Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Saturday - Tuesday

Well, most of this time was spent with my head in front of a toilet. Being sick sucks, espessialy for me since it always involves vomiting every 30 minutes. I don't know if it is this way for many people, but I get sick maybe once every two years, with many "sick" days in between, and on those rare occassions i do catch a bug, it always results in my body deciding everything must go! You know it's not good when you havn't ate or drank anything for awhile...and your vomit turns green... I'm pretty sure i fucked up my body pretty bad. After awhile my mom finally realized that she should go buy non-diet ginger ale... because she researched online that artificial sweeteners such as those found in diet products, are bad for you when your sick. Thanks a lot... jerk. Anyway feeling much better now. I'll probably take it easy tomorrow for the 4th, and be ready for frisbee or anything on the 5th, if i don't get too drunk that is.

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