Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Monthly Updates Start Now

Going to do monthly blog posts around the 1st of the month starting now.

Life Overview
Life is good.

Working at Blue C Sushi has been good. Environment is much better than working at a retirement home, pay is over twice as much after tips, and it's located very close to home. Making between $20 to $26 an hour after tips and working around/over 35 hours a week.
People at work like me, I like the people I work with, sometimes guests can be pretentious ass holes but such is life in the University Village.

Living with Ashley has been awesome.
We love our apartment and it checks every one of my boxes:

  • High-speed internet
  • 2 gaming computers
  • HDTV and xbox 360
  • compact floor plan to allow easy access to kitchen, bathroom, and bed for minimal time away from gaming
Wish people would come over more often for game night/split screen but I did move farther away and my schedule hasn't been very regular so game nights have been hard to plan. Fortunately for the remainder of summer quarter Ashley and I will always have wednesday/friday off so maybe we can plan game nights again soon.

Playing pick-up every Wednesday in Edmunds with Chris, Zack, and Eric when he doesn't have volleyball practice.

Was playing Guild Wars exclusively for a while, but got tired of the daily grind so stepping away for a month or so.
Moving more into console (360) gaming, but the problem is I don't have as many people to play with. But the thing is I wasn't playing with people that often before I stepped away from GW2. The mumble group semi-disbanded so it's hard to get people playing League now it feels like.
Ideally what I would like is for friends to play Call of Duty/Magic on 360 with and for the people that play League to always be online so that I can use them when I feel the itch to play League of Legends.
Gaming won't ever completely move to single-player though because I will always have Ashley to game with. Right now she is pretty engrossed in GW so if I get tired of playing solo I can always go back to Guild Wars and play with her.

Funny story about Clint Dempsey, USMNT Captain signing with the Seattle Sounders. I won't go in to it though you can look it up if you want. Looking forward to the Sounders new powerhouse attack and making a run for MLS Cup this year.

This part of teh blog will be a short story, likely the reason that made me want to make a blog post in the first place.

I was playing Magic 2014 on 360 multiplayer for the first time today. I am a white deck player it seems like every year a new Magic comes out I always prefer the white decks.
I got matched up against a guy using a black Zombie deck which I used to love. First couple matches i just rape him.
He switches to a blue deck, I start with one of the two legendary creature cards in my deck that costs 2 mana and makes all non-creature spells cost 1 more to cast. GG blue deck.
He switches back to zombie deck, I defeat him easily again.

We play one more match, his first turn he plays no land and I'm thinking what the fuck is he just like rage quitting or something? He has to discard a card to get to 7 and he discards some expensive creature I assume because he will never have the mana to cast it.
Second turn he plays a swamp and casts Reanimate, taking a creature card from a graveyard and putting it into play under his control. Holy fuck I have never seen this before.
Second turn and he has a legendary creature that is perfectly designed to counter my all Human deck.
Fuck me. I am actually going to drop a match to this guy..

.. or am I..

So with this white deck I am using a get a bunch of humans out by means of Gather the TownsfolkThraben Doomsayer, and Increasing Devotion. This isn't the way the deck always plays out, I just happened to get a zerging hand. I also had a Champion of the Parish turn 1 which obviously would be pwnage, but he managed to destroy it at some point being a black deck and all. I also managed to get a legendary of my own, in fact the exact opposite of his. So I have Mikaeus the Human Cleric and he has the Zombie Cleric version of Mikaeus.
Eventually using Mikaeus I manage to get a bunch of beafed up humans to all attack him at once, while barely staying alive after his relentless intimidate attacks from Mikaeus, the Unhallowed. I count up how much damage I will do and how much he will block, and I thought I had enough to finish him. Except I counted one of my humans with summoning sickness in my attack calculations and he ended up with 3 life instead. Oh and all my attackers died of course because they are Human.
Now he has 3 attackers, 1 of them has intimidate and deals 6 damage, the other 2 have 5 power each and I have 8 life total. I have 2 blockers and 1 tapped creature. He has to deal damage with 2 creatures out of his 3, and fortunately I can block with 2 so I think I am ok. I will just block, and then finish him off with my tapped creature on my turn because he is going all out leaving no defenders. He declares his attackers, I declare my blockers, all of a sudden he casts the last card in his hand, doom blade. Fuck I realize he can just kill my tapped creature, I won't be able to kill him on my turn, and he will just finish me off on his next turn.
for some reason he targets one of the creatures that I had already declared as a blocker. Maybe he thinks that if he kills the creature blocking his creature that his creature will attack me instead, but I already DECLARED IT AS A BLOCKER. Therefor his spell kills my creature, the creature that would have killed it attacks nothing, I survive with 2 Life, and my tapped creature becomes untapped on my turn and I finish him off.
I am laughing hysterically into the mic at this point. Trolling him and telling him I can't believe he fucked that up. Afterall he had 2 options, doom blade one of the creatures I had BEFORE attacking so I don't have enough to block with, or just doom blade the only creature I would have left and just finish me off next turn.
But for some reason he chose to do neither. And once again I beat him.

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It was a lot funnier if you were there trust me.