Friday, May 26, 2006

sheer pwnage

So hopefully we will start filming sheer pwnage this weekend. It's gona pwn hardcore and stuff right? Yeah so lets see who we got for the cast....
Me----------pr0 of all n00bs (5)
David-------Camera Man
Davis--------RPG Dave
Keir---------Kurr Lament
Jake--------random extras (maybe has a deeper role.....?)
Sai----------Teh Overmind (added after original post)


David said...

Sai is teh overmind. Get off of myspace already.

blitzmoose said...

Wait... where am I on that list?

blitzmoose said...

And what is teh overmind? Why does no one tell me anything about this thing?

David said...


You will be informed at the proper time

(i guess so since his character is teh overmind.)

pronoob5 said...

im about to delete that comment with the *S* in it....luckily for u i decided to use it as an example. we are NOT clan WA. using the *S* is connecting ourselves to them, and any more of this "salute" will make me even more pissed at david than i alrdy am.

David said...


i was obeying the ranking system at school that is not affiliated with clan wa anymore than sheer pwnage is affiliated with pure pwnage.