Thursday, December 27, 2007

Whap happens when you are playing ultimate and you run up to gaurd an inexperienced player? get hit with a frisbee thrown at full force in the face.

it hurt.

Wednesday we played ultimate from 4:30 to like....some time after 4:30, maybe around 6? Ok well we didn't play ultimate that whole time, first we were throwing a disc around, we being Davis, David, Zach R, and Melvin (I think that was his name) who is a friend of Zack's and coached Zack when he was on SW ultimate. After awhile Zack decided we should do 2v2 with perma handler, but then Sai and Bodon finished their swim practice and they joined us. Oh also Bijorn (idk how to spell it, bee-yorn) a friend of Zack's I have hung out with many times showed up. that made it 4 on 4. we played maybe one point, then Ashley was dropped off and we played 4v5 for awhile. My team got pwned, but I blame it on having been hit in the face, and having more inexperienced players, our 3 to their 2.

Christmas was good too I guess, but that will take awhile to post about so instead I will add some specifically good gifts I received. Got a miniDV camcorder from my dad that my cousin said is really good. Got a $100 gift card to best buy. Got a poster of Transformers signed by cast. Got a ps2 game from my cousin, which is funny because I have gamecube in Shoreline and xbox in West Seattle, and he guesses ps2.

Shoot one more thing I just remembered I was going to post about, I had a very gay experience before christmas... my grandma wanted to go to the Men's Chorus at Benaroya Hall. It was gay.

1 comment:

David said...

Usually it's spelled Bjorn.

That chorus must remind you of gay even now.