Monday, January 09, 2012


Got a job at a retirement home. For now washing dishes with the opportunity to eventually become a server. Thanks Chris for putting in a good word for me. Dunno what else to say about it. Maybe because I'm not used to working and I'm tired now, even though I had today off. My shifts are 12-8 which is perfect for my sleep schedule. I had two training days saturday and sunday, then went in to finish up all the paperwork today, and have my first day working alone tomorrow. For the most part I think it's a pretty easy job, feed the dishwasher and make sure the servers/chefs have all the dishes they need. Then at 7:30 close up the kitchen by taking out the trash and moping up and such. Seems like it will be more like a 12-8:30 normally since the dining room doesn't close until 7:30 so the final wave of dishes doesn't come until then, and then having to scrub everything down takes a while. I think my first week will be a 32 hour week but hopefully I get 5 days in the coming weeks so it becomes a full time job.

Now that I have money it's time to think about what to do with it. For now the responsible thing would be to give my mom a portion of my paycheck since she does pay the mortgage and utilities and food. Something else I will be looking into is getting a place with Ashley. Now that we both work and she has school in addition we probably won't get much time together unless we move in together. She was really excited when I proposed the idea, and I'm for it as long as it's financially viable and we can get fast internet.

Another thing I could spend money on is a desktop. Now that I got a job I don't feel so bad about taking control of a bank account that has been in my name for a while with a decent sum in it. Originally it was created as a college fund, but idk how long it will be before I go back to college so might as well put it to use eh? I'm still playing LoL right now and it doesn't require anything better than what I have but gw2 is around the corner and Chris and I have always said we should start streaming when we play and commentate on games.

Dunno what else to talk about. I told david I would start blogging regularly if certain conditions were met, and I guess I will consider them met now and start trying to blog on a weekly basis.


David said...

This was similar to my reaction upon seeing you updated:

And since I know a little bit about your bank account since you mentioned it before, I would (perhaps irresponsibly) suggest getting a desktop first and then thinking about moving in with Ashley after her lease is up. And giving your mom a cut is definitely positive karma as well.

And if you move in with Ashley, I agree that you need fast internet.

chinter-that just sounds racist somehow...

Oreo said...

moving on up in the world, good work.

if you get FiOS I will be so jealous.