Monday, August 20, 2007


First day of soccer practice with the Blue Angles today, and I can safely say that I haven't felt this exhausted since soccer last year.. actually probably since soccer with SW. It's a weird feeling when you haven't felt it in a long time. I went home, got the water pitcher, and sat down in a comfortable chair for 45 minutes. Every 5 minutes after the first 30 minutes I tried to get up, but I just couldn't get myself to do it. Finally I made it downstairs, got on aim, apologized to Stefano for missing the first xc practice, and am now typing out my first good post in a long time. Hopefully posting will become more regular now, since I'm going to be more active now. Also I'm slowly giving up Maple.

One last note: you may have noticed that I'm using correct spellings and capitalizations, and this is because I figured I would get a head-start on getting into "school mode".


David said...

Steven, your grammar is sexy.

Nice new look for the blog. It is also pretty secksy.

Oreo said...

oh man, that means i'm prolly gonna die at the next practice.

hooray on starting to give up the Maple!