Wednesday, December 21, 2005


YAY ITS BREAK!! so far this break has sucked. a lot. all i have done is sit at the computer and waste time doing absolutly nothing. but here at my dads there isnt much to do so i guess ill just have to live till the end of this week. hopefully after this week is over and i get back to shoreline the break will pick up......
i need to do something when i get back
-jack and jake we need to go on another bike ride
-everyone who plays poker, we need to have another tourny
-uh, everyone else, we should hang out er something

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Today was fun. Specifically the, throwing snoballs at cars and getting the cops called on us part. Allow me to elaborate... Me and a few guys where across meridan, the main street behind my house, at the church and we where chucking snowballs at cars and hiding behind the church sign. We got a few cars to stop and turn around, but we just ran around the church so it was all good. I would probably still be out there right now (we were out there for like three hours), except that we got the cops called on us. Finally one of the cars like turned around and came back and yelled out that she was going to call the cops. At that point we decided to call it a night, and head in. It was hella fun, I hope it snows again!

Saturday, November 26, 2005


well today i realized that you cant view the source of other people's blogs, which is pretty dumb.

Friday, November 25, 2005


So today, being friday the day after thanksgiving, orion and i decided we wanted to play poker. Sure enough, a few hours later there was people over playing poker. It was pretty fun, and pretty annoying because a lot of the people have no idea how to play poker, and probably will never learn. I would talk about who won and such, but i was very, VERY unhappy with the outcome. This meaning that the person who won was one of the people that have no idea how to play poker (well). Anyway it was a lot of fun, and i think we should do it again soon. Lets see now, we've had a party at Jake's first, then it was Davis', then Sai's, mine, next.....who knows?


Thanksgiving was pretty cool. I went to my Aunt and Uncle's who live on Camano Island. It's pretty cool there, and they live right off the beach. There was A TON of people there. Over 40, even over 45 easy. It was pretty crazy, and dinner was late by like two hours(not that i was complaining instead of being thankful). Well it was fun because i got to eat a lot of food, and play poker with some of my cousins and other distant relations, all of whom are in there 30's and some probably 40's. Well that was about it. I guess if i had to say something i was thankful for, it would be having such a great family that all gets together on occasions such as this. =)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

beat that, ya thats what i thought...YOU CAN'T! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 05, 2005


wow. we won. we actually won. 7-0. thats all i have to say about that.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


ya so i kinda threw up b4 4th period on tuesday, it sucked. i didnt go home, though i should have because i didnt feel good enough to go to school the next day. anyway i feel better now and its all good.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


SGFshorty90: dont u ever wish there were movies where evil prevails?

RunningInSquare3: well

RunningInSquare3: star wars episode 5

RunningInSquare3: 3

SGFshorty90: they couldnt finish the job...they are weak

SGFshorty90: y couldnt luke die

SGFshorty90: or skywalker the first die

RunningInSquare3: uh

RunningInSquare3: skywalker the first DID die

RunningInSquare3: in 6

SGFshorty90: i mean like, all that racing, he shoulda got run over or something

SGFshorty90: stupid little kid......

RunningInSquare3: yeah

RunningInSquare3: instead of killing sebulba

RunningInSquare3: that would be elite

SGFshorty90: or like, when someone falls off a cliff, they actually die?! (LOTR:The Two Towers)

RunningInSquare3: lol

SGFshorty90: stupid argorn cant die after falling off a cliff, i mean whats that?

SGFshorty90: or why the fuk cant frodo just die one of the many times

RunningInSquare3: or gandolf



SGFshorty90: well...he did die.....

RunningInSquare3: but he lives?

SGFshorty90: no, he comes bak because his path is not over

RunningInSquare3: o

RunningInSquare3: lol

SGFshorty90: but ya, who says he gets to defy death?

RunningInSquare3: thats just as bad

SGFshorty90: why not saruman?

RunningInSquare3: who was that again?

SGFshorty90: the bad wizard dude

RunningInSquare3: ok

RunningInSquare3: i always get him and the eye mixed up

RunningInSquare3: the eye is solomon rugght?

SGFshorty90: lol, sauron

RunningInSquare3: thats another gay thing is that their names are so fucking wierd and similar

RunningInSquare3: ud think the fat director could pay to rename them

SGFshorty90: lol

SGFshorty90: wow, this converstation just made my day

RunningInSquare3: i mean he had a huge ass budget

RunningInSquare3: his budget was bigger than his ass


well that was fun

Monday, October 31, 2005


Sunday was pretty awsome. First i did my hw(believe it or not), then Adam came over and we played some Splinter Cell:Chaos Theory. It's an awsome game and the co-op is great. Anyway, that was fun. The best memory i have from playing was when we just interigated this guy to get the key-code for this locker containing some kind of terrorist plans, so we find the locker room at the train station, Adam sees a glowing locker, and is like "It's glowing! that must mean its the right one..." BAM! hello wall mine! Those damned terrorist set a wall mine...... Well it was fun. Also on Sunday I raked some leaves, and now as i look at it today, the yard is completely covered again. Damn you deciduous trees! damn you...

Saturday, October 29, 2005

me with crap quality Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

First post

ok i have a blog now i guess. this is alot easier than a myspace, so im just gona stick with this instead.