Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm such a druggy

So today i went up to get some chips, and my mom noticed i had been sniffing a lot lately. so she says, "If i didn't know better...I'd say you were snorting something.... pause... Steven let me see your nose." So i like turn my face and act like I'm hiding something. Good times. besides that i realized that im going to miss our ultimate championships this weekend due to going to Victoria....damn Victoria day being on the same day as ultimate...
Tetris seems to be all the rage at school now. We had a room with like 8 or 9 people at one point, it was pretty sweet. Most of them were noobs but either way it was fun.
Happy times.


Oreo said...

yeah, as I was walking around selling stuff for FBLA I saw multiple people playing it all over the place. some girl even asked me how she could get quinn.

David said...

You have created a monster. I think you might be a druggie though. Even more than Zack! He only does everything but snorting drugs(note: not a proven fact).