Saturday, October 27, 2012

Diamond League!!

So I just got Diamond rank in League of Legends and now I don't know what to do.
I think I need to calm down a bit so I am going to make a blog post since wikihow told me keeping a journal is relaxing.

Life Overview
Life's good.

Work is going well. Starting to get positive recognition for my work and being rewarded with more hours. Almost got overtime this week because I covered a shift for a co-working and then had an extended shift today because the new dishwasher quit and no one else is willing to do dishes.

Was looking forward to a "gaming house" concept but it seems to have died off due to multiple people not being able to move in yet. Might have to just get a smaller house and not be able to split the rent as many ways, or just wait for other people to be ready.

Obviously going really well right now.
Stopping playing Guild Wars 2 once Diamond League rewards was announced prior to the League of Legends season 2 finals.
Dropped 200 elo very quickly and slowly got it back.
Last game I just played was really epic and might have to put it on youtube or something.

Get Carried
Our League of Legends team seemed like a cool idea for the first couple weeks.
We had a group of 4 core players that could regularly play together, but we needed a top lane-er so our "manager" Chris found some people on reddit to "interview" and we tried 3 our before deciding on Kuro. Unfortunately he has been sick for the past week so we haven't been able to play much.

New Phone
Just got my first smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S3.
Pretty cool it's nice having a phone that can do more than call/text. I didn't know how much I would use it but now that it's available I'm finding I use it a lot.

Everything with Ashley is going fine as always. She is really busy with school/work/work so I don't see her too often, but we see each other enough to be happy and this way we don't get tired of each other at all.

Italy/Spain/Somewhere in Europe
My dad moved to somewhere in Europe because a friend of Andrea's got offered a job there by the company he works for, Boeing.
Haven't talked to him much which reminds me I still have to respond to his email.
Doesn't effect me too much since I didn't see him that often anyway, but now I have an awesome vacation planned in the near future.

Can't think of anything else right now.
Not playing any sports very often because I work on the weekends so it's hard to make it to ultimate games.
Yep that's it.

I kinda need a hair cut it's getting pretty long.

Sounders are 2nd seed in the playoffs so hopefully we can make it past our first round for the first time in 4 seasons.

Built 3 computers now, 2 complete and 1 helping Chris with his.
Probably should go back to college soon and maybe study CS.
Wouldn't be hard with my work schedule since I could still work dinner shifts from 4-8, just wouldn't get as many hours because I couldn't work any full shifts unless it was on the weekends so I guess I could get a good amount of hours.

Tetris is fun

Starting to use reddit

Ok I think it worked I feel pretty calm.

Been thinking about getting some kind of console, and now that I got my goal of diamond league I wouldn't mind spending some time playing a non-competitive single player game every now and then. But I guess I could also just get single player games for PC. But then I wouldn't have the comfort of relaxing on the couch.
Never mind can't get a console need to learn how to top.
Alright off to read some guides on top lane.

Also the next Starcraft 2 expansion still doesn't have a release date and the longer they put it off the less likely i am going to be to remain interested in the story.

Ok actually done with this blog post now.

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