Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Move

Haven't posted in a while, but I just finished setting up my new "room" and figured I would post about that.
So as many of you probably already know, my grandma (Koob) was taken to the hospital last Saturday. There it was discovered that she has pneumonia. It had already been suggested that she come live with us because she wasn't getting around her home very well, but this was the final nail in the coffin... probably not the most appropriate expression considering...

Anyway today my Uncle Dick and his wife Diana, my cousin Darin and his wife Wendy, my mom and I worked on swapping rooms around. We had to basically swap rooms. My room is being moved to the basement, Kelsey is moving into my room, and my grandma is moving into Kelsey's room. Long story short: it was a lot of work. We had to also get furniture from my grandma's house, which included a new wide screen HDTV which now resides in the family room in place of the old Samsung.

I'm pretty excited about the move, I like my new "room", but not so excited about sharing the house with a heavy smoker. Her hearing isn't good at all, so I'm not worried about her hearing Ashley and I break in the new (spare from my grandma's house) bed, but it will probably make for some awkward moments.
Speaking of breaking in the bed, I really don't like people going through my personal items. As you will notice in the following pictures, the desk in the basement had to be moved. This was my desk. It had... personal objects in it. I tried to tape all the drawers/cubbyholes shut with the intention of blocking the condom-drawer from view, but I'm pretty sure one unlucky family member had the unpleasant experience of opening that which never should have been revealed because when I went back to it the tape was wrapped around the drawer edge itself instead of holding it against the desk wall.

Yeah I really hate family members rifling through all my shit. At some points it was really annoying too. I know my aunt was just trying to be helpful, but it starts to get on my nerves when she keeps asking me where I want to put things, when there is no place I am permitted to put them. I couldn't move stuff into my room, because that was being cleaned out. I couldn't put stuff in the basement, because we had to make way for the bed, dresser and such. Yet she just kept coming to me every 10 seconds with more things to find a place to hide for now. It's really hard not to be extremely nice to her though, because she is on that list of nicest people you will ever meet. I'm sure everyone has at least one of these people in their family or life and can relate. The type that's obviously very religious but because they are so kind they don't bring it up or try to influence you into seeing the light.

In other news: the Ultimate team is finally taking off, DnD is about to kick-off with the inaugural summer game night hopefully taking place on Monday, and Ashley and I are finally getting to spend a lot of time together. Life is good.

The first Ultimate game was... as Orion accurately put it.. an embarrassment. However he has decided that we will at least get out and throw everyday and hopefully get a few members out there with us to get to know each others styles better and get some plays down. Looking forward to Ultimate.

Starcraft is another aspect of summer I'm looking forward too. Keir David and I have been playing often, and it's been a blast. I got Ashley to play a few games with David, and that was entertaining to watch. David and I might start playing Risk online since that has been talked about a lot without any follow-through, and we have had success with that so anyone else who is interested should email me and I can set you up. Guild Wars is all but dead to me again, which is probably a positive thing since that game does nothing but suck my time whenever I start to play it. That's about it for gaming.

Other then what's already been mentioned, I just chill and watch torrented episodes of Stargate SG-1 and play minesweeper which I have gotten really good at. Now finally for the pictures.

Above: bathroom on the left, looking in from garage entrance.

Above: from middle of basement

Above: from extra room into main basement

Above: from bed looking at door to extra room


David said...

Wow, I didn't realize how completely you were shifting the house around. Also, I can relate to the family rifling through things that I don't want them too, but my stuff wasn't as awkward as condom drawer. Also, couldn't you have taken them out and put them in the auxiliary room for the day?

Speaking of that, if you decide you want to make that room a room, just hit me up since I'll be free pretty much any time. Ah well, this was a long comment, so I guess I'll get back to Guild Wars/SC/Risk. Whichever catches my interest first.

Slabablo- thought that sounded cool.

Oreo said...

Since we didn't buy that house that one time, you should start a LAN cafe in the extra room.

Eric said...

gotta hate the getting stuff moved around by others thing. Minesweeper was all i did during my one english class during winter quarter since there was no internet.... let me know about risk I would be down anytime.