Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Winter Break: In Review

Overall, an amazing break. I'll start with the last day of school...
Last day of school before break I watched... 2 movies and played ping-pong. After school we wanted to play some frisbee, so David, Davis, Orion and I threw a disc around at Shorewood because Orion needed to talk to Mr. Noise, who was in a parent conference. We waited for awhile, but the conference didn't end so we started to head over to Shoreline A + B. We threw a disc around for awhile, then Sai got out of swim practice and we played a weak 2v2 game until David and Sai had to leave. Orion and I threw the disc around for awhile and then Ashley showed up after working on her project. We continued to throw around for what seemed like a really long time, though it was fun and good practice for the two newbies. It got dark, and I had to go to my dads house, so we stopped at around 5... though it was awhile ago so I might be off.

Stayed at my dads until Christmas. Not much happened, I was sick for a couple days, we went to the Men's Chorus with my grandma, got last minute shopping done. Christmas Eve dinner was at my grandmas with my dad's family as usual. It was nice seeing family again but... it lasted until like 1 am and we were all really tired. My dad let me drive back to the Shoreline house and I slept until 10:30 pm Christmas day.

Christmas was Christmas, my mom's family came over and we did the usually Christmas dinner, nothing special. Played ultimate a couple days after Christmas, and that was really fun. We had a good turn out that included Ashley, David, Davis, Sai, Bodon, Zack, Bjorn, and Melvin who is Zack's friend. Not a bad game, my team, consisting of Ashley, Melvin, David, and I, lost miserably, but it was still fun. Also I got hit in the face (see below).

Break continued, and so did my procrastination. Didn't get much done, but watched a few movies and played some Starcraft. Eventually Orion wanted to get in on some ultimate so we tried to get something together last minute, which failed and left Ashley, Davis, Orion and I throwing a disc around for awhile until we got bored. Davis was hungry, so we went to Taco Bell where Davis and Orion got some quesadillas... am I spelling it wrong or is it not in the blogger dictionary? We then went back to my house and played some Wario Ware for awhile.

Next day Jack felt bad for not showing up to the frisbee event the night before, so he planned a huge ultimate game at 10. Ashley was having internet problems so she came over early and she worked on her college apps for awhile and then we hung out. Jack came over maybe 20 minutes before the game and played some Wario Ware with us. Then we went to the Ultimate game, which was amazing. The teams were Zack, Chris, Jeff Bair, Mike (aka Big Mike), Adam and I against Jack, Ashley, Willa, Ryan, Ian, Nick (Chelsea Grossman's fiance), and Andrew Namkum. We won 13-2, it was amazing, so was I.

New Years Eve. Ashley was asking me about what I was doing, so I invited her to the GoW party saying she could come with the approval of David and Sai. I guess it was approved. She made up some excuse to come over early, so she was dropped off and got here around 1:15. I think we started off playing ping-pong in the garage. There was a lot of crap in front of the table, so we had to move everything to the side. Ping-pong was fun, I played easy on her but she was decent for someone who doesn't play. After a while we went inside, and Italian Job was in the DVD player so I decided I wanted to watch that. We sat on the couch and the movie started playing. Ashley isn't very good at paying attention to movies. We sat on the couch like two friends would do, but she eventually she leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I was pretty surprised by this, because I didn't know she felt that way about me. She said something like, "You know, I like you too. You don't have to worry." Some combination of those two sentences. At this point I got kinda nervous. My heart started beating, and I knew what was going to come next. She was waiting for something... but I wasn't sure I was ready to ask. She repeatedly said things like, "Isn't there something you want to ask me?" and, "Nothings different yet." Eventually I asked the obvious question, and she said yes. It was a very happy time. We lied together on the couch, and started doing things only now that we were in a relationship could we do. Hmm that sounds really bad... yeah we just kissed for a bit. I was very happy. It was a very happy evening. (If you are reading this, yes. I did edit this later and put most of the above in after the original post.) Around 6:50 or so we left for David's via the van my mom is borrowing from the Grossman family. The party was decent. Played some smash, 2v2 GoW, 3v3 Halo, and missed the countdown to the new year (>.<). Ashley said she had fun.

First day of the year. Played some Quinn, which transformed into Starcraft and our single game of Snowball Wars for the 2007 Winter break. Needless to say we pwned. Sai signed on so we played Helms Deep instead, then a 4v4 game that didn't go so well.

Today, the last day before school, I did my psychology homework having realized the night before that we had been assigned notes. That was fun1.

Yeah like I said overall this break was amazing. By far my best winter break yet, and probably the best of any of my breaks during the year. Not too bummed that it's over, looking forward to daily frisbee again. Also I think my life will start getting better. I'm going to try to be more organized and get hw done early, as my part of my New Year's Resolution always has to do with doing hw.
Dang this was a long post.... my bad.


David said...

"That was fun1."

Nice. Long posts are cool. You should read mine too.

lol, bj was in the word verification.

Oreo said...

that looks close to a record post length i think.

that was the first time i've seen you use the word "newbie"

ZerythPhoenix said...

Whoa I didn't realize that you actually went back and edited it...=P

You forgot to put in the juicy parts of NYE!! And EXCUSE ME I made up some excuse to come over to your house? MADE UP SOME EXCUSE?! Pfff, such biased writing...and by biased I mean you're a liar liar pants on fire person dude man.

ZerythPhoenix said...

Wait I just reread that stuff, and that is not exaaactly how that stuff're creating false memories.