Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


It's 5:17am right now. Today I woke up extremely late to the ring of my cell phone as David called to tell me he and Sai were going to get some special pokemon again. Unfortunately I can't find my DS so it doesn't really do me any good. I got another call... idk over an hour later from Sai saying that he and David were on their way over and we were going to hang out a David's for a while. I brought some GCN controllers and we played Brawl for probably a few hours. When I got up I went back on GW and started "getting lucky". While doing that I finished listening to today's podcast that was interrupted when David and Sai arrived. The guest today was Jace Hall. He hosts a small internet show called The Jace Hall Show. I was interested since he is a former game producer and is a big gamer. I looked up the show on google, but it was kinda hard to find the episodes. Eventually I stumbled on to Season 3 Episode 3. That was not a good place to start. Going into I had no idea what to expect, so it was really confusing. I wanted to give it a second try though, so I did a bit more digging and found the first season.
Ok that was a long paragraph so lets start a new one for no structural reason other than that it was getting too long similarly to the length of this sentence. I got addicted after about 3 episodes of the Jace Hall Show, so I started to stay up into the early hours of 2am. The episodes are really short, so it's deceiving how much time I was actually spending watching it. After finishing season 1 and 2, and catching the first 3 episodes of season 3, I was still hungry for more. Jace mentions a few times on the podcast and on his show that he is involved in a new show called V. I had heard about it through commercials but never really gave it a second thought.. like most things I hear about. Anyway I wasn't ready to quit and go to sleep so I decided to look into V. I found that the 3 episodes released so far are online on ABC so I watched the first one just now. I think I will get addicted to it now and it will be to me what 24 was when I first discovered it. Ok actually that is a really bad analogy because it's not like 24 at all... maybe Stargate SG-1 would be a bit better since it is a Sci-fi.
Anyway the only reason I'm posting is because I'm really into V after just one episode (the pilot) and on ABC you have the option of watching a long commercial before the show so that you don't have to stop every 5 minutes to watch an ad. Actually the "long commercial" was only 90 seconds and has been over for some time, I just felt obligated to finish this post.

Now back to V.
