Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Irregular Update

Alright I have some down time on this veterans day before Ashley comes over and before we go to Toys R Us to get some legendary pokemon that I don't care about and apparently go shopping for clothes for Albert? Yeah that last part was confusing for me as well. I'll probably go to gamestop while we are there and see if they have an refurbished 360s since I have $100 in gamestop giftcards.

Recently I've been abusing netflix streaming videos since I recently discovered my mom has a subscription and they have a lot of movies and tv series available online. I watched all 5 seasons of the Office so now I am caught up to the current season, however NBC is gay and only keeps the last 5 or so episodes online so I guess I'll just have to wait until the seasons over to see the first few. I think they are being anal about copyright too because I can't find them on any illegal sites. A few days after finishing season 5 I was talking to Ben about The Office and he mentioned another series that is good, Dexter. I looked it up on netflix and sure enough they have the first 2 seasons available online. The third season is on dvd but not available to stream. Either it will be available by the time I finish the first two season, (I finished season 1 in a few days), or I'll just get the dvd since we get 2 dvds at a time and they deliver next day so my mom only really needs one of the dvd slots. Also I recently watched Memento with Ashley because something reminded me that I wanted to watch it again... oh yeah psych class. As far as other shows go I am keeping up with Stargate Universe live with David, and House live with my mom. I'll probably watch The Office live now too. Shit I watch a lot of tv.

Gaming... well I'm playing Starcraft again. It's pwnage. I stopped playing GW because I'm just sitting in the guild hall drunk whenever I'm on my computer. I have had enough booze for Ale-Hound since Halloween, but it just takes so damn long to get the title... 10,000 minutes drunk to be exact. But anyway I've pretty much just gone to setting up my macro overnight and then playing Starcraft during the day if I'm on my computer. Oh another thing I forgot to mention earlier is that I'm streaming the videos through my computer and dual screening onto the tv downstairs. So yeah that's pretty awesome.

I could do a whole other paragraph just on starcraft... but I'll keep it to the main points. Using chaos launcher. Found an anti-hack that uses an online hacker database to compare players in lobbies to known hackers. Also has a replay scanner to scan for hackers. Mostly hosting and playing 1v1 python play/obs games, but will probably go to ICcup soon since I am in great form again. Found a few cool mouse control practice UMS maps. I'm keeping up with proleague religiously. Ben told me about fantasy proleague, going to sign up for that next round. Also, anyone interested in starcraft should sign up for it and we can create our own group to compete in. Doesn't require much time unless you want it to, you don't have to know anything about proleague, the more people the better.

Might get l4d 2 by Sai's suggestion since the demo was a lot of fun and it would be something for Davis, David and I to do instead of vanquishing (pretty boring). I think on steam we can get 4cd keys at a for a cheaper price per key. Maybe that was just l4d 1 but it would be worth looking in to.

David, Sai and I (and maybe Chris with his fatty HD tv) having been talking about getting a place or something. One possibility is moving in to my grandma's old house for either free or a very low rent. Another that Sai was suggesting is that since he works for... idk house repossession or something?.. we could find a really cheap place that the government/banks are just trying to make a quick sale on. Both would be options, but require jobs. It would be nice though so that Ashley could come over and we could hang out.

So that's pretty much it. No one cares what I'm doing at school, and if I forgot anything else than it isn't important enough to remember.



David said...

Dammit Steven! Remember this post? ( This is why we don't link like that anymore.

Also, that last link deserves a "haha you bastard!"

And on the house I'd feel better if we actually paid rent for a house. I would be interested in seeing what Sai can come up with, but without having seen your grandma's house I can almost certainly say I would prefer to live there haha. If I could also get my hands on a good TV, we could have 2 360's going and that would be sweet.

Davos said...

The linked post was funny. Good for you.
As for the place, fucking go for it. David, don't be dumb...get shit free where you can.

Davos said...

And by the way, is that utalkback thing any good? How much do you have to do to start getting stuff?

Oreo said...

I agree with Daivd (typed it wrong first time, funnier if i dont change it): link heavy post is kind of annoying for a reader unless we have a link previewer add-on. I contemplated dl'ing one just for this post. If you keep it up, I will have to.

If ya'll got a house that would be pretty pwnage. Doesn't your g-ma's smell heavily of tobacco though? Best of luck to gtfo of the house.

loled at using Sai's repo connections, but it actually is a pretty good idea.

Eric said...

I usually use yidio for streams, decent quality. annoying popups and stuff though. and orion that's what febreeze is for. And if you guys do decide on moving out, black friday is just around the corner haha get some cheap stuff or off craigslist.