Sunday, April 29, 2007


Yeah so thursday..mondo-party for PP. no one can pussy out of this one either...i dont care if you have hw, do ur friday hw on wednesday so that you dont get anything you have to do for friday on thursday. also, anyone who is a REAL pwnerer will accompany chris and i to see spiderman 3 at midnight! **great idea chris!!** FUCK. YES.

--btw the title does code for something--


David said...

Yeah I thought the title might have been in hex or base or whatever.

Yes I hope that lightning does not kill me on the way to the partay on thursday at your house??? What time is it?

Finally, why go to Spiderman 3 at midnight? Midnight showings should only be allowed for great movies like the star wars ones, or.....ok well just the star warses.


its you i see....dbing.

Oreo said...

PP - definitely. I mean it's PP.

Spiderman 3 - not so much. I mean it's just another superhero movie.