Friday, March 28, 2008

21 The Movie

Thursday was a pretty cool day, followed by an even better evening.

Went to school, 2nd period Psych took notes, 4th period Calc took notes and got a worksheet, 6th period health watched "Supersize Me" and Ashley came with me since her class was on a field trip that she wasn't going on. After school Ultimate practice was just like every other practice. We ran a couple drills and then scrimmaged. Not very many people where there this time... only like 14-15. After practice I got my hopes up because Ashley left a message saying she might be able to go to the movie at 7:00. After getting home I txted Chris and said I wasn't going to take him, only to call him back later and change plans again.
Got home and worked on... something... I can't really remember but I remember I had to take a fatty dump and I took my laptop with me to work on something =P. Uh, some other stuff happened... my brain isn't really working... like too good... right now. Uhhhmmm... yeah. Chris came over around 6:00, and we left around 6:30. We got to the theater in like... 6 minutes or something it was freaking amazing. It was a bit past Northgate Mall, and we didn't know where exactly it was. Google maps directions were pretty good though, but it took us to the rear end of the theater, which worked out since we saw the line wrapping around to the back side. I parallel parked on the street behind, and we walked right to the line. Stood in line for like... 15 minutes? I don't remember, and I forgot my phone in the car so I didn't have the time. We talked about stuff for a while, and then got into the theater. They took our ticket, then we had to go through security which consisted of 3-4 cops and a guy with a metal detector wand thingy. We didn't bring a camcorder, which was lucky since we never would have got in. It was funny though, because the wand kept beeping, but the guy using it was just like ok so that must be your keys... beeeeeep, that must be some change in your pocket... beeeeep, that's your keys again. There was no way they would have fit a recording device in their pockets, but it was just funny how he didn't even care that it was beeping on every single person, and he just let them in.
Inside the theater there was a poker table set up, with people playing, of course, Blackjack. The movie was good, and Chris and I had a great time. I hope I can get more of those premiere tickets again some time.

I'll post later about today (Friday) and the field trip that we are going to go on.


David said...

Lol to texting Chris then having to reinvite him.


Anonymous said...

the most interesting thing about this movie is the fact that some people from MIT really did this and succeeded at it for a while