Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Past few days

So i just spent 5 days insulating this house working for Roy Burt (father to Orion Burt). It was fucking hot. We had to wear these "moon suits" with resperators and goggles. Now imagine being in an unvented attic, with tons of insulation. Now multiply that by exactly 39847 and you'll get how hot it was. If i ever see another piece of insulation again, it will be too soon. At least i got to hang with orion for 3 of the 5 days. We had some good times i guess, found out how cool it was that we could rip fiber glass! It was also a perk that we got paid 10 bucks an hour.


blitzmoose said...

$10 an hour! That is more than minimum wage by almost $3!

David said...

OMFG. Those are the exact same words I was going to use. I'm scared. I need a lobotomy