Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oh well...

No one reads my blog anymore =(. and if there are you out there that do, you dont comment, which makes me think that you dont read it, making me less inclined to create new posts thus giving you something to do when you bored. this being said, if you are going to read a post, please comment on it. the comment doesnt have to be meaning full, just put in a small bit of information or something. otherwise the only reason for me to have a blog is so that i can change the song/sound and random times and have a little fun with that.


David said...

I'm reading your blog for something to do when I'm bored. Don't make me depressed as well. Oh well, you should keep updating because I still do for some reason. Also, meaningfull is one word. Update something pwnage perhaps and more people shall comment. Put in good stories and such. Also try to make long posts because you have such a time gap that I like to have more to read each time while I wait for a new update.

Oreo said...

lol, alright well in trying to help steven, david made himself look noob at spelling. meaningful is indeed one word but only one l does it possess. there is my small bit of information for this post.

zack0217 said...

haha you always post on david's blog that you didn't read his post

Anonymous said...

Also, perhaps if you were to post random pictures of i don't know, the male reproductive organ, people would be more inclined to visit. As a side note, if you do intend to post pictures of such things, make sure they are at least 11 inches long. People don't like to see things that are normal, such as 10 inchers. Just a thought.

David said...

Ten inches is normal? I need to downsize mine, I'm a freak of nature.

David said...

likin the song, its runescape right?