Wednesday, October 20, 2010

zomg sotis

sotis = storm of the imperial sanctum = sc2 dota clone

I've been playing a lot and pwning it up quite hard, and apparently people have noticed.

I just got invited to join a sotis team with the best of the best. It's really sweet actually and I needed somewhere to express my excitement.

Holy shit I'm going to be on the same team as NapalmITM... I remember when I first started playing inhouse and he was my hero. Er... not the hero I used but the person I looked up to... right I probably didn't need to explain that... but now I seem really stupid.


I've been playing inhouse quite a bit and I don't think I've ever really lost a game. I lost once when it was AR (all random) but that was because we got shit heroes and they got a nice team composition. Anyway now that I'm on a team with Napalm, NiR, Psykomerc, and Hello... I'm pretty sure we will be unstoppable. I can't wait for the sotis ladder to start up.. and then maybe some sotis North America tournaments. There has been at least 1 Euro sotis tournament now I just want it to come to North America.

Well my life hasn't been all sotis (god dammit). I've been broke for a while so I realized I need to start getting money again so I can at least pay for my portion of the pizza we get every Saturday after ultimate when we play munchkin. Doing a bit of ChaCha but it's hard to get back into the habit because it's pretty draining. A lot harder than you would think. So far I've got $50 this month but I haven't been working nearly enough (never more than an hour a day and only really a couple times).

UWB ultimate is going well. We finally won a game last week (1-2) and things are starting to pick up as we now have 3 reliable girls: Kelsey, from UWB I assume, and Noel and Emma. I'm trying to be more of a leader on the field and say something after every point, because really our biggest weakness is organization... also throwing and catching.

Every week after Ultimate David, Chris, Eric, now maybe Sai, and I get together and play some munchkin (original 2010 printing). Chris had a birthday last week.. or was it this week.. and he got munchkin also. Unfortunately it was the same as mine. I'm thinking DAVID might GET CTHULHU since that seems to be his favorite version and then we can mix it up sometimes. Though I do think I'll get the munchkin 2 expansion eventually.
Last session we started playing Epic Munchkin. Wow crap I'm actually starting to think about my writing and how shitty this blog is and how awful that topic sentence was and how this is a run-on sentence. So with Epic Munchkin you play to level 20 and once you reach level 10 you are at "epic status". Each epic race and class have an additional special ability, such as Hand of the Gods (hold as many cards in your had as you want) for Dwarf. In addition to a knew kick-ass ability, you also have to flip over two cards in your kick-down-the-door phase. If it's two monsters... say King Tut and Bullrog like David got, then you have to fight both. If it's a monster and a monster enhancer, the enhancer applies to the monster. So far the one game we played of epic munchkin took over 3 hours. It was fun though especially at the end when 3 people were level 18-19 for 3 rounds before someone finally won.. and I can't even remember who won. After that session I checked out the website and found that they have a great forum and a really long FAQ to answer all of our questions. No longer will we argue about rules!.. haha yeah right of course we will.

idk else to write about and conclusion paragraphs are for noobs.

oh right I want Pure Pwnage the tv show to come back but all I could find on the site were short videos similar to when they did the production blog.