Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ok so, my life is kinda fucked up right now. School is going down the drain, and I am quite possibly throwing away my life every day. I am currently failing health, which means I will not be gradating high school if I don't make some changes. That being said, to all my fellow Starcraft players, I must ask you a favor... do not allow me to play anymore. I'm serious. No matter how hard I want to play, you must stop me and tell me that I need to be concentrating on school work. I'll try to stay on Ultimate, but idk how long it will be until Suckol finds out about my grades and I'm kicked off. But yeah, please don't mention this stuff at Frisbee because I really want to be able to stay on the team. Bleh this is kinda hard to do right now. Ok another thing, I shouldn't watch Starcraft videos anymore either. Lately those have sucked up a lot of my time, and maybe if I don't feel compelled to keep up with all the Korean leagues right now, I'll be able to focus on school. Wait forgot to add the point to that last sentence, if you see me watching Starcraft or loading Starcraft videos at school, somehow stop me, no matter what I say.
Alright well besides school life is pretty good. Ashley and I are really happy together, and I see this lasting a really long time, as long as I stay on path with graduation and SCC.
I got a road bike on Sunday, and I'm really happy with it. I hope I will be able to spend more time biking, and perhaps that will cut the computer/vg addiction. bleh I don't want to write anymore.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I got tired of posting about Spring Break, so time to move onto Starcraft.

Sitting in Adult Living right now with nothing to do. I'm going to start being more active in TL (Team Liquid) again. I'm going to track Proleague and it's going to be really fun. I used up my 4 bets today, I'm still not sure how LiquidBets works. It said I had 4 bets open, so I bet on the 4 proleague matchups. It's the start of the season, so no games have been played yet. This is a great time to start betting. Btw you don't get anything for winning, just forum ranks I think. And by forum ranks I mean profile ranks that show under your name when you post on the forums.

Yesterday was my first day back to Starcraft in a loooong time. Keir is on Spring Break right now so I was able to play with him. We played something like 6-7 games, and won all but our last 2, which were both against teams of Koreans. I watched the replays this morning (Tuesday) and saw that one of the guys had over 300 apm, which is totally ridiculous. We could have done better that game to... had I not incorrectly assumed where my choke was =/. All our matches were played on Python 1.3, and were all really fun.

This paragraph probably should have come first, but w/e. So I got a new loader instead of BWL now. I now use the one I heard about from Combat-EX (Wasif1112). I'm not sure if that's the right link, but I can't check since I am at school and youtube is blocked. Anyway it is a really great program called Adv Loader that includes many features, including the all-important zerg mineral hack detection. That saved Keir and I from a wasted 20 minutes and pointless loss. Excellent program that is amazingly easy to use. There is one glitch involving Windows that I read about today, but it is easily solved.

Can't wait for more people to get back into Starcraft!!

**Edit: I will probably start making the montage again, so if you want to be in it, you better play with me. =P

Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring Break

Best Spring Break ever!!
Ok so Friday was the field trip for physics, and that was pretty fun. It wasn't really that it was amazingly entertaining, but it was better than having to spend the last day before spring break in class. We still had to go to first period though, which didn't really matter since it was just sitting there receiving our check from The School of the Rock Contest. Meh, wasn't that fun but better than having to rehearse. We got out of band really late, after everyone else had already walked to the highland ice arena, so the few of us that were in band and physics had to walk there late. We didn't get there very late though, because there was still a line to the door for getting ice skates, so I guess it was nice not having to stand in line very long. We went to the rink 2, at least I think it was rink 2, and skated around for a while. I guess there was a worksheet some people were working on, but nobody really cared about it since it could be bsed anyway.

After ice skating we went to Spin Alley and started the bowling half of the field trip. Now ice skating I'm not bad at since I have pretty good balance, but bowling, bleh I suck at bowling. I found out later from my mom that I have been bowling like... 3 times or something when I was in elementary school. I suck. It's not that I don't mind bowling, it might be fun if I did it more often, but it's frustrating to know I could do better but still mess up more often then not. We played one and a half games, and Eric Chan was by far the best in our group. Our group consisted of Anton, Eric, Orion, Davis, David, Sai, Eli, and I. I might be forgetting someone but oh well. Eventually the pizzas showed up and we had to eat some crappy veggy pizza until more showed up. I only had like 2 slices of decent pizza, and 2 slices of crappy veggy that I wanted to throw up the second I swallowed. Oh well there were a lot of people and $40 only goes so far. Was it only a $40 class fee? For some reason I remember it being higher.

After the field trip I did the paper route with Orion, we played some DD, and started recording our times. I probably went on GW after he left, but that was over a week ago so I can't remember.

Um, probably played a lot of GW... yeah I wasted a lot of my break playing GW. I'm glad I stopped using xfire... because it would be very depressing to see how long I played.

Hung out with Ashley at her house, that was fun.

Ashley came over and we played ping-pong and did other stuff.

Played Guild Wars, then Ashely came over and we did stuff. Afterwards I tried to start getting into a workout schedule again. As of today, Monday April 7, I have not continued. I think I'm going to keep like an exel chart or something.

Still felt like being active after yesterday, so I went outside and played basketball. Ashley came over later and we shot some hoops, then I was reminded of how good jump roping is for endurance. That's something I can do on the off days that I don't lift.

Too be continued....