Saturday, March 31, 2007


What a short day. Friday night stayed up 'till around 2 playing guild wars, got HELLA far. Somehow slept for nearly 14 hours and woke up at 4:15, realizing that i had to be at the shoreline soccer fields in 15 minutes for ultimate. Ran to the fields, played ultimate from 5-8, walked home, and i am currently blogging about it. Now to go on guild wars 'till around 2 again, and restart the process.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Quest: The Frontier Fugitives
More accuratly named by Pronoob Mage: The Fucking Frontier Fugitives
Reward: 2000 exp (and some shitty items)
Difficulty: Fucking annoying
Here is my walkthrough for the most annoying quest I have undergone thus far. Ok, so the objectives was to find these two differnet guys in two differnet areas, and kill them. Apparently this one person has a grudge with these guys so im a hitman now. I go find the first guy, not much problem, except these really annoying mesmer things that kept casting backfire on me until i decided i couldnt do it alone and took some NPC henchmen with me. This took awhile, since i tried to do it solo twice, and if i had been anything other than an elementalist it would have been easy... but those fucking mesmers. Ok found the first guy and killed him, no big deal. Now to find the other guy. Not only was this an area i had not explored before, but it was a switchback, making it hard to navigate and an even longer travel. Ok so i finally get to him.. for the first time. I talk to him, and roughed him up a bit..

Me:The games up, time to die.
Him: Wait, I don't want to fight you [I am a pussy].
Me: If you run, I will kill you.
Him: Wait, I'll surrender.
Me: ..If you run, I will kill you. (the other option was like accept his surrender)
Him: Wait, I'll surrender.
Me: Fine, I will take you back to ___ and she will deal with you how she wishes.

So the quest updages, and being the fast paced, traveling hating person I am, i warp to The Frontier Gate.. BIG MISTAKE. Yeah, so now I'm at the frontier.. which is hella far from the guy.. and i have to go back and get him again. So I follow the path i took last time, and get him again. We run back, taking extremely long, and then once we get to the entrance i just run right in.. BIG MISTAKE. I was supposed to wait for the quest to update, and say go to ___ for your reward. Fuck. So for the THIRD time, i run back to this guy who is really starting to piss me off. but this story is not over yet. So i run back, and start leading him once again to the gate. oh and realize at this time, that i no longer am paying attention to the game that much because im so pissed off. i took my headphones off and was listening to some music. so i get back to the gate....turn around....and where the fuck is the guy. god damnit he stopped a ways back and trying to fight this damned devourer that was above a cliff that he couldn't reach, so basically he's standing there 3/4 of the way back. god damn this quest. finally i lead him back and we finish the quest. later david and i pwn up some quests in yak's bend. thats about it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

How much is too much??

40 dollars a person is too much. It was a combined dinner for two of my uncles and an aunt. we went to this steak/lobster tail place with a group of nine, and im not sure how much the total was, but it was well over $450. I'll admit that it was the best salmon, steak, and salad I have had, but honestly....40 bucks for a meal?! Service was also great, but i felt really out of place. everyone was all dressed nice, but since i didnt know we were going to a nice place when i packed for the weekend, i was wearing shorts and a long sleeve atheletic shirt. i could go on about this subject but i have to finish my chemistry it is the lunch before chemistry and david is asking to copy my answers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Computer Upgrade

Finally getting that much needed memory upgrade for my computer. Ordered 1GB (512x2) from Site was a great help and easy to use, i recommend it for all of your memory needs. Anyway this should clear up some problems im experiencing while playing Guild Wars, Counter-Strike, and probably that pre-game lag i always have in Starcraft.
H4ppy G4ming!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Well...Guild Wars is a hella tight game....too bad my comp can barely handle it. Luckly the "explore" areas of the maps, a.k.a. anywhere outside of a town, are only shared with parties, thus you can not see other players in these areas. I believe this was an anti-spawn camp measure to make sure that everyone has the same opportunity for all quests and kills. Anyway this eliminates of the lag in these areas. However, when i wish to enter a town, i am stuck with the problem of not being able to move without waiting 30 seconds after every directional key i push. this leads me to my current problem... upgrade my pc's ram... or somehow amazing find an affordable computer that i will be allowed to buy. hopefully defragmenting will fix up this lag a bit so i wont have to decide, and chris said it got better the more he played, so maybe i will be able to manage. i also have found some techniques online for increasing computer performance, and i plan to try these out tomorrow after practice. wish me luck. BUY GW NOW!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oh well...

No one reads my blog anymore =(. and if there are you out there that do, you dont comment, which makes me think that you dont read it, making me less inclined to create new posts thus giving you something to do when you bored. this being said, if you are going to read a post, please comment on it. the comment doesnt have to be meaning full, just put in a small bit of information or something. otherwise the only reason for me to have a blog is so that i can change the song/sound and random times and have a little fun with that.