Friday, January 29, 2010

New Years Resolution

I've finally decided I should have a new years resolution this year. My new years resolution for 2010 (twenty-ten) is to lie less and be more honest. I've heard that the average person lies 1-3 times per 10 minute conversation, but I think that is mostly because of people like me who lie with every word. Seriously I lie a lot.
I figure I will live a much easier and happier life if I were to lie less, so I've made it my goal to cut lying cold turkey. Wait... ok that's not right I just typed that out but really in my mind I know that I'll just have to work on cutting down on the lies. From simple lies like, "yeah I have 200k", (I really had 130), to lies while on the phone such as, "no Ashley, I'm not playing on the computer" or, "ok I'll go to sleep right after we hang up", I need to cut back all around. Yeah that sentence makes no sense to me now but w/e. OUCH. I just swallowed a Sun Chip without chewing. RAARRWG it hurts. Ok it's passed my throat.
So SUCKol removed SWUF from Spring League because only 7 people payed by the deadline she set two weeks ago. I understand that she doesn't want to get screwed, but her reasoning was she didn't think we could even get 10 people together on Saturdays for games. I don't think that's true because on Thursdays we usually get turn outs of 12-14 kids. A lot of the people are busy on the other days with other clubs and getting stoned and such, but I think that when March comes around we would have had enough to field a team. And hell, if they need two more David, Eric and I are more than willing to fill in =P.
Having a lot of trouble sleeping lately. I'll try to relax around 11-12 by watching tv or something, and then go lie down sometime between 12-1, and I still can't seem to fall asleep. I've been trying to wake up at a consistent time every morning though so that eventually I figure I will pass out from exhaustion. Take that body! I was just thinking one cause of my sleep problem could be how I fucked up my circadian rhythm by sleeping really late on those days when it would get dark really early, so I didn't get much daylight before it would get dark outside.
Last Saturday was my birthday, it turned out almost exactly as I wanted. I didn't go out to dinner, I spent it alone with Ashley, and... well you can fill in the rest with whatever you see fit. Got a nice water bottle from my mom, my dad got me the new Dan Brown book... or was that Andrea... either way that's what I got from them. From Kelsey I got pixie sticks, which she knows to be my favorite... candy? Idk if flavored sugar can be considered candy.
Oh also David gave me some shit he wanted to clean out of his storage in GW.
I should go now, we have family coming over for a "game night". This could turn out to be a great time, or me and Kelsey watching a bunch of adults drink all night.

I think I ended my last two posts in the same way... but I can't remember what that way was...
