un-edited, post.

Another thing I forgot to mention in the blog post was.... crap I was hoping to remember by the time I finished typing that sentence...
Talking about that theory distracted me and now I can't remember the other thing I was going to talk about. Dammit I really can't remember. Alright well maybe it will come back to me later.
Ok so I thought of something, idk if this was it but it's something.
I think Red Vines put some kind of addictive substance into their licorice.
I realized later that my sudden addiction to licorice is probably due to my lack of sugar consumption prior to getting a tub of licorice from costco.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Back on Track

Well, school has started again. On the one hand, it means my life with be a lot more scheduled and have some meaning, on the other... I have to go to school. Before I delve into my post of random thoughts that pop into my mind, a quick note about this blog: I think I'll try to make weekly posts now. Also I will be reading blogs again too, so don't have a heart attack when you see a comment from some "pronoob5" regarding the content of a blog post. Now to the rambling.

So my classes this Fall '09 quarter are as follows: 9:30-10:20 - Psychology (with david, next hour is english 102 (idk if I mentioned this but I dropped it last attempt), and for third hour I have math. Psychology seems like a pretty standard lecture class: go to class, take notes, do little exercises for homework, study for exams. English 102 is the one where you have a quarter to write a 10-12 page research paper and the whole quarter focuses on getting you there, except somehow the instructor has 2 exams and a final planned in addition to the paper. For math I got the instructor that I had for precalc my first quarter, so that's cool. I like his teaching methods and his grading scales. Oh yes before I forget, a little math "joke" that he gave us today: The Brett Favre equation. I'll refer back to it at the end of this post to give you guys (mostly Orion since Davis isn't a football fan and idk if David would get it) a chance to think of what this function could be. Readers probably won't remember this, but this is the teacher that had Newton's Law of Cooling on the final where I couldn't remember the exact formula so I derived my own. He gave me a look while doing review of exponential today and proceeded to tell the class about my endeavor. Good times.

Chris is taking classes at SCC as well, english and math like I did my first quarter, and his last class gets out at the same time and building so I've been giving him a ride home daily. It's cool getting to hang out a bit and talk with him. It's a bit weird thinking about how this is the guy I've known since I was old enough to go play out in the neighborhood, and now we are still hanging out after college. Anyway he's planning on selling his 360 sometime soon to upgrade or something and I was thinking about getting one so I might have a more pressing reason to get a job soon now since he wants to sell within 3 months or something like that. Speaking of money, my mom and I have been talking about my dad a bit lately, and damn I really don't like that guy. He makes 6 figures, probably closer to 200k than 150, and he refuses to give my mom/us any support. From what my mom says he was a dick during the divorce, like he had a ruthless expensive lawyer, which apparently angered him when he found out that my mom was getting her attorney for free (a friend from her firm). I still remember the day my dad came over with the big moving truck and took all the furniture from out basement, and various things from the garage, just to go put them in storage for 3 years or something. Anyway I will stop using this blog to vent... for now.

David has been emailing back and forth with Suckol (:P) and I guess it's settled: David, Eric and I will be volunteer coaching for Shorewood Ultimate Frisbee this year. I'm pumped. Not only because it's an opportunity to play Ultimate, but also because we get to train the nooblets and watch the do battle against other nooblets on the field. It's like we got our own pokemons or something. Also I told Chris about it and he thinks it would be fun to tell the high-schoolers to run laps. Idk though his attitude might not be great for training the noobs.

What else what else... new Stargate series starting this friday. Honestly... not going to hold my breath over it. SG-1 was amazing, but I have a feeling it won't quite match up. House MD started. The 2 hour premier was cool. It's fun watching my mom get emotional over a show and trying to hide her watery eyes afterward. Not to sound too feminine but, I actually get pretty into shows and movies like that too. But not to the the eyes watering extent.

So Kelsey went to the walk-in clinic today because she hurt her ankle at her soccer game yesterday (Sunday). Wow she is such a wimp. She has a "badly sprained ankle" and she hobbles around like she will collapse if her foot touches the floor. This happens every season too. She gets "hurt" and then stops playing for a while and claims she can't practice or play because it hurts too much. She is such a baby. Maybe if she was a bit more active she wouldn't get "hurt" so easily. And by a bit more I mean active at all.

Speaking of being active...
Ashley and I are still going strong. We had a couple hiccups this summer, but I guess it's to be expected. We're competing in pokemon at the moment. Competing meaning we each play our respective version (Diamond/Pearl) for 2 hours and then we battle. It's been pretty close, but I think I remember losing 2-1 last round. Mostly I blame the stupid pokemon competition that takes 30 minutes and gets you ZERO experience. My powerhouse pokemon right now are probably Garydos, Monferno, and Machop. Onix is up there too but he's seeming to be less useful than I expected. I wasted a TON of experience training a zubat for the first few rounds, only to realize that it would never because good. Originally I had thought that since we were at low levels, I could just put it up first and then confuse her pokemon as they come... however my supersonic accuracy seems to be 0% at about 0 for 6. Her kadabra is proving to be a pain in the ass, since it's strong against all my good pokemon. Hopefully Garydos will learn some god damn water attacks soon so he won't have to bite everything, then he might be able to take on Kadabra.

I'm sure there are other things I had planned on blogging about that aren't coming to me atm, but this post has gone on long enough.

Lek tol.
(I'm a nerd, what of it?)

Oh also the math joke, f(x) = -2^x. Get it? Yeah it's stupid but w/e.