Friday, December 04, 2009

Fantasy Proleague

Proleague finished about 10 minutes ago, but I am still all hyped up because of the excitement for my Fantasy Proleague team.
Ben, Albert, David, Keir, Sai and I all signed up for Fantasy Proleague this season and it started today. For those few who don't know, Proleague is the Korean Starcraft team league, and Fantasy Proleague is comparable to any other fantasy sport. Basic format is, you pick 6 progamers and one team to play for your team. Each progamer and team is assigned a certain number of points depending on how well they did in the previous season, and your total team points can not add up to more than 30. You then pick an anti-team of 3 players who's scores must add up to a minimum of 15. Your fantasy team gets points when your players or your team does well, and you lose points when the players on your anti-team do well. The six of us are part of a group where you can easily compare scores and see who is in the lead. It's not really fair to say who is in the lead after 1 day, because only 2 teams play per week, so not everyone's players would have had a chance to play. However, I think it's important to note that I am in first place with 13 points =P. Ben is in a close second with 11, followed by Keir, Albert, Sai, and David bringing up the rear.
After looking up the scoring, I realized that there are actually more things to consider than I realized. I'm starting to think that some of my picks were bad choices... but I guess there is always the option to trade later.
I love being able to dual screen. It was pretty awesome watching the matches on my TV while having the schedule and each of our team windows open on my laptop screen.

Oh I also won both of my liquid bets tonight, so that was also good.

Now on to a longer post about life and such.

Once again I don't feel like thinking about organization so I don't blame anyone for skipping this part, it's mostly a record for me anyway I guess.
Yesterday my mom got a flat tire while going to visit my grandma. This could be because I slightly over-inflated the tires when we drove to... where the heck did we go... oh yeah Issaquah to my cousins for thanksgiving. But my mom went to grease monkey after that to get the oil checked and they said the tire pressure was fine at that point so I'm not taking the blame. Anyway my neighbor gave me a ride to QFC where they had pulled off the road and I learned how to change a tire. Not to sound defensive but I'm pretty sure I could have figured it out without help anyway, it isn't very hard. Under the spare tire in the hidden trunk compartment we found a pair of scissors, a toothbrush, a bow-tie, and a crafting tool with Terry (neighbor) said he could use if we didn't want it. Oh it's a used car btw in case you think we just throw random shit under our spare tire. Anyway today I went to Les Schwab to get the tire fixed. Damn there were a lot more people there than I would have thought. Five people/families were waiting in front of me, and at least 3 of them also had flat tires. That took a while, but they had a decent waiting area with the news on.
On the news a saw some pretty f***ed up report about a trial in Italy. There was a UW student who went to Italy on a foreign exchange program, and while there she murdered and committed sexual abuse on her British roommate with her boyfriend. Pretty messed up. Anyway she plead guilty I guess and got 26 years in prison and has to pay the family of the roommate 5 million Euros. Sure that's pretty bad, but I couldn't believe how on the news they were saying that the trial wasn't fair and that they gave her a worse punishment because she is from the US. When I heard this I was like... "WTF?" This chick took another innocent girls life. In my opinion she deserves life. I don't care whether or not she has no priors and probably wouldn't commit another crime in her life, she took another person's life. She doesn't deserve hers. The fact that she will get out before she is 50 does not seem reasonable to me. It's not she only took 26 years from the person she killed. Ok well enough rambling about ethics. Btw I am for the death penalty.
Now lets go backwards in time to Thanksgiving. Wait no, the day before. The day before Thanksgiving was my grandma's birthday. We got picked up a cake at Fred Meyer and then headed over to the Richmond Beach Rehab center to visit. My grandma is not well. She's not really eating much for herself, so needless to say she didn't have cake. We reserved a small dining hall/room for my mom, sister, aunt and grandma, but she wouldn't get up and out of her room. My grandma is now back on oxygen and has a feeding tube for 1 meal a day. It sucks because she seems depressed and isn't really working to get better.
Ok Thanksgiving.
We dropped by Richmond Beach Rehab again in the morning before going to my cousin's house in Issaquah, but my grandma was asleep so my mom wrote a note for her and we went to fill up our tires with air. Recommended PSI was 36, but I did about 39-40. We found the house with little trouble. My cousin Kristin and her husband Ron have a really nice house. It's in a community up in some forest that makes it the type of neighborhood I would like to live in, but it wouldn't be good for kids because you don't really get to know your neighbors. They have two golden retrievers, a hot tub, and a game room that includes a pinball machine, darts, a bar, pool, and a nice chess table. They also just got a Wii so that was fun. Ron's not sure he wants to keep it though because he only got a Wii over a 360 thinking Kristin might enjoy it as well. Dinner was good, and my family always has great stories or intriguing subjects to talk about, so it's always a good time. Oh right, people there were my cousins, my mom's brother and his wife, my mom's sister, one of Kristin's brothers (the other is in some European country doing Starbucks expansion), and Ron's mom. I probably didn't list all the family members in a very cohesive manner, but I know who they are so that's all that matters really.
What else to talk about... SW Ultimate Frisbee is really lame. No one comes to practices and the experience level is really low, so it will definitely be a disappointing season for SW yet again.
Winter break is almost here and Keir and I plan on getting C on Iccup for 2v2s. I think Keir said we could get C+ or B-, but that's really ambitious and with his 50 apm I don't see that happening haha.
GGGRRARAAAAHHHH why can't the OSL start already!!!
Oh also, Ashley and I are hooked on Dexter now, thanks Ben, and we pretty much gave up on Heroes. Still watching House regularly, and keeping on with Stargate: Universe on Hulu with David.
Idk what else there is.... I'm addicted to Guitar Hero DS. I have at least one drink every friday now, but still haven't had enough to get drunk yet. I might start reading books again since games are really cutting it anymore. Nothing else I guess.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Irregular Update

Alright I have some down time on this veterans day before Ashley comes over and before we go to Toys R Us to get some legendary pokemon that I don't care about and apparently go shopping for clothes for Albert? Yeah that last part was confusing for me as well. I'll probably go to gamestop while we are there and see if they have an refurbished 360s since I have $100 in gamestop giftcards.

Recently I've been abusing netflix streaming videos since I recently discovered my mom has a subscription and they have a lot of movies and tv series available online. I watched all 5 seasons of the Office so now I am caught up to the current season, however NBC is gay and only keeps the last 5 or so episodes online so I guess I'll just have to wait until the seasons over to see the first few. I think they are being anal about copyright too because I can't find them on any illegal sites. A few days after finishing season 5 I was talking to Ben about The Office and he mentioned another series that is good, Dexter. I looked it up on netflix and sure enough they have the first 2 seasons available online. The third season is on dvd but not available to stream. Either it will be available by the time I finish the first two season, (I finished season 1 in a few days), or I'll just get the dvd since we get 2 dvds at a time and they deliver next day so my mom only really needs one of the dvd slots. Also I recently watched Memento with Ashley because something reminded me that I wanted to watch it again... oh yeah psych class. As far as other shows go I am keeping up with Stargate Universe live with David, and House live with my mom. I'll probably watch The Office live now too. Shit I watch a lot of tv.

Gaming... well I'm playing Starcraft again. It's pwnage. I stopped playing GW because I'm just sitting in the guild hall drunk whenever I'm on my computer. I have had enough booze for Ale-Hound since Halloween, but it just takes so damn long to get the title... 10,000 minutes drunk to be exact. But anyway I've pretty much just gone to setting up my macro overnight and then playing Starcraft during the day if I'm on my computer. Oh another thing I forgot to mention earlier is that I'm streaming the videos through my computer and dual screening onto the tv downstairs. So yeah that's pretty awesome.

I could do a whole other paragraph just on starcraft... but I'll keep it to the main points. Using chaos launcher. Found an anti-hack that uses an online hacker database to compare players in lobbies to known hackers. Also has a replay scanner to scan for hackers. Mostly hosting and playing 1v1 python play/obs games, but will probably go to ICcup soon since I am in great form again. Found a few cool mouse control practice UMS maps. I'm keeping up with proleague religiously. Ben told me about fantasy proleague, going to sign up for that next round. Also, anyone interested in starcraft should sign up for it and we can create our own group to compete in. Doesn't require much time unless you want it to, you don't have to know anything about proleague, the more people the better.

Might get l4d 2 by Sai's suggestion since the demo was a lot of fun and it would be something for Davis, David and I to do instead of vanquishing (pretty boring). I think on steam we can get 4cd keys at a for a cheaper price per key. Maybe that was just l4d 1 but it would be worth looking in to.

David, Sai and I (and maybe Chris with his fatty HD tv) having been talking about getting a place or something. One possibility is moving in to my grandma's old house for either free or a very low rent. Another that Sai was suggesting is that since he works for... idk house repossession or something?.. we could find a really cheap place that the government/banks are just trying to make a quick sale on. Both would be options, but require jobs. It would be nice though so that Ashley could come over and we could hang out.

So that's pretty much it. No one cares what I'm doing at school, and if I forgot anything else than it isn't important enough to remember.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Something else that is pissing me off and is why I am blogging so much now

screw you comcast.

*5 minutes later*

inconsistent much?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Couple Things

A couple things I forgot to mention.

There is this middle-aged guy in my english class that is going back to school in order to pursue a theory he has. It's pretty awesome. It would be fun to one day when I am rich and retired to go back to school to pursue random crap like this:
I decided I would feel kinda bad publishing this guys theory. I have no idea whether or not it would be okay for me to do so, so I'll just play it safe and not. If you are really interested email me and I might consider sending you the original, and as always un-edited, post.

Another thing I forgot to mention in the blog post was.... crap I was hoping to remember by the time I finished typing that sentence...
Talking about that theory distracted me and now I can't remember the other thing I was going to talk about. Dammit I really can't remember. Alright well maybe it will come back to me later.
Ok so I thought of something, idk if this was it but it's something.
I think Red Vines put some kind of addictive substance into their licorice.
I realized later that my sudden addiction to licorice is probably due to my lack of sugar consumption prior to getting a tub of licorice from costco.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Back on Track

Well, school has started again. On the one hand, it means my life with be a lot more scheduled and have some meaning, on the other... I have to go to school. Before I delve into my post of random thoughts that pop into my mind, a quick note about this blog: I think I'll try to make weekly posts now. Also I will be reading blogs again too, so don't have a heart attack when you see a comment from some "pronoob5" regarding the content of a blog post. Now to the rambling.

So my classes this Fall '09 quarter are as follows: 9:30-10:20 - Psychology (with david, next hour is english 102 (idk if I mentioned this but I dropped it last attempt), and for third hour I have math. Psychology seems like a pretty standard lecture class: go to class, take notes, do little exercises for homework, study for exams. English 102 is the one where you have a quarter to write a 10-12 page research paper and the whole quarter focuses on getting you there, except somehow the instructor has 2 exams and a final planned in addition to the paper. For math I got the instructor that I had for precalc my first quarter, so that's cool. I like his teaching methods and his grading scales. Oh yes before I forget, a little math "joke" that he gave us today: The Brett Favre equation. I'll refer back to it at the end of this post to give you guys (mostly Orion since Davis isn't a football fan and idk if David would get it) a chance to think of what this function could be. Readers probably won't remember this, but this is the teacher that had Newton's Law of Cooling on the final where I couldn't remember the exact formula so I derived my own. He gave me a look while doing review of exponential today and proceeded to tell the class about my endeavor. Good times.

Chris is taking classes at SCC as well, english and math like I did my first quarter, and his last class gets out at the same time and building so I've been giving him a ride home daily. It's cool getting to hang out a bit and talk with him. It's a bit weird thinking about how this is the guy I've known since I was old enough to go play out in the neighborhood, and now we are still hanging out after college. Anyway he's planning on selling his 360 sometime soon to upgrade or something and I was thinking about getting one so I might have a more pressing reason to get a job soon now since he wants to sell within 3 months or something like that. Speaking of money, my mom and I have been talking about my dad a bit lately, and damn I really don't like that guy. He makes 6 figures, probably closer to 200k than 150, and he refuses to give my mom/us any support. From what my mom says he was a dick during the divorce, like he had a ruthless expensive lawyer, which apparently angered him when he found out that my mom was getting her attorney for free (a friend from her firm). I still remember the day my dad came over with the big moving truck and took all the furniture from out basement, and various things from the garage, just to go put them in storage for 3 years or something. Anyway I will stop using this blog to vent... for now.

David has been emailing back and forth with Suckol (:P) and I guess it's settled: David, Eric and I will be volunteer coaching for Shorewood Ultimate Frisbee this year. I'm pumped. Not only because it's an opportunity to play Ultimate, but also because we get to train the nooblets and watch the do battle against other nooblets on the field. It's like we got our own pokemons or something. Also I told Chris about it and he thinks it would be fun to tell the high-schoolers to run laps. Idk though his attitude might not be great for training the noobs.

What else what else... new Stargate series starting this friday. Honestly... not going to hold my breath over it. SG-1 was amazing, but I have a feeling it won't quite match up. House MD started. The 2 hour premier was cool. It's fun watching my mom get emotional over a show and trying to hide her watery eyes afterward. Not to sound too feminine but, I actually get pretty into shows and movies like that too. But not to the the eyes watering extent.

So Kelsey went to the walk-in clinic today because she hurt her ankle at her soccer game yesterday (Sunday). Wow she is such a wimp. She has a "badly sprained ankle" and she hobbles around like she will collapse if her foot touches the floor. This happens every season too. She gets "hurt" and then stops playing for a while and claims she can't practice or play because it hurts too much. She is such a baby. Maybe if she was a bit more active she wouldn't get "hurt" so easily. And by a bit more I mean active at all.

Speaking of being active...
Ashley and I are still going strong. We had a couple hiccups this summer, but I guess it's to be expected. We're competing in pokemon at the moment. Competing meaning we each play our respective version (Diamond/Pearl) for 2 hours and then we battle. It's been pretty close, but I think I remember losing 2-1 last round. Mostly I blame the stupid pokemon competition that takes 30 minutes and gets you ZERO experience. My powerhouse pokemon right now are probably Garydos, Monferno, and Machop. Onix is up there too but he's seeming to be less useful than I expected. I wasted a TON of experience training a zubat for the first few rounds, only to realize that it would never because good. Originally I had thought that since we were at low levels, I could just put it up first and then confuse her pokemon as they come... however my supersonic accuracy seems to be 0% at about 0 for 6. Her kadabra is proving to be a pain in the ass, since it's strong against all my good pokemon. Hopefully Garydos will learn some god damn water attacks soon so he won't have to bite everything, then he might be able to take on Kadabra.

I'm sure there are other things I had planned on blogging about that aren't coming to me atm, but this post has gone on long enough.

Lek tol.
(I'm a nerd, what of it?)

Oh also the math joke, f(x) = -2^x. Get it? Yeah it's stupid but w/e.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Camping and STP

I went camping from June 29th to July 3rd (5 days) at Lincoln Rock in Eastern Washington. Lincoln rock is located between Wenatchee and Lake Chelan on a portion of the Columbia river that is dammed off. It was fun

STP was July 11th and July 12th, Saturday and Sunday. I stayed over friday night at my dads and Saturday we rode the first ~112 miles to Napavine where we stayed at an elementary school that is on the course, and Sunday we rode the final ~90.5 miles into Portland where we stayed in a hotel for the night and drove back Monday afternoon.

Now for a more in depth analysis.

June 27th, Saturday
I woke up like every other summer morning: got up out of bed and zombied 2 feet South to my desk. Started up my laptop and went through the bookmarks. Pure Pwnage -> GomTV (even though they only do scheduled updates I check it because it is on my bookmarks bar) -> Cholera's youtube page -> Combat-Ex's youtube page (even though I disklike him more every video) -> VioleTAK (even though English commentators are really slow and always post videos a week after I've watched them in Korean) -> Nevake youtube page (here is where I generally start watching something). From here I usually start up a VOD and decide whether I want to bring my laptop upstairs so I can watch a game while eating Cocoa Puffs (or rather the Fred Meyer brand that comes in a huge bag and IMO tastes better). After breakfast I'll head back down into my man-cave and determine whether I need to bathe or not based on if I am going to have human interaction today besides Ashley (who I have been fortunate enough to see almost every day I've been home this summer). Parenthesis are awesome (I guess).
From here I either watch more SC or switch to Stargate SG-1. I'm now on Season 9 but I fucked up the torrent download somehow so I'm re-downloading it which should probably take 2-4 more nights from today (July 14th). I start packing while watching E01S09 of Stargate. At a couple points in skips like 10 seconds because Ididn't complete the download, but it's good enough for now. Oh also my sister already packed and left yesturday for my dad's house because it was her weekend with him anyway. For those of you who may not know the situation (I heard Ben reads this), my sister and I used to go to my dad's house every other weekend, but around when I turned 18 I decided to fuck it and just stay home from now on because it's boring as shit there. I pack and get ready and shit, try to find an extra tube for my bike because yet again I had a flat. My dad later told me that I probably get so many flats because I overinflate my tubes. The tires say the max is 110, so naturally I take that with a grain of salt and give it 115 just for kicks. Apparently this wasn't such a great idea these past couple years. Back to storytelling: I got packed and ready.
That night my dad picked me up and we went to West Seattle.

June 28th, Sunday
Fuck this is going to be a long post. I won't hold it against anyone if they stop reading now, I know I would have just read the first 2 paragraphs and stopped.

There was no hurry to leave early in the morning, so we woke up at our leisure and eventually headed out. The drive there wasn't bad, I had loaded my iPod up with the Adam Carolla podacast episodes that I hav ebeen slacking on since the start of summer. Before I knew it we were at Lincoln Rock National Park. My cousin, Uncle, and my cousin's mom had got there the previous day and were already set up. The reason I referred to my would-be Aunt as my cousin's mom is because my Uncle, who I call Gerald, never married her. I call her Mimi. My cousins name is Sam. See how random I type shit out when I just type what I think? It's great.
Alright I'm getting bored of this so I'm going cut out a lot of detail.
First day was pretty laid back, we set up our shit and just got to know the area. Our campsite was overlooking the body of water (dammed up Columbia River) and there was a small "dock" that went... 20 yards? into the water and was... 10 feet? wide. I think my dad will be attempting to post his some hundred pictures on facebook if he ever figures out how to use it. I'll keep you posted. Alright so basically: campsite, pretty steep hill down to the water level, 1-2 foot edge dropping down to 2-8 feet of rocky "beach". An entire portion of the campground was taken by our group that consisted of like 5-8 families. For the first couple days, the non-parents consisted of 5 people my age, 2 Sophomores as they were called, and a lot of young girls (10 and under I'd say). Our "group" was my cousin Sam, his friend Riley (who I met at Sam's graduation barbecue), Cameron, a friend of theirs, Cameron's girlfriend Samantha (Sam), Robby (Riley's younger brother), and Mitch who was there with his mom and a friend of theirs. Riley and Mitch were the Sophomores obviously. First afternoon/night we just kinda sat around. We threw a disc, but it was really windy so then we threw a football. Dinner was with seperate families (except my Dad, Andrea, Kelsey and I were on the same site as my cousin, Gerald, and Mimi so we always ate together). I think this was the night we (the previously established "group") played Blackjack. Sam and Mimi had found out that there was an 18+ casino in Chelan and we planned on going there one day/afternoon. Here I realized that playing cards is a great way to get to know people. Because of the age limit, I learned everyone's age, and I was able to learn everyone's personality. I'll try to break it down now because I'm bored and have nothing to do, I realize that people probably don't care at all but David is working on lab so I have a while before Starcraft commences, and I don't even know if Ashley is coming over today. Holy shit Kwanro just build like 50 sunken colonies. ANYWAYS.
Sam: More outgoing than I am, also known for his dancing abilities (MJ style). Half Filipino. A bit shorter than me, but probably bigger in size (strength not fat). Single. Plays basketball and is in a summer softball league for fun that is all ages. Going to UNLV next year.
Riley: Half Filipino. Avid basketball player. Going to UW next year. As far as I know, single. Family seems to be good financially.
Robby: Half Filipino. Fanatic basketball player. Ladies man. Doesn't seem that intelligent. Sophomore next year. Family seems to be good financially.
Mitch: Red head. Very outgoing/loud. Perhaps comparable to a young Jake. Will probably be single a very long time. Sophomore next year.
Carmeron: Light skin. Great sense of humor. Really fun to hang out with. Good person. In a relation ship with: Samantha (Sam). Future plans: unknown. Family seems to be good financially.
Sam: Hmm... 7/10, maybe an 8. Nice person. Wasn't too involved with the group, but seemed to come around every once-in-a-while to see Cameron.

Blackjack was fun, Riley taught us how to count cards from a book he read for math class. Much comedy ensued with lines like: "What's the count what's the count?!" And: "It's +10 ALL IN!"
We should go to a casino some time it's a lot of fun.

Sleeping situation was as follows: On one side of the camping site 3 tents. One for my sister, a two person tent, one for my dad and Andrea, and one for Gerald and Mimi. On the other side of the site, past the "kitchen", a pretty big tent for Riley, Sam and I. Later Andrew (wow was that his name? I can't remember) joined us.
The first night sucked. It was hella windy which made a lot of noise in the trees, and then every morning it was extremely hot once the sun rose so it was almost impossible to stay in the tent.

June 29th, Monday
I was out of the tent first, and I zombied over to the "kitchen" and picnic table.
Ok a couple of notes now, that's the second time I've used "zombied". I made it up just now as a term for the way I walk in the morning. It's probably already been used, but I swear I didn't get it from anywhere else.
Second, Gerald and Mimi brought 2 tables, which put together parallel would probably equal the card table in my basement. One is just a sturdy camping-quality table, and the other has 2 sinks and a drainage system. It was very useful for washing dishes, and called the kitchen.

Breakfast was pancakes and scrambled eggs, a standard camping breakfast. Morning chatter included talk of the Harry Potter movie and how Mimi was engrossed with the Twilight series. Throughout the 6 days camping I believe she read the last half of the first, all of the second, and started the third.
Hmm I'm not sure what we did today so I might just combine the camping trip into one mesh. I know we threw a football around again, and we dived off the dock... oh today badminton was set up that's right. Throughout the trip badminton was almost always being played by at least 2 people, usually more. Wow I really can't remember the order in which things happened... so I'll just mention the major events now.

We played blackjack another time at the campsite before going to the casino. Sam had a blackjack layout similar to my poker table except it wasn't a hard table so it was more portable. Mimi taught us the general "strategies" and what is good when. Cameron made it a lot of fun with his personality. One afternoon we headed over to the casino. It took like an hour to get there. The people who came were: Sam, Riley, Cameron, Sam(antha), Mimi, Gerald, Riley/Robby/Riley and Robby's younger sister's mom who's name I can't remember. Another short Filipino woman similar to Mimi, but doesn't know how to gamble much like Mimi who is a Lawyer. Gerald was going to drop us off and then go fishing. Gerald is an outdoors person who does pretty much any work involving exterior housing such as painting, roofing, cleaning gutters, etc. Very cool person, eldest of 3 in my dad's family. When we got to the casino, he decided to come in with us instead. He played craps for like 3 hours on like $25. At one point he was up quite a bit, but Mimi and Gerald don't really play to win, they choose an amount to spend and play for fun. We ate dinner at the casino restaurant, and then headed over to the blackjack table. We were very dissappointed to find that the minimum was $5 >.<, but our $25 lasted for around an hour and it was a lot of fun. Riley even walked away with $50 bucks, so at least we all didn't lose =P. First dealer was great. She realized it was our first time so helped us out and was nice. Second lady was a bitch. Hard to understand her muttering especially with her accent, and wasn't as friendly as the first, who explained things to us and was really lenient. Second lady just dealt the cards.
Oh also Sam and I were joking before hand about how people were going to accidentally just shout out "What's the count?!" jokingly and get us kicked out, luckily it never happened.
But yeah we all got in on the same table and it was a lot of fun, I heard the casinos on Aurora have a $2 min so we should all bring like $25 some time and check that out.

One night was poker night, the adults had their game with $5 buy in, and we had ours. It was funny how nooby they were, unfortunately the cards just weren't coming my way. I knew Sam was pretty good as well so he and I got to joke quietly to each other about the other players. It was fun intimidating them by shuffling chips and doing that chip rotate thing in my fingers. We had to quit at 12 because Mimi got mad when we stayed up late and were loud. I finished with $6. Not as great as I had hoped, but it was fun. Oh also at this point 2 more Sophomores had came so there were a lot of people

Beach football/Clay fight
Alright at this point there is another character, but the 2 sophomores have not yet arrived.
Andrew: "Pretty boy". Track star, class vice president, outgoing in an oddly quite way. Obvious that he has the respect of everyone else there. As far as I know, single, but could have had any girl at school he wanted. Future plans: college at unknown location.

The group, who btw has been doing this for years, knew of a place that was sandy and had shallow water, a great place for a friendly football game. It was open of any other people, but this was probably because we had to pass a no trespassing sign to get to it. We found a nice spot, but there was a lot of random shit under the water so we spend a bit of time clearing the ground of sticks and large rocks. Despite our efforts I'm pretty sure everyone got at least one cut. Football was fun, and pretty back and forth. Score was within one touchdown when people kinda got tired of football and started throwing shit at each other. I'm not sure who discovered it first, but if you dug around in certain places you could find large amounts of clay just under the sand. This clay worked great for molding into balls and chucking at each other, mostly because it had a larger effect than sand but didn't hurt as much as a rock. The "teams" were randomly "chosen" by who was standing where when the clay started to fly, and so the battle commenced. 7 people (the original "group" minus Sam(antha) plus Andrew), not exactly even numbers for teams, but it was extremely fun. After a victor was "decided", we all gathered around an area on one side of the battlefield where there was a very large deposit of clay under the surface, and we all started prying it up. I say prying because this clay was seriously like a 6 inch layer of clay we were peeling up under a foot of water and amassing in a giant pile. After we had gathered a large amount, we grew tired of this location. Again I forget who started this, it was probably Andrew now that I think about it, but somehow we decided it would be funny if we all covered our selves in clay. Seriously this was like a spa-style coating of clay from chin to toe, even getting each others backs. We then walked back to the campsite, which was past a boat launch, water hole/kiddy swimming area, and a walking/biking path. We got many looks from adults and children alike, yielding inqueires such as, "what happened to you guys?" from little kids, to which Sam quietly but wittily responded with "eat your vegetables". He is the kind of person that sometimes had funny things to say, but doesn't say them very loud so they don't get recognized. A couple dads watching over their kids in the water asked if we were the incredible hulk team, for when the clay started to dry (immediately) it had a slight green tinge and gave us pronounced "muscle" lines.
We walked back to the campsite only to be dissappointed by the fact that the kids had gone to the water park with their children, and the majority of the other parents had gone to Costco. The only people there were Riley/Robby's dad, Gerald, and my dad. Pictures were taken, we made great poses. After the pictures we all dove off the dock and created a large... mist? of clay in the water that floated away. It was a very large... cloud? Good times.

There is an annual basketball game between the kids and adults that takes place during the camping trip, and apparently the adults have won 3 years straight. At this point the 2 sophomores are here btw. We all walked over to the blacktop one afternoon, and the griping would commence. I chose to sit this event out, because the kids seemed determined to upset, and I'm not exactly a Kobe. I sat by and watched with the many other spectators and few subs on the sideline to enjoy the game. it was really hilarious how intense it got. Though the adults had less energy, they clearly had the experience. One of the women was apparently in the WMBA or something, but she was taken out fairly quickly when Sam made a quick stop and she tripped over his back twisting her ankle. Despite their star player being taken out of the game, the adults managed to secure a win without too much trouble. It was really amusing watching how Robby (younger brother) slowly got more and more pissed off. Though he is the younger of the 2, it looked like he was the better player. Whoever was better, they were both really intense. The losers had to dive off the dock, and at this point it was late, dark, and getting cold. Some of the kids dodged, but those that had the biggest impact on the game all took the dive.

Water Activities
I don't know why I'm covering this last since it was a pretty big portion, but either way here we go.
So in past years they have had inflatable... things that gave them much entertainment. I heard much talk of a giant banana that entertained for hours, however these had either popped or been forgotten at home. One thing I was pretty excited about though were the jet skis (wtf when you google image jet ski you get a picture of a babe with some nice side-boob). Crap my patience for blogging is running thin. One day was pretty much the jet ski day. My dad and Gerald went 50/50 on renting one, and 2 others were rented by other families. Also there was one that was brought by one family. They could go 70, they were fast, it was fun.

A bit of Frisbee
One of the additional 2 sophomores that came was interested in frisbee and wanted to learn how to throw forehand, so we threw a disc for a long time. We threw well after sunset, until we couldn't see the disc anymore. That was the night we played $5 poker. Oh also one day during some down time between events my dad and I threw a disc, I showed off by throwing an air bounce under the badminton net and having it come back up on the other side. I told my dad how to throw it, and he was able to have it down in a few throws. I was jealous.

We ate pretty well. Three good meals a day, and s'mores at night. I could do without the s'mores, so I used that time to call Ashley, which I did twice I think. Once we got shaved ice, which I'm pretty sure I get every time I go to the Lake Chelan area.

Sun Burns
I was actually pretty fortunate when it came to sunburns. I forgot to put sunblock on my feet and I really payed for that. Other than that I was fine. My nose hurt for a few days after getting back, but I think I may have had clay stuck up my nose because a blew my nose a couple times and gray shit came out.

I guess that was it. I'm already looking forward to next year, and hopefully Ashley will be able to come or I'll think to ask someone else if they want to go.

Oh also on the way back we stopped in Wenatchee with Sam, Gerald, and Mimi and ate at Red Robbin. I saw their logo for Bottomless Steak Fries and had to take a picture. When I got back I got the logo from their website and David used his uber photoshop skills to make it say Bottomless Stack Fries.

I rode by bike 202.5 miles in 2 days, what else there to say?
Whether was better than last year, second day was overcast instead of 95+ degrees, but the morning of the second day we got poured of for like 20 miles and it was miserable. Next year Sam swears he will ride it, but I'm pretty sure I remember him saying that for 2 years now. We stayed in Portland Sunday night after the ride. I was going to go see Bruno with Sam, his cousin Steffy (9/10) and her boyfriend who are... 2 years older than us? I'm lucky I passed out in the hotel at 8:30 though because Sam said there was a lot of gay porn scenes.
Oh also I rode it on my dad's bike this year because my bike was fucking stolen out of my garage. Luckily for me, my dad is having back problems and was told he can't ride it.

Alright I might add more later but I'm bored of this.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


So we watch Wheel of Fortune/Jeopardy now at dinner because my grandma likes those shows. I gotta say some people are hilarious.

First, a little screw up that I found amusing. Ok so the answer to the puzzle was clear, it was: ALONG CAME A SPIDER AND SAT DOWN BESIDE HER. One person was spinning and pretty much getting all of the letters, but then decided to make one more spin with like 3 letters missing so as not to land on lose a turn or bankrupt. The remaining letters were G, P, and D. She said G. There is one G. There are three Ds. Which would have been worth more money?

The second one is even better.
27,500 + Trip to the Caribbean on the line... she attempts to solve the puzzle:

G L E A _ I N G . W H I T E . S A N D . B E A C H

"I'm gona solve the puzzle!" (with a southern accent which btw I think makes people sound retarded)

"Gleaming white sand beachES!"

*Crowd goes semi-silent*

Host: *short pause* I'm sorry that's wrong. Steven your turn.

*Steven spins, lands on $400, says "M", clearly reads every word to solve, and wins a trip the the Caribbean.*

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Move

Haven't posted in a while, but I just finished setting up my new "room" and figured I would post about that.
So as many of you probably already know, my grandma (Koob) was taken to the hospital last Saturday. There it was discovered that she has pneumonia. It had already been suggested that she come live with us because she wasn't getting around her home very well, but this was the final nail in the coffin... probably not the most appropriate expression considering...

Anyway today my Uncle Dick and his wife Diana, my cousin Darin and his wife Wendy, my mom and I worked on swapping rooms around. We had to basically swap rooms. My room is being moved to the basement, Kelsey is moving into my room, and my grandma is moving into Kelsey's room. Long story short: it was a lot of work. We had to also get furniture from my grandma's house, which included a new wide screen HDTV which now resides in the family room in place of the old Samsung.

I'm pretty excited about the move, I like my new "room", but not so excited about sharing the house with a heavy smoker. Her hearing isn't good at all, so I'm not worried about her hearing Ashley and I break in the new (spare from my grandma's house) bed, but it will probably make for some awkward moments.
Speaking of breaking in the bed, I really don't like people going through my personal items. As you will notice in the following pictures, the desk in the basement had to be moved. This was my desk. It had... personal objects in it. I tried to tape all the drawers/cubbyholes shut with the intention of blocking the condom-drawer from view, but I'm pretty sure one unlucky family member had the unpleasant experience of opening that which never should have been revealed because when I went back to it the tape was wrapped around the drawer edge itself instead of holding it against the desk wall.

Yeah I really hate family members rifling through all my shit. At some points it was really annoying too. I know my aunt was just trying to be helpful, but it starts to get on my nerves when she keeps asking me where I want to put things, when there is no place I am permitted to put them. I couldn't move stuff into my room, because that was being cleaned out. I couldn't put stuff in the basement, because we had to make way for the bed, dresser and such. Yet she just kept coming to me every 10 seconds with more things to find a place to hide for now. It's really hard not to be extremely nice to her though, because she is on that list of nicest people you will ever meet. I'm sure everyone has at least one of these people in their family or life and can relate. The type that's obviously very religious but because they are so kind they don't bring it up or try to influence you into seeing the light.

In other news: the Ultimate team is finally taking off, DnD is about to kick-off with the inaugural summer game night hopefully taking place on Monday, and Ashley and I are finally getting to spend a lot of time together. Life is good.

The first Ultimate game was... as Orion accurately put it.. an embarrassment. However he has decided that we will at least get out and throw everyday and hopefully get a few members out there with us to get to know each others styles better and get some plays down. Looking forward to Ultimate.

Starcraft is another aspect of summer I'm looking forward too. Keir David and I have been playing often, and it's been a blast. I got Ashley to play a few games with David, and that was entertaining to watch. David and I might start playing Risk online since that has been talked about a lot without any follow-through, and we have had success with that so anyone else who is interested should email me and I can set you up. Guild Wars is all but dead to me again, which is probably a positive thing since that game does nothing but suck my time whenever I start to play it. That's about it for gaming.

Other then what's already been mentioned, I just chill and watch torrented episodes of Stargate SG-1 and play minesweeper which I have gotten really good at. Now finally for the pictures.

Above: bathroom on the left, looking in from garage entrance.

Above: from middle of basement

Above: from extra room into main basement

Above: from bed looking at door to extra room

Monday, June 01, 2009


Adam Carolla needs more hits to stay up

A sample (a couple hour long podcasts) can be found here where I just uploaded them, unfortunately they will probably take a while to download. I would just suggest going to the website, but they only host the last 10 for download due to bandwidth issues, which could be improved in the future. Anyway I was lucky enough to subscribe before the "best of" episodes so I uploaded those in case anyone was interested. If you don't have patience for rapidshare and you can't leave your computer on overnight, you might want to just go to and get one of the last 10 podcasts.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So I forgot to talk about in my previous post that I have gotten into listening to podcasts. I don't think any of you listened to The End, but Adam Carolla had a morning talk show that broadcast on The End as well as many other stations. Recently it was canceled not because it wasn't cutting it, it is a VERY popular show, but probably because of financial reasons. Anyway he said that he was going to start a podcast, and I told myself I would look into it but before this week I just hadn't gotten around to it. Now that I have I am finding how cool podcasts are when you are subscribed to them and iTunes can automatically update it daily and automatically put it on your iPod every morning. Anyway I would suggest Adam Carolla's podcast to everyone because I think all of you would enjoy it.

I decided to post about it because this morning's was kinda crazy when we found out that Bald Brian, who was on the show when it aired on radio, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I don't know why I thought anyone would want to know but I think Orion used to listen to the show so maybe he would care to know. Also Teresa Strasser
has been pregnant for a while but I figured Orion wouldn't care too much about that.

Looking forward to throwing a disc around (yes I must talk about frisbee every post) so hopefully we can start that ASAP.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guild Wars

So mostly what I have been doing lately is getting back into Guild Wars. I made a new prophecies character and decided to get Legendary Defender of Ascalon on it, and then probably just have it be a perma-pre. This is mostly just for fun since I enjoy pre-searing a lot, and also because if we ever get the guild going it's a great place to recruit newbs or people bored with their guilds. I tried a bit of Heroes Ascent today, and it seems things have changed quite a bit. It's no longer everyone running one of three team builds and an old build, IWAY, has been revamped. Played one run with a crappy r5/6+ group that had a bad team build and didn't know how to call spikes. They broke up after one run, and then I joined an r7+ group as infuse. My infusing skills have degraded greatly, but it also doesn't help that before HB/infuse was the infuse build, and now people are using WoH again. It's hard to play with a different meta game, but I probably won't get back into HA anyway with Davis coming into PvE.

I still really am looking forward to Ultimate, but I'm a bit less excited since Ashley decided she's taking even more classes during summer quarter so she won't have time to play. It's starting to get to me that I only see her once a week. She tells me she studies hard at school to optimize her available time, but every time I've talked to her or gone to the UW without her expecting me, she's just hanging out talking to people. I know I can't expect her to be working all the time, but seriously you don't have to lie about it.

Still haven't gotten my hair cut so expect to see before and after pictures posted soon. Be advised however: they are not for the faint of heart.

In other news I'm enjoying watching the sounders and other MSL teams on tv, and I just remembered I haven't watched yesterday's 24 episode. Heroes ended with a pretty interesting twist that I'll elaborate on if requested.

One last thing, earlier I was shooting my airsoft in the back yard and that was fun, so Sai if you ever read this maybe we should start that up again this summer.

Go Sounders!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Rise of the Fallen*

*an attempted reference to "Revenge of the Fallen" which is the title of the new Transformers movie, which also makes a bit of sense in blogging context since I have fallen out of the blogging scene and am now returning

OMG Michael i <3 u! Thank you for making my girlfriend feel like shit and making everything awkward and basically cock-blocking me! Thank you for telling my girlfriend that I'm not good enough for her! That was so awesome of you! You are such a dedicated person, which I hear is a honorable trait. Hell, even when a girl you are interested in has a boyfriend and has told you no many times, you STILL don't give up! You should put that on your resume or something!

Ok I hope everyone is happy now, shit. I don't know why you people even read my blog. By "you people" I am referring to friends of Ashley that feel like prying into her boyfriends mind to find evidence that I am not good enough for her. I ALREADY FREAKING KNOW I'M NOT PERFECT, THANKS. I've told Ashley that she could do better, but she has told me the same. I'm lazy. I'm not charming. I go to community college. I live with my mom. I enjoy very few things (Ultimate Frisbee, playing PC/console games, poker, most other sports, anything that does not require being social unless it's sports or games). And I have very weird pet peeves, including jewelry, make-up, and knee-high boots. There. I'm flawed. Now maybe you don't need to talk about me behind my back to Ashley.

Oh yeah something else I dislike that is unusual: feet. I always wear socks (no not at the beach too) and I don't like sandals when sneakers are an option.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

New Recruit

I got another person to start playing Starcraft! Unfortunately it's the first RTS she has ever played...
So while she was over this weekend I decided to use my influence (charisma modifier +11) to get Ashley to play Starcraft. But I guess since I'm making a post I might as well do the whole weekend.

Friday was pretty much just another day. Math chapter quiz at 8:30, English essay due 9:30, and midterm for programming at 11:30. Math quiz was cake, English essay was a lot of work but felt good turning it in, and the midterm was fairly easy since I had an hour after English to study up in the library. After school I was able to catch the earlier of the two possible buses I take home. Unfortunately this was because the bus was late and I missed my transfer at Aurora Village, so I walked home from there. Ok actually I realized I would miss it so I stayed on the bus for the next stop at 200th and Burke, but the bus driver decided to pass the stop so I got to get off at the stop light on Meridian and 200th so 1 less block to walk. Got home at a decent time, was semi-surprised when I realized Kelsey was home and didn't have school, but continued on my daily schedule. Cup-noodles, peanut-butter toast, and today I decided to spoil myself with a grapefruit. Grabbed some wheat thins and went down to the basement. I imagine at this point I played Guild Wars and took advantage of the Canthan New Year event to play some Dragon Arena (dodgeball), but I can't remember for sure. I wanted to throw a disc around to prepare for the Ultimate game on Saturday so I planned to pick up Ashley when she got home from school around 5pm and go to Shoreline.

Yeah so I had been chatting on facebook with Eric and he said he had a game at Shoreline on Saturday, and I could show up and possibly play. Ashley could come too since they needed girls.

It ended up being pretty cold by the time Ashley got home, and she hadn't eaten all day, so we decided to just hang out instead. I think we were both feeling lazy so we just watched Monk OnDemand and went to sleep early. Woke up around 5-6am and she went home with her eyes burning since she had been wearing her contacts for a really long time. We had breakfast at our respective homes and met back up around 8:45am to walk to Shoreline A+B (will be shortened to "Shoreline" from now on) and play some Ultimate. When we got there 30 minutes late at 9, we were told people would show up at 8:30, only Eric was there for their team. Another team was there and they were throwing around so we took the field and started getting warm. I felt really rusty but luckily I realized later that the consistency of my throws really didn't effect my game too much. Eventually more people showed up and we played. It was really fun, even though Eric's team is highly unorganized and we were facing a decent team with good organization. Needless to say we lost, but either way it was a lot of fun. Eric's teammates were all nice and inviting (no way, nice Ultimate plalyers? Who woulda thought.) and I felt fairly good with my play. Blocked a few, dropped a few, made a few good passes. It was fun. Afterward we walked home and Ashley went home to do homework. This is when I know for sure I played some Dragon Arena and had some fun.

Later Ashley decided to come over since she couldn't focus or something, and we hung out while she tried to study/do homework. After some time she decided to take a break from doing homework, and I suggested Starcraft. I already had her download Starcraft from ICcup so everything was pretty much ready to go. She doesn't have a mouse but I have a spare wireless that is decent so she used that. It was really weird at first since she had never played an RTS. I don't think I skipped over important aspects, but it's weird having to explain every little thing. Like, right click to move units, you can make a box around units by holding left click and dragging a box around them, really elementary level things. She learns really quickly though, and after 1 learning game we were playing 1v1s PvP with only gateway level tech. Limiting the tech to gateways and zealots was a great way to introduce her to the controls and basics of economy, military, and map control. I must say, teaching someone an RTS for the first time is really easy on Starcraft, since it can be viewed on a very basic level. But yeah I see a lot of potential and at the speed she learns she could be playing "4v4 noobs" in no time. The most interesting thing I found about her play is that she focuses a lot more on macro than micro, which is great but unexpected. I'm pretty sure when I was a noob, and I know this is probably still true for others of the clan..., I would watch my military attack the enemy and forget to build more unites. Ashley is almost the exact opposite. She will send her units in on attack run (or an attempted attack run), and then go back to her base to build more probes and zealots. One thing she forgets is pylons for population, but I've started to stress that a lot. Anyway 1v1 with only gateways and zealots yields some very interesting replays which I will upload on some site and link to here later. I'm thinking that next time we play I will add vespene gas and add dragoons into the mix. Then again maybe I should just add forge+cannons instead I haven't decided yet.

Alright well back on the Guild Wars subject, Canthan New Year was fun. I got to make use of the autoclicker to go afk on Nine Rings to gain lucky/unlucky and drunkard points simultaneously. One suggestion I have for David: make sure your autoclicker is set to click every minute EVERY time you use it, otherwise you might end up going through an entire stack of booze in half a second like me. 25k down the drain... oh well. I got really good at Dragon Arena and acquired quite a few Lunar Tokens which I exchanged for Fortunes (3 tokens for 1 fortune) for the 0.33% chance of getting a Celestial Ox miniature (1 in 300 I believe? I would have had to acquire 900 Lunar Tokens to "secure" that). I got one having used somewhere around 150 Tokens. The luck was on my side I guess. In addition I got the dragon mask festival hat and 15 crates of fireworks, which produce a 10 minute long firework show used only in a guild hall. I'll have to treat SOT to one of my 15 shows once we can get the guild (2 + me) online.

Great weekend overall, I enjoyed waking up earlier and increasing my weekend hours by 25% (yes I normally oversleep for many hours). However, I must end this post on a somewhat down note. I'm once again going to attempt to lessen (and if possible eliminate) the amount of hours I spend playing Guild Wars. Hopefully I will be able to fill my time with SWUF practice and school work. I'm not quitting games altogether, as I have a great time deriving new teaching techniques for the game of Starcraft.

Ok I lied, I'll end on a happy note. At first today (Monday) was a bit of a downer. I had that depressed feeling again. But then in math this morning my instructor mentioned my last quarter's final. There was one problem I may have mentioned to some of you that ticked me off because it involved remembering some random equation from a side note in the book. Well since I didn't remember the equaion, I attempted to derive my own equation given what I had. I don't remember fully, but I think I was given 2 questions, both involving an output of a function which I asssumed to be exponential, and something about the difference between the two. Somehow I managed to find my own constants by doing some logic steps, and apparently my answer was off by only a minute (like a 0.5% error or something). Anyway he told me about how he thought it was really good and how he bragged to his colleagues about it. That lightened my spirits. Then when I was in a better mood I realized that 24 would be on, and Heroes would be starting back up, so today ends up being a very happy day. Alright I guess that is all for now.