Wednesday, May 09, 2007


English today made my whole day 5 times better. So we had to do these pointless presentations on persuasive techniques, because i guess he thinks that we learn better from our peers then we do from him, which could be true because no one listens to him. so chose groups of two, and chose persuasive techniques to learn about and present to the class. so everyone was had to make powerpoints that were 4-6 slides each, and talking about them for 1-2 minutes each. we were running through presentations going at a decent pace, and then abu....neiser?....(pardon my spelling but i think you all know who im talking about)...had to make his presentation. ok so first of all, the prior powerpoints had all had nice backgrounds and color themes and stuff...his powerpoint was white, with black text. his first slide, the word, and the definition. this slide had about 6 mispelled words. including genral (general) about 3 times. next slide was something about how you use it, but it was again white backgroud with black text, and many mispelled words. the final slide was the best....examples. his first example was, maxim is like when you call a little person a midget. oh but his sentence had a few spelling mistakes again. the next example made the whole class crack up. we had watched "The Color Purple" in class before, and he tried to relate to that.
"When albert told silly she was ugly"
"(the colored purple)"
for one, "Silly" is supposed to be "Celie", and the "colored" purple, was the "color" purple. this just about had me and the rest of the class roflmao. good times.


zack0217 said...

hahhah that was so funny. when he sat back down i was like: you're a dumbass.

David said...

I would have cried or fainted or something loud and manly during his presentation to show him how much of a n00b he was.

Oreo said...

dude lol, that guy is such a noob. i remember one time he showed me a math test in which he had gotten like 4 or maybe 14% as well as a similarly scored english test. then he proceeded to play a lame dragonball z ripoff GBA game and suck at it.

he r teh toal noob.