Monday, March 24, 2008

So, you want a blog post?

Whaa Baaam!
How's this for a post!
Wow my weekend was... very secluded.
I spent... many hours playing Guild Wars.
Friday after going to my dads... GW.
Saturday before the Ultimate games... GW.
Saturday after the Ultimate games... GW.
Sunday after going back to Shoreline, but before driving to Camano Island where my Uncle and Aunt live... ok well then I just talked with Ashley.
Sunday after getting home at 7:00 from "brunch" with family... GW for a little and then other stuff.

Bleh, so much Guild Wars... yet so productive. I made a killing this weekend! So many awesome drops. I got enough Golden Eggs + Keys for treasure hunter on my monk, and almost enough gold items for Wisdom title on my main. I can't remember if the Wisdom title has an inherent effect, but I know with treasure hunter you get +3% salvage rate on lock picks and materials. I don't think that was +3% materials actually... just +3% chance to retain the item you salvage an upgrade component from. Either way a useful title.

Alright so I'm going to focus on Ultimate more I think... because I am receiving very positive comments from the coaches. Hmm... Bruegger thinks I could play "professionally" or at the college level. That's exciting to hear... but I highly doubt that SCC has an Ultimate Frisbee team. Maybe I can find a league with openings on teams somewhere. Either way I need to train harder and put more effort into practices... since lately I haven't really been trying or cared about practices at all. Yay for Ultimate!

Hmm... my grades are shit right now. I really hope that I can keep my license... since my mom said that if I didn't get a 3.0gpa she might not let me get insurance, and thus get my license revoked. That would not be cool, especially since I really enjoy driving her new car.

Alright well STAR is over and I don't feel like staying in Psych class any longer. I might make another post soon with more stuff that is going on. Could be as soon as next period, could take as long as a month. We'll see.

1 comment:

David said...

So THAT'S where you were at STAR. I skipped CE that day, but I couldn't find you.

Treasure hunter gives you the salvage bonus and a lockpick bonus, while wisdom gives you just a salvage bonus.

UW should have a UF team, just retire for two years, then come out of retirement.

Now let's play some GW!