Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Guild Wars

So mostly what I have been doing lately is getting back into Guild Wars. I made a new prophecies character and decided to get Legendary Defender of Ascalon on it, and then probably just have it be a perma-pre. This is mostly just for fun since I enjoy pre-searing a lot, and also because if we ever get the guild going it's a great place to recruit newbs or people bored with their guilds. I tried a bit of Heroes Ascent today, and it seems things have changed quite a bit. It's no longer everyone running one of three team builds and an old build, IWAY, has been revamped. Played one run with a crappy r5/6+ group that had a bad team build and didn't know how to call spikes. They broke up after one run, and then I joined an r7+ group as infuse. My infusing skills have degraded greatly, but it also doesn't help that before HB/infuse was the infuse build, and now people are using WoH again. It's hard to play with a different meta game, but I probably won't get back into HA anyway with Davis coming into PvE.

I still really am looking forward to Ultimate, but I'm a bit less excited since Ashley decided she's taking even more classes during summer quarter so she won't have time to play. It's starting to get to me that I only see her once a week. She tells me she studies hard at school to optimize her available time, but every time I've talked to her or gone to the UW without her expecting me, she's just hanging out talking to people. I know I can't expect her to be working all the time, but seriously you don't have to lie about it.

Still haven't gotten my hair cut so expect to see before and after pictures posted soon. Be advised however: they are not for the faint of heart.

In other news I'm enjoying watching the sounders and other MSL teams on tv, and I just remembered I haven't watched yesterday's 24 episode. Heroes ended with a pretty interesting twist that I'll elaborate on if requested.

One last thing, earlier I was shooting my airsoft in the back yard and that was fun, so Sai if you ever read this maybe we should start that up again this summer.

Go Sounders!


David said...

If you think you don't see your girlfriend enough, just picture the rest of us and laugh at how often we see our girlfriends.

Oreo said...


don't get your hair cut before i can see it in all of its longness!

and damn it ashley we need more girls!