Friday, December 04, 2009

Fantasy Proleague

Proleague finished about 10 minutes ago, but I am still all hyped up because of the excitement for my Fantasy Proleague team.
Ben, Albert, David, Keir, Sai and I all signed up for Fantasy Proleague this season and it started today. For those few who don't know, Proleague is the Korean Starcraft team league, and Fantasy Proleague is comparable to any other fantasy sport. Basic format is, you pick 6 progamers and one team to play for your team. Each progamer and team is assigned a certain number of points depending on how well they did in the previous season, and your total team points can not add up to more than 30. You then pick an anti-team of 3 players who's scores must add up to a minimum of 15. Your fantasy team gets points when your players or your team does well, and you lose points when the players on your anti-team do well. The six of us are part of a group where you can easily compare scores and see who is in the lead. It's not really fair to say who is in the lead after 1 day, because only 2 teams play per week, so not everyone's players would have had a chance to play. However, I think it's important to note that I am in first place with 13 points =P. Ben is in a close second with 11, followed by Keir, Albert, Sai, and David bringing up the rear.
After looking up the scoring, I realized that there are actually more things to consider than I realized. I'm starting to think that some of my picks were bad choices... but I guess there is always the option to trade later.
I love being able to dual screen. It was pretty awesome watching the matches on my TV while having the schedule and each of our team windows open on my laptop screen.

Oh I also won both of my liquid bets tonight, so that was also good.

Now on to a longer post about life and such.

Once again I don't feel like thinking about organization so I don't blame anyone for skipping this part, it's mostly a record for me anyway I guess.
Yesterday my mom got a flat tire while going to visit my grandma. This could be because I slightly over-inflated the tires when we drove to... where the heck did we go... oh yeah Issaquah to my cousins for thanksgiving. But my mom went to grease monkey after that to get the oil checked and they said the tire pressure was fine at that point so I'm not taking the blame. Anyway my neighbor gave me a ride to QFC where they had pulled off the road and I learned how to change a tire. Not to sound defensive but I'm pretty sure I could have figured it out without help anyway, it isn't very hard. Under the spare tire in the hidden trunk compartment we found a pair of scissors, a toothbrush, a bow-tie, and a crafting tool with Terry (neighbor) said he could use if we didn't want it. Oh it's a used car btw in case you think we just throw random shit under our spare tire. Anyway today I went to Les Schwab to get the tire fixed. Damn there were a lot more people there than I would have thought. Five people/families were waiting in front of me, and at least 3 of them also had flat tires. That took a while, but they had a decent waiting area with the news on.
On the news a saw some pretty f***ed up report about a trial in Italy. There was a UW student who went to Italy on a foreign exchange program, and while there she murdered and committed sexual abuse on her British roommate with her boyfriend. Pretty messed up. Anyway she plead guilty I guess and got 26 years in prison and has to pay the family of the roommate 5 million Euros. Sure that's pretty bad, but I couldn't believe how on the news they were saying that the trial wasn't fair and that they gave her a worse punishment because she is from the US. When I heard this I was like... "WTF?" This chick took another innocent girls life. In my opinion she deserves life. I don't care whether or not she has no priors and probably wouldn't commit another crime in her life, she took another person's life. She doesn't deserve hers. The fact that she will get out before she is 50 does not seem reasonable to me. It's not she only took 26 years from the person she killed. Ok well enough rambling about ethics. Btw I am for the death penalty.
Now lets go backwards in time to Thanksgiving. Wait no, the day before. The day before Thanksgiving was my grandma's birthday. We got picked up a cake at Fred Meyer and then headed over to the Richmond Beach Rehab center to visit. My grandma is not well. She's not really eating much for herself, so needless to say she didn't have cake. We reserved a small dining hall/room for my mom, sister, aunt and grandma, but she wouldn't get up and out of her room. My grandma is now back on oxygen and has a feeding tube for 1 meal a day. It sucks because she seems depressed and isn't really working to get better.
Ok Thanksgiving.
We dropped by Richmond Beach Rehab again in the morning before going to my cousin's house in Issaquah, but my grandma was asleep so my mom wrote a note for her and we went to fill up our tires with air. Recommended PSI was 36, but I did about 39-40. We found the house with little trouble. My cousin Kristin and her husband Ron have a really nice house. It's in a community up in some forest that makes it the type of neighborhood I would like to live in, but it wouldn't be good for kids because you don't really get to know your neighbors. They have two golden retrievers, a hot tub, and a game room that includes a pinball machine, darts, a bar, pool, and a nice chess table. They also just got a Wii so that was fun. Ron's not sure he wants to keep it though because he only got a Wii over a 360 thinking Kristin might enjoy it as well. Dinner was good, and my family always has great stories or intriguing subjects to talk about, so it's always a good time. Oh right, people there were my cousins, my mom's brother and his wife, my mom's sister, one of Kristin's brothers (the other is in some European country doing Starbucks expansion), and Ron's mom. I probably didn't list all the family members in a very cohesive manner, but I know who they are so that's all that matters really.
What else to talk about... SW Ultimate Frisbee is really lame. No one comes to practices and the experience level is really low, so it will definitely be a disappointing season for SW yet again.
Winter break is almost here and Keir and I plan on getting C on Iccup for 2v2s. I think Keir said we could get C+ or B-, but that's really ambitious and with his 50 apm I don't see that happening haha.
GGGRRARAAAAHHHH why can't the OSL start already!!!
Oh also, Ashley and I are hooked on Dexter now, thanks Ben, and we pretty much gave up on Heroes. Still watching House regularly, and keeping on with Stargate: Universe on Hulu with David.
Idk what else there is.... I'm addicted to Guitar Hero DS. I have at least one drink every friday now, but still haven't had enough to get drunk yet. I might start reading books again since games are really cutting it anymore. Nothing else I guess.
