Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Life is good. I haven't posted in a while just because... I didn't want to take the time to. For those of you who don't yet know Ashley lives down the street from my house now, so pretty much consists of a bit of school, maybe 1/6, 3/6 guild wars, and 2/6 Ashley. Aslo I'm starting to play console games again, so guild wars should be split into 2/6 PC gaming, 1/6 console gaming. I don't really want to waste any more time here... so I'll just do what I came here for and leave.

My monk looks awesome in gw now.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Starcrafting it up like it's 2005!

Hurray for ICcup! This is the most exciting reason to post so I'll do this first. I registered for the International Cyber Cup ladder recently so that I could start playing competitive Starcraft. I had to register as pr0noob5, because apparently I registered a while ago as pronoob5 but the stupid ICcup website wouldn't let me do password recovery. As I'm writing this I am currently 10-7 which isn't too bad, but isn't enough to get me to the next rank (D+). It's a pretty standard ladder as far as rankings go, and I hope to improve my skills and get back into Starcraft. However, if Orion ever decides to come back from non-gaming land, then perhaps I can fit in some Factions.

Ok starting this post again after a day of not working on it.
Yeah so life is decent. SCC is easy, get kinda bored afterward with not much to do, but I guess now I can always play ICcup and improve my pwnage. Also Ashley got Tetris DS for us so that will occupy a lot of my time I'm sure. I'm bored of posting already.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Worth Posting About

(Also so David will be my friend again)

So today was pretty sweet:
At first it started off shitty because of the night before. No, I didn't have a hangover. Ashley called while I was watching a movie with my mom and sister, so I said I would call her back after it was over. It was already really late but I planned on staying up for a while. Well, I kinda fell asleep during the movie, and even though I had asked my mom to wake me up if I fell asleep I remained asleep until Ashley called at around 11:00am. We were planning on hanging out today (Friday), but I guess she was mad since she was expecting me to call, and stayed up waiting for me to call. I can understand why she would be upset, but we never get to hang out and this made me mad/sad.

Fortunately things got better. I remembered that it was double fame weekend on Guild Wars so I hoped on my PC and started crankin' out some fame. I started somewhere like 30-40 fame below r5, and got to about 20-30 above r5 when Orion called and reminded me we needed to do the route, one last time. He came over and we did the route, his last throw was dead on.

We played double dash, again for the last time, and got a perfect 40 on all 3 cups... after... well lets just leave it at that. Orion wanted to play Ultimate/poker so we started thinking up people to call. We got together a decent group in no time at all, and since it was still hours before 6, we walked to Shoreline Center to throw a disc around. That was fun, I hadn't touched a disc in weeks, maybe months. Afterwards we started walking back to Orion's so he could tell his parents the deal. On the way there were three little kids selling lemonade, but they were having an "exercisers discount", so since we were walking we each got a free medium lemonade. They were nice kids.

Got to Orion's, found out his mom had planned a Turkey dinner for him, so I walked home and agreed to hold of starting poker until like 6:30 when he would probably get there.

Got back home, talked to my mom and sister for a bit as they played Animal Crossing upstairs on teh cube, and let my mom know about the plans. I realized I should have asked before inviting everyone, but I've come to learn that when Kelsey is going to my dad's, it means my mom is going to Gregg's.

People showed up, in an order I don't really care to remember atm, and we started playing DDR while waiting for more poker players. It's really fun to watch people embarrass themselves on DDR, and I'm also glad I found the memory card so I can maybe start playing it once in a while again too.
People showed up, we started playing poker.
There are probably lots of things to talk about that happened during the game, but poker is poker and it's similar every time. So if you have ever attended one of these "parties", you know what it's like. I'll save some space here because I know this post is already 10 times too long for my standards.

Everyone left, and I started to get a really good idea. I figured Ashley was still upset so I didn't bother calling her... I might regret that later... and I didn't think I had anything strenuous going on tomorrow, except now I remember Orion trying to plan Ultimate for tomorrow.. er today.. crap. Oh well. I decided to bust out the energy drink that Sai left here after last poker party, and settle down for the long haul of fame!! Long story short, it's now 8:11am Saturday morning, and I can't help feeling like I shat my pants. I don't know what it was, but as soon as I crashed, and I crashed hard, it felt like I had shat my pants. I literally had to check my shorts after a HA match to make sure I hadn't. Luckily I hadn't but I felt like shit.

I decided to go upstairs and get some cold water, thinking that would help a bit since I felt like passing out. It did help. Fortunately the group I had been with all night disbanded and I didn't have to feel guilty about leaving such an pwnage team without their best player.

I immediately went into the bathroom conveniently located less than 10 feet away, and.. well you get the picture.

Energy drinks = bad.
All nighters with double fame = good.

I've pretty much become as efficient a healer as possible, so I dare say I'm teh fucking pwnage now.

Wow... pwnage at an MMO...

What am I doing...

Time to go rethink my gaming career and pass out on the couch.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sure Why Not

I don't post anymore. I don't know why. I am just too lazy. Posting is for my own benefit so that I can look back years later and remember what I was up to. For this reason, I'm going to start posting again. Occasionally. If I remember to.

Today I had an interview at Blue C Sushi. It went alright. He said he could probably give me two or three days a week, and that the other location in U-village might be able to give me other days. He being head chef Taka (if that's how you spell it).

Also I got a DS on July 3rd. It's sweet. I took it to Hoodsport for the bike ride with Orion and Davis, but they didn't bring theirs because Orion was being nice since I "didn't have one". Anyway, Brain Age is fun. I don't care what any of you say. I just pick it up for 10-30 minutes every day, complete the exercises, and then move on to something else. Also it has a ton of Sudoku on it which gives me something to do. I'm trying to get Tetris DS, but it's hard since they don't make it anymore. An ebay seller I'm tracking has 35 minutes left before I bid and hopefully get it. That will be sweet.

Life is... ok at the moment. Ashley and I don't hang out too much anymore, but when we do it's a lot of fun so I guess that's ok. Uhm, I kinda want to play Ultimate/Frisbee right now, but people seem to be busy/not calling me. Maybe Chris just gave up because people kept saying no. Oh well.

This is a lame post. Oh well.

Also, here is me training my brain:

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ok so, my life is kinda fucked up right now. School is going down the drain, and I am quite possibly throwing away my life every day. I am currently failing health, which means I will not be gradating high school if I don't make some changes. That being said, to all my fellow Starcraft players, I must ask you a favor... do not allow me to play anymore. I'm serious. No matter how hard I want to play, you must stop me and tell me that I need to be concentrating on school work. I'll try to stay on Ultimate, but idk how long it will be until Suckol finds out about my grades and I'm kicked off. But yeah, please don't mention this stuff at Frisbee because I really want to be able to stay on the team. Bleh this is kinda hard to do right now. Ok another thing, I shouldn't watch Starcraft videos anymore either. Lately those have sucked up a lot of my time, and maybe if I don't feel compelled to keep up with all the Korean leagues right now, I'll be able to focus on school. Wait forgot to add the point to that last sentence, if you see me watching Starcraft or loading Starcraft videos at school, somehow stop me, no matter what I say.
Alright well besides school life is pretty good. Ashley and I are really happy together, and I see this lasting a really long time, as long as I stay on path with graduation and SCC.
I got a road bike on Sunday, and I'm really happy with it. I hope I will be able to spend more time biking, and perhaps that will cut the computer/vg addiction. bleh I don't want to write anymore.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I got tired of posting about Spring Break, so time to move onto Starcraft.

Sitting in Adult Living right now with nothing to do. I'm going to start being more active in TL (Team Liquid) again. I'm going to track Proleague and it's going to be really fun. I used up my 4 bets today, I'm still not sure how LiquidBets works. It said I had 4 bets open, so I bet on the 4 proleague matchups. It's the start of the season, so no games have been played yet. This is a great time to start betting. Btw you don't get anything for winning, just forum ranks I think. And by forum ranks I mean profile ranks that show under your name when you post on the forums.

Yesterday was my first day back to Starcraft in a loooong time. Keir is on Spring Break right now so I was able to play with him. We played something like 6-7 games, and won all but our last 2, which were both against teams of Koreans. I watched the replays this morning (Tuesday) and saw that one of the guys had over 300 apm, which is totally ridiculous. We could have done better that game to... had I not incorrectly assumed where my choke was =/. All our matches were played on Python 1.3, and were all really fun.

This paragraph probably should have come first, but w/e. So I got a new loader instead of BWL now. I now use the one I heard about from Combat-EX (Wasif1112). I'm not sure if that's the right link, but I can't check since I am at school and youtube is blocked. Anyway it is a really great program called Adv Loader that includes many features, including the all-important zerg mineral hack detection. That saved Keir and I from a wasted 20 minutes and pointless loss. Excellent program that is amazingly easy to use. There is one glitch involving Windows that I read about today, but it is easily solved.

Can't wait for more people to get back into Starcraft!!

**Edit: I will probably start making the montage again, so if you want to be in it, you better play with me. =P

Monday, April 07, 2008

Spring Break

Best Spring Break ever!!
Ok so Friday was the field trip for physics, and that was pretty fun. It wasn't really that it was amazingly entertaining, but it was better than having to spend the last day before spring break in class. We still had to go to first period though, which didn't really matter since it was just sitting there receiving our check from The School of the Rock Contest. Meh, wasn't that fun but better than having to rehearse. We got out of band really late, after everyone else had already walked to the highland ice arena, so the few of us that were in band and physics had to walk there late. We didn't get there very late though, because there was still a line to the door for getting ice skates, so I guess it was nice not having to stand in line very long. We went to the rink 2, at least I think it was rink 2, and skated around for a while. I guess there was a worksheet some people were working on, but nobody really cared about it since it could be bsed anyway.

After ice skating we went to Spin Alley and started the bowling half of the field trip. Now ice skating I'm not bad at since I have pretty good balance, but bowling, bleh I suck at bowling. I found out later from my mom that I have been bowling like... 3 times or something when I was in elementary school. I suck. It's not that I don't mind bowling, it might be fun if I did it more often, but it's frustrating to know I could do better but still mess up more often then not. We played one and a half games, and Eric Chan was by far the best in our group. Our group consisted of Anton, Eric, Orion, Davis, David, Sai, Eli, and I. I might be forgetting someone but oh well. Eventually the pizzas showed up and we had to eat some crappy veggy pizza until more showed up. I only had like 2 slices of decent pizza, and 2 slices of crappy veggy that I wanted to throw up the second I swallowed. Oh well there were a lot of people and $40 only goes so far. Was it only a $40 class fee? For some reason I remember it being higher.

After the field trip I did the paper route with Orion, we played some DD, and started recording our times. I probably went on GW after he left, but that was over a week ago so I can't remember.

Um, probably played a lot of GW... yeah I wasted a lot of my break playing GW. I'm glad I stopped using xfire... because it would be very depressing to see how long I played.

Hung out with Ashley at her house, that was fun.

Ashley came over and we played ping-pong and did other stuff.

Played Guild Wars, then Ashely came over and we did stuff. Afterwards I tried to start getting into a workout schedule again. As of today, Monday April 7, I have not continued. I think I'm going to keep like an exel chart or something.

Still felt like being active after yesterday, so I went outside and played basketball. Ashley came over later and we shot some hoops, then I was reminded of how good jump roping is for endurance. That's something I can do on the off days that I don't lift.

Too be continued....

Friday, March 28, 2008

21 The Movie

Thursday was a pretty cool day, followed by an even better evening.

Went to school, 2nd period Psych took notes, 4th period Calc took notes and got a worksheet, 6th period health watched "Supersize Me" and Ashley came with me since her class was on a field trip that she wasn't going on. After school Ultimate practice was just like every other practice. We ran a couple drills and then scrimmaged. Not very many people where there this time... only like 14-15. After practice I got my hopes up because Ashley left a message saying she might be able to go to the movie at 7:00. After getting home I txted Chris and said I wasn't going to take him, only to call him back later and change plans again.
Got home and worked on... something... I can't really remember but I remember I had to take a fatty dump and I took my laptop with me to work on something =P. Uh, some other stuff happened... my brain isn't really working... like too good... right now. Uhhhmmm... yeah. Chris came over around 6:00, and we left around 6:30. We got to the theater in like... 6 minutes or something it was freaking amazing. It was a bit past Northgate Mall, and we didn't know where exactly it was. Google maps directions were pretty good though, but it took us to the rear end of the theater, which worked out since we saw the line wrapping around to the back side. I parallel parked on the street behind, and we walked right to the line. Stood in line for like... 15 minutes? I don't remember, and I forgot my phone in the car so I didn't have the time. We talked about stuff for a while, and then got into the theater. They took our ticket, then we had to go through security which consisted of 3-4 cops and a guy with a metal detector wand thingy. We didn't bring a camcorder, which was lucky since we never would have got in. It was funny though, because the wand kept beeping, but the guy using it was just like ok so that must be your keys... beeeeeep, that must be some change in your pocket... beeeeep, that's your keys again. There was no way they would have fit a recording device in their pockets, but it was just funny how he didn't even care that it was beeping on every single person, and he just let them in.
Inside the theater there was a poker table set up, with people playing, of course, Blackjack. The movie was good, and Chris and I had a great time. I hope I can get more of those premiere tickets again some time.

I'll post later about today (Friday) and the field trip that we are going to go on.

Monday, March 24, 2008

So, you want a blog post?

Whaa Baaam!
How's this for a post!
Wow my weekend was... very secluded.
I spent... many hours playing Guild Wars.
Friday after going to my dads... GW.
Saturday before the Ultimate games... GW.
Saturday after the Ultimate games... GW.
Sunday after going back to Shoreline, but before driving to Camano Island where my Uncle and Aunt live... ok well then I just talked with Ashley.
Sunday after getting home at 7:00 from "brunch" with family... GW for a little and then other stuff.

Bleh, so much Guild Wars... yet so productive. I made a killing this weekend! So many awesome drops. I got enough Golden Eggs + Keys for treasure hunter on my monk, and almost enough gold items for Wisdom title on my main. I can't remember if the Wisdom title has an inherent effect, but I know with treasure hunter you get +3% salvage rate on lock picks and materials. I don't think that was +3% materials actually... just +3% chance to retain the item you salvage an upgrade component from. Either way a useful title.

Alright so I'm going to focus on Ultimate more I think... because I am receiving very positive comments from the coaches. Hmm... Bruegger thinks I could play "professionally" or at the college level. That's exciting to hear... but I highly doubt that SCC has an Ultimate Frisbee team. Maybe I can find a league with openings on teams somewhere. Either way I need to train harder and put more effort into practices... since lately I haven't really been trying or cared about practices at all. Yay for Ultimate!

Hmm... my grades are shit right now. I really hope that I can keep my license... since my mom said that if I didn't get a 3.0gpa she might not let me get insurance, and thus get my license revoked. That would not be cool, especially since I really enjoy driving her new car.

Alright well STAR is over and I don't feel like staying in Psych class any longer. I might make another post soon with more stuff that is going on. Could be as soon as next period, could take as long as a month. We'll see.

Monday, February 11, 2008

P a C 2!!

Friday was a pretty normal day. I went to school, listened to KZOK in band to listen for the results of the Battle of the Bands Contest we had entered. We got 2nd place, with Shorecrest taking 1st. 2nd prize is $5,000, half as much as Shorecrest's $10,000 grand prize. We were excited, but I think Harshman expected better. He called up Shorecrest's band director, his brother-in-law, during class and found that only 12 of their 72 students were in class, because of the Obama rally. Third period I sat in class and acted like I was paying attention while mindlessly copying down everything on the white board. Lunch was really windy and wet, so we decided to stay in the SAC. In creative writing we did some shit about figurative writing and using metaphors or something, and class actually went by really fast. That is going to be a decent class. After school Orion and I pwned up some houses, and did the weekly DD practice. I seem to remember us losing a lot, but w/e. Went to WS around 7:30, let the boredom begin.

Saturday started off fairly early for my standards. Woke up around 7, and did creative writing hw before going for some disgusting heart healthy cereal. After "breakfast" I went back upstairs and studied for the psychology test Tuesday. After lying around for awhile not doing much, I talked with Ashley and she suggested we hang out. I asked Andrea if I could borrow her car, since my dad was at work all day, and she was fine with it. So I drove the really nice Acura to Shoreline, picked up a disc and health hw, and drove to Mountlake Terrace. Driving a car for once is nice, but I've gotten so used to my dad's explorer, that I just like it more. Much bigger engine. Ashley and I walked to Mountlake Terrace High and threw a frisbee around, then it got cold so we walked back. Hung out at her house for a while... ok a long time. It was semi-awkward at times since her Aunts didn't know about me... and they were smart enough to assume things. Left around 12:15, and was really tired when I got home.

Bleh this post is already too long...

Sunday I woke up around 1:30 by my dad who came barging in with no knock telling me we had to leave at 2:30 for the funeral of my grandma's sister Lucy. I got dressed, went downstairs, and ate some French toast that was probably made hours earlier. I had to nuke it in the microwave, but it was decent. After Kelsey's shower I started to go into the upstairs bathroom, but my dad went downstairs and yelled "shit!" when he saw an enormous puddle in the kitchen below the bathroom. I had to use the downstairs shower, which was assembled incorrectly so that Cold and Hot are switched. Even though I already knew that, it was more like Cold and Cold were switched. After three showers, there was no hot water left. Took a 4 minute or less shower and got into my nicer clothes consisting of slacks and a button up shirt. We got to the funeral home in Shoreline, where we met my Cousin, Uncle, Cousin's mom (not my Aunt), Grandma, Lucy's daughter, and Lucy's daughter's... daughter (we call her my cousin but she is probably my second cousin or something). Funeral was short and small, we went to Marie Calendars afterwards because that was Lucy's favorite restaurant. We sat at the restaurant for a long time after everyone had finished, talking about various things. I learned about how much funeral homes try to take advantage of people by charging them way to much for anything they can think of. It's sick. Went home, worked on health hw, went to sleep.

So this week I am excited since I found out this morning that Soul Caliber, and Mario DDR (or w/e it's called) came over the weekend. Those will be fun. Also first track practice today, I feel that I'm ready, but we shall see. Still don't know what I'm going to do for Valentines day... suggestions?

Oh also, the title is P a C 2 because Pro at Cooking 2 came out friday. Can't wait until March 1st!!!

Friday, February 01, 2008

Semester 7: Complete

Just finished off the first semester of Senior year. Whoopie. Soooo like what to do... (see poll). Sorry about not posting for awhile, not that anybody besides David cares. I got back into Madden '07, but idk how long it will entertain me. Steven Finafrock is taking the Steelers to the Super Bowl this year, and making an appearance in the pro bowl, but sooner or later I will get bored of it again. Uhhhh yeah. I feel like playing Starcraft kinda, but at the same time I want to get back into Guild Wars. Also I'm not sure I really want to be playing video games right now. I just finished a puzzle yesterday and that was fun so I might just do another one. Meh... so many things to do... so much time to do them.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hurray for driving!

Today I took my drivers test, and passed with a 96/100. I know, I'm pro. I missed 4 points on backing around a corner, but I'm not sure why... I think it might have been because I was too far away from the curb or something. My tester obviously just wanted to get through it, since my appointment was at 1:30, and we finished around 1:20. Just because I have my license doesn't mean anything is going to chance, because I still don't have a car. I guess this just means that I can drive when my mom is home.
Anyway, life is awesome right now. So many good things happening to me, I have a feeling something very bad is about to change my life... oh well. Almost 18! I can just about smell it.. it smells like porn and poker chips, though I have become less interested in both lately.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Winter Break: In Review

Overall, an amazing break. I'll start with the last day of school...
Last day of school before break I watched... 2 movies and played ping-pong. After school we wanted to play some frisbee, so David, Davis, Orion and I threw a disc around at Shorewood because Orion needed to talk to Mr. Noise, who was in a parent conference. We waited for awhile, but the conference didn't end so we started to head over to Shoreline A + B. We threw a disc around for awhile, then Sai got out of swim practice and we played a weak 2v2 game until David and Sai had to leave. Orion and I threw the disc around for awhile and then Ashley showed up after working on her project. We continued to throw around for what seemed like a really long time, though it was fun and good practice for the two newbies. It got dark, and I had to go to my dads house, so we stopped at around 5... though it was awhile ago so I might be off.

Stayed at my dads until Christmas. Not much happened, I was sick for a couple days, we went to the Men's Chorus with my grandma, got last minute shopping done. Christmas Eve dinner was at my grandmas with my dad's family as usual. It was nice seeing family again but... it lasted until like 1 am and we were all really tired. My dad let me drive back to the Shoreline house and I slept until 10:30 pm Christmas day.

Christmas was Christmas, my mom's family came over and we did the usually Christmas dinner, nothing special. Played ultimate a couple days after Christmas, and that was really fun. We had a good turn out that included Ashley, David, Davis, Sai, Bodon, Zack, Bjorn, and Melvin who is Zack's friend. Not a bad game, my team, consisting of Ashley, Melvin, David, and I, lost miserably, but it was still fun. Also I got hit in the face (see below).

Break continued, and so did my procrastination. Didn't get much done, but watched a few movies and played some Starcraft. Eventually Orion wanted to get in on some ultimate so we tried to get something together last minute, which failed and left Ashley, Davis, Orion and I throwing a disc around for awhile until we got bored. Davis was hungry, so we went to Taco Bell where Davis and Orion got some quesadillas... am I spelling it wrong or is it not in the blogger dictionary? We then went back to my house and played some Wario Ware for awhile.

Next day Jack felt bad for not showing up to the frisbee event the night before, so he planned a huge ultimate game at 10. Ashley was having internet problems so she came over early and she worked on her college apps for awhile and then we hung out. Jack came over maybe 20 minutes before the game and played some Wario Ware with us. Then we went to the Ultimate game, which was amazing. The teams were Zack, Chris, Jeff Bair, Mike (aka Big Mike), Adam and I against Jack, Ashley, Willa, Ryan, Ian, Nick (Chelsea Grossman's fiance), and Andrew Namkum. We won 13-2, it was amazing, so was I.

New Years Eve. Ashley was asking me about what I was doing, so I invited her to the GoW party saying she could come with the approval of David and Sai. I guess it was approved. She made up some excuse to come over early, so she was dropped off and got here around 1:15. I think we started off playing ping-pong in the garage. There was a lot of crap in front of the table, so we had to move everything to the side. Ping-pong was fun, I played easy on her but she was decent for someone who doesn't play. After a while we went inside, and Italian Job was in the DVD player so I decided I wanted to watch that. We sat on the couch and the movie started playing. Ashley isn't very good at paying attention to movies. We sat on the couch like two friends would do, but she eventually she leaned over and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I was pretty surprised by this, because I didn't know she felt that way about me. She said something like, "You know, I like you too. You don't have to worry." Some combination of those two sentences. At this point I got kinda nervous. My heart started beating, and I knew what was going to come next. She was waiting for something... but I wasn't sure I was ready to ask. She repeatedly said things like, "Isn't there something you want to ask me?" and, "Nothings different yet." Eventually I asked the obvious question, and she said yes. It was a very happy time. We lied together on the couch, and started doing things only now that we were in a relationship could we do. Hmm that sounds really bad... yeah we just kissed for a bit. I was very happy. It was a very happy evening. (If you are reading this, yes. I did edit this later and put most of the above in after the original post.) Around 6:50 or so we left for David's via the van my mom is borrowing from the Grossman family. The party was decent. Played some smash, 2v2 GoW, 3v3 Halo, and missed the countdown to the new year (>.<). Ashley said she had fun.

First day of the year. Played some Quinn, which transformed into Starcraft and our single game of Snowball Wars for the 2007 Winter break. Needless to say we pwned. Sai signed on so we played Helms Deep instead, then a 4v4 game that didn't go so well.

Today, the last day before school, I did my psychology homework having realized the night before that we had been assigned notes. That was fun1.

Yeah like I said overall this break was amazing. By far my best winter break yet, and probably the best of any of my breaks during the year. Not too bummed that it's over, looking forward to daily frisbee again. Also I think my life will start getting better. I'm going to try to be more organized and get hw done early, as my part of my New Year's Resolution always has to do with doing hw.
Dang this was a long post.... my bad.