Tuesday, December 12, 2006


We should have a ping-pong/poker/video game thing on the first day of break. Mostly i woud like to have a ping-pong tournament, then we can move to poker/video games. I'm really in to ping-pong again now.

In other news ive started playing video games again. I have started with cs and will eventually move to starcraft for some uber snowball wars during winter break. after christmas i plan on playing source with david and mabye orion. good times.

Monday, November 27, 2006

New blog sorta

Omg teh blog of pwnage is integrated!!!!! new blog its....idk seems exactly the same to me but w/e.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


I hope everyone had a better thanksgiving weekend then i did... aw who am i kidding everyone had a better thanksgiving than i did. anyway i think im gona start using my blog again because... well... i feel like it. looking forward to winter break. =)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Life without video games

So far im doing good without video games. I am actually able to relaxe and not be constantly under pressure to think of new strats all the time. Yes, life is good. More people should follow the ways of Ben Davis and i, even though i think they still play other video games. Soon you will all see how much better life can be without the stress of always trying to be on top. =)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Starcraft ruins lives.

Sorry I havnt been posting as much, but starcraft has pretty much taken over my life. Luckily i think im going to stop playing starcraft for awhile. I realized that, even when im not playing starcraft, its like i always have to be doing something. i can never just relaxe, and its making it hard to sleep at night. i realized, i play starcraft to have fun, but its really having a bigger impact on the rest of my life. i figured this would also be a good time to stop because there are so many people playing now, and plenty of people can either make, or by taught how to fix their lag so they can make. it was fun, but please dont let me play with any of you ever again.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


It was brought to my attention today by david that only his link to my blog has the correct url. If all of you would be kind enough to fix this problem, it should only take 30 seconds or so. thx.
btw, i will try to post more. i know i havnt posted in awhile but i was trying to stay off the comp as much as possible.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


too bad about boxer. as tribute i have posted a playlist of this like games at superfight against yellow. they are all 2 parts because of the length, and they are in order.

Monday, October 02, 2006

yeah so here are a couple of pics that show the damage jake inflicted on my bike wheel. Posted by Picasa

pretty fucked up huh? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

my bike :(

yeah so jake ran over the back tire of my bike after practice.. while i was on my bike. he kinda just came up behind me and mounted my back tire until it collapsed under the pressure. i guess i should have seen it coming with jakes driving skill, or lack of, and all. ill probably get a picture to put up later, but anyway it was quite the ordeal.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Many new changes as of videos and such. check them out cause there are some really cool ones.

btw.. i need some opinions, links above videos or videos above links like it is right now?
personally i think i should put links above videos.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Live to Die Another Day

Back by.. popular.. demand, -i pwn noobs- (teh blog of pwnage)! as most of u probably figured out i was never going to delete my blog, but honestly, im kind of disappointed with the lack of posting that is going on all around our small blogging community. every friday now im going to find new videos and songs to put on my blog, maybe this will keep the formerly boring blog.. exciting in some manner.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Notice of Deletion.

I have decided to delete my blog because no one reads and/or comments on it, so it is not worth having. One week from now the blog entitled "-i pwn n00bs-", "gamers only", and the blogspot profile "pronoob5" will all be deleted. Having a blog that no one reads is just to deppressing.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Yeah so this weekend i went camping in eastern washington at blue lake, which is one lake in a series of.. i think three lakes that are kindof near lake chelan. im afraid to say it.. but i think im gona go against all i hate about long posts cause this was a fun trip i would like to write about.

About stuff / Friday Morning
Early Friday morning we finished up packing, and started off on our extremely long trip to eastern washington. first we headed to davis' house because my sister had invited meredith who is davis' sister. unfortunataly davis was away at a cross-country camp. and even more unfortunataly for me, everyone that i talked to seemed to be busy. anyway we picked her up, and headed to the free way. this was actually a great trip for me because i got a lot of driving time.. but it wasnt exactly "fun" driving. we were sitting in bumper to bumper traffic after crossing over the mountains (or it might have been durring and b4 too i cant remember) and it was damn hot. thats about it for the trip there. we met up with another family we know, the McColes.. i know im spelling that wrong.. who consist of Gregg their father, and three younger boys of ages 13, 10, and 8 i think. it wasnt that bad with them there, we hang out kinda often since are parents are friends. but anyway the trip there was boring and hot.
The campsite (once we finally got there) was decent.. It was probably a 1/2 mile away from the nearest restroom, and there were no other campsites around us. o and this isnt like a foresty area, its eastern washington so few bushes and basically no trees. the only good part about the campsite was that it was quite isulated, and we could make a lot of noise at night. another bad thing though was that the parking to the campsite was 15 feet up a rocky path from the campsite, so we had to lug all our stuff down, and then back up. it was nice being on the lake and being able to go swiming though.

Friday Sept. 1
The friday we got there, i cant really remember but i think we just like hung out, got everything set up, and made a fire cause we got there late.

Saturday Sept. 2
Saturday however, was much more entertaining. first we went swiming for awhile out in the lake, then we took the inflatable rubber boats out to these cliffs across the "free way" part of the lake. this was a lot of fun because we got to go cliff diving.. well i guess not really diving because i wouldnt dive from 40 feet in the air. this was a lot of fun, and we attracted a lot of other people to the spot. by the time we got there, being the only ones there, to the time we left, about 4 boats had come full of people wanting to jump off as well. later that day we went over to sun lakes park, where the Hills and the Finafrocks have camped b4, and played some mini-golf at like 10p.m. This was fun, and for some reason doing it at night with the spotlights on made it that much more fun. that night we didnt have a fire, because we had used all our wood the night b4 and the wood place was closed by the time we got back. so instead of a fire we went out on a walk trying to spot wildlife. this was fun i guess, we saw a lot of dear.

Sunday Sept. 3
Sunday we spent the majority of the day at Sun Lake Park because they have a much better beach like area with open fields to play frisbee on. this was a lot of fun. we got to go diving off of picnic tables into the lake, and wade really far out on to these natural rocks that went out pretty far under the suface of the lake. also we played some frisbee. this was fun, and apparantly davis' sister wants to play ultiamte with us, even though davis hardly ever comes. after staying at the park for the day, we went back to the campsite. that night we did a night swim at around 11 in the lake, which was actually not as cold as durring the day. this was fun. later we had a fire and once again roasted marshmellows for s'mores.
Monday morning we took down all our stuff, and got ready to leave. before leaving the campgrounds, we stopped at a beachy area at the front of the campgrounds where there is a swimming hole and dock to swim out to. wait.. we went there on like friday or something too.. maybe it was saturday.. o well i know im forgetting tons of stuff. we hung out a little longer and played some frisbee and such. then.. for the worst drive home i have, and probably ever will encounter.

Monday Sept. 4 -~<(Labor Day)>~- (idk why i did that)
As all of you should know, it was labor day, and the end of labor day weekend means lots of people going back home. we were sitting in traffic on a 2 lane divided highway (two lanes each way divided by a large grassy field of a median) for over 3 hours. im not talking 10 miles an hour, im not talking 5 miles an hour, im talking about having the van in park, waiting for traffic to move for 3 hours. this was the worst drinving experience i have had to date. i suggested we go play frisbee on the median, but apparently my mom thought it was "illegal".. whatever that means. anyway it was a longer, more boring, and even more hot trip than the ride there. at least we had travel trouble(tm) to pass the time, but we probably should have stopped once traffic lightened up over the pass and i almost swerved into like 10 people while tring to press the little pop dice thing.. o well no harm done.. physically at least.

To sum it all up, great trip. I was the tallest one there. I know im forgetting a TON of more things that we did that were fun. just now the good times with bop-it are coming to mind. anyway if u managed to read through this post without stopping, good for u.. your a better friend than I.

Friday, September 01, 2006

New blog updates

I have made many new updates to my blog. I think it adds something extra that the plane black background lacked. I will try to switch around the videos and songs periodically. I hope this makes reading my blog more enjoyable!

-Btw suggestions are being taken from people who think they have better songs or videos that pwn better than the ones i have.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My new record

Come on, no one even noticed that it was 150,000 and not 15,000. I mean come on, do u have any idea how much longer that would take? Well anyway i made a video taht shows me doing. pretty intresting stuff.... It's on youtube.

Toal Pwnage

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Remember When?

Remember when we played King of Buttons on Addictinggames.com?
King of Buttons.

Remeber when I got a record of 15000? (Post Link Below)
Amazing Record of 15,000.

Remeber when David decided to 1up me? (Post Link Below)
Very noobish record of 15,001.

Well I have news for you...

The King of Buttons has returned...

And this time around...

There's a new King!
(See Below Post)


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Peter Moving?!?!?!?!

Yeah so apparantly peter is moving to federal way, which is kinda just like.....all of a sudden. we had some good times with starcraft, counter-strike, poker, and frisbee. just as we were about to have good times with paintball too. well i guess we could still play the online games, but still. wtf peter, u just decide to leave in less than a days notice.

Monday, August 21, 2006

im baaack

im back from my two weeks at my dads. we need to do something cause it has been a long time since i have played fisbee or starcraft or anything. but im sitting on the comp right now and no one is on, so i dont know if i should call people or what. leave your opinoins about calling ppl to see if we can do something.

Monday, July 31, 2006

I just installed RISK II on to my computer again, and i totally pwned up these two comps in 9 rounds. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

SSBM Pwnage

Below are a few pictures of what happens when u pwn too much.....

It ends up when u pwn a game too much, it rips a fabric of time and space...and a black hole emerges...

yep, pretty sweet. too bad none of u can pwn as much as Marwan, Adam, and i can.

the black hole of death....and turnips/super scopes Posted by Picasa

is it just me, or are fox and falco dancing? Posted by Picasa

is it even possible? Posted by Picasa

pwn3d. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Past few days

So i just spent 5 days insulating this house working for Roy Burt (father to Orion Burt). It was fucking hot. We had to wear these "moon suits" with resperators and goggles. Now imagine being in an unvented attic, with tons of insulation. Now multiply that by exactly 39847 and you'll get how hot it was. If i ever see another piece of insulation again, it will be too soon. At least i got to hang with orion for 3 of the 5 days. We had some good times i guess, found out how cool it was that we could rip fiber glass! It was also a perk that we got paid 10 bucks an hour.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

yeah, so this is what happens when my mom decides to have a garage sale and go through all our old stuff. this is only two put together, next ill move to the garage and add some jumps and such. basically its one set that is like that circle at the end, which is pretty cool when u have two going at once cause they can hit eachother at the crosspoints. then the near set is a viper thing. the viper is on the right long path, if u press this button thing it like jumps up and eats the car. complete with closing mouth action and all. also if u notice, there are two on it right now. it pwns.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 26, 2006


My other blog is back in business!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

ok....fucking....A. So we were playing block the gate hard for like 3 hours and kept saving it after every level, and then like 3 levels from the end a lot of people leave so its just me and these other 3 guys. but somehow, our units from a previous level stayed with us. so this is the boss level. its a dt with 9999 shields and 9999 health. we have one observer, who left, one carrier, who left, two wraiths, who both left, and a dragoon, who is the last remaining live player. this dragoon just runs to another part of the map so we dont lose. so we are sitting here as this dt walks in and out of detection and we slowly take hits at it, 3 damage from the wraiths and 1 damage from each of the 8 intercepters. lets not forget that it regens sheilds too. i got about fed up with it at about 7k health left, but for all intended purposes we won. Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 19, 2006


Pure Pwnage Partay! June 21, 2006 - Release of Episode 11... Yeah so just like ride my bus home after school on wednesday. School gets out early so we should have enough time to watch it. Anyone who watches PP is invited, but only if u watch it and "take it seriously" if that is possible.

June 19, 2006.

Where did this day go? I dont know. i was to busy sleeping for 5 hours after school. wtf. i fucking took a nap. i never take naps... it screws me up so now i wont be able to sleep tomorrow. when i woke up it was sunny and i was like wtf... is it the weekend? i still dont know why i did it....its just not something i would do.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

being a gamer is tough some times...

[9:15:21 PM] Juan E. says: whats n00bs
[9:15:29 PM] Steven says: people who suk
[9:15:31 PM] Steven says: at games
[9:15:32 PM] Steven says: and life
[9:15:36 PM] Juan E. says: oh
[9:15:41 PM] Juan E. says: pawning?
[9:15:45 PM] Steven says: pwning
[9:15:48 PM] Steven says: like owning
[9:15:52 PM] Steven says: like playing games well
[9:15:58 PM] Juan E. says: pwning?
[9:16:04 PM] Juan E. says: actual word?
[9:16:46 PM] Steven says: yes.
[9:17:01 PM] Juan E. says: pwning?
[9:17:03 PM] Juan E. says: p and w?
[9:17:07 PM] Steven says: lol
[9:17:09 PM] Juan E. says: no a?
[9:17:10 PM] Steven says: just kidding man
[9:17:13 PM] Juan E. says: oh
[9:17:14 PM] Steven says: its pwning
[9:17:24 PM] Juan E. says: pwning
[9:17:26 PM] Juan E. says: wow
[9:17:38 PM] Juan E. says: never heard of it
[9:17:42 PM] Steven says: gamer term
[9:17:47 PM] Juan E. says: how do you pronounce it
[9:17:51 PM] Juan E. says: it?
[9:18:26 PM] Steven says: like owning
[9:18:36 PM] Juan E. says: why p?
[9:18:42 PM] Steven says: cause its 1337
[9:18:49 PM] Juan E. says: ?
[9:18:52 PM] Juan E. says: 1337?
[9:18:56 PM] Juan E. says: WTF?
[9:18:58 PM] Steven says: oh boy....lets not even go there

Monday, June 12, 2006

I think this is just cause im really tired but...

ok so im like addicted to Darude's Sandstorm now. im uterly convinced that i play all games, including blocks from hell, 500 times better while listening to it. yea its really late and im bored so i didnt have anything else to post about.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

this weekend

so pretty much ultimate frisbee pwns. it played it two days in a row at echo lake, and if u werent there then it sucks for you. lets see people right now i can think of that werent there are davis, david, alex, and im sure other people that i just cant think of. and wait a sec...i just realized something.... eric chan said he was going to come over on friday, but he didnt. wierd. so yea, i am so freaking bored now because after playing frisbee, nothing else comes close to being as fun as that.

Friday, May 26, 2006

sheer pwnage

So hopefully we will start filming sheer pwnage this weekend. It's gona pwn hardcore and stuff right? Yeah so lets see who we got for the cast....
Me----------pr0 of all n00bs (5)
David-------Camera Man
Davis--------RPG Dave
Keir---------Kurr Lament
Jake--------random extras (maybe has a deeper role.....?)
Sai----------Teh Overmind (added after original post)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

thats right, it pwns Posted by Picasa

Even more uber pro

Wow....i just got the most uber pro mouse out there....literally.

it fucking pwns. thats all i have to say about that.

find it at bestbuy.com. its the G5 Laser Gaming mouse from logitech.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Party Poker! (no relation to www.partypoker.com)

Poker!!!!!! This weekend!!!!! For real!!!!! Since this is going to be a real poker party, and not come over to play video games and jack my food, the following people will not be coming:
1.David - David never plays seriously, thus pissing me off and not being allowed to come.
2.Jake - Like David, Jake also never plays seriously.
3.Sai - Sai does not understand, that you have to play in turn. He does not know how to play, and never brings money, thus will not be invited either.
EVERYONE else will be invited. That includes people that normally dont come because they either think they are not invited, or just cant come. These people include Rob, Colton, Orion, and Stefano. Oh yeah and peter kim.
I hope this will make for a better poker party than we have had in the past, that is all.
Oh yea and its going to be Saturday, probably around 5.
Actually on second thought i might be able to get more people to come if i do it on Friday right after school, and just have everyone ride the bus back. Yeah that sounds good.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


So im thinking about this for an email to nintendo....

Dear Nintendo,
I would like to start off by simply saying this........Wii......WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS THINKING OVER THERE! I believe that changing the Revolutions brilliant name too Wii, is the worse decision that has ever been made by any nintendo employee. I would just like to say, good job fucking yourselves up the asses. Thank you for your time and consideration.
-Ex-nintendo fan

Partido para cinco de mayo!

(Party for the 5th of may) The 5th of may celebrates the independence of Mexico. In Mexico it is not a very big holiday, but when beer companies across the US got word of this Mexican 4th of July, they decided to make it the biggest drinking celebration they could! Check out the other crap section for updated info about my party!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Pure Pwnage

Ok, after much time spent trying to find a way to have a pure pwnage playlist that will play episode after episode, i have discovered that do download the episodes off of the site you will need to first download DivX Player. DivX is a very usefull program that allows you to create playlists, and burn videos onto blank disks. Version 6.2, the free trial, works great so far from what ive seen. Even if you dont want to watch endless replays of pure pwnage, its a great program.
go to softpedia mirror (RO) and your download should start. note that this is the windows version, and if you want to get the mac version, go to the main page.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

New Section

Ok there's a new section in my blog for other random crap. Such as posting about poker parties and such. O yea, and before you get any ideas, read post from the 20th about NOT stealing ideas. That means you david.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ok, im obbsessed

Ok, i think im getting to much into Pure Pwnage. When i was called up for dinner, i was told to go downstairs to go get some vegetables from the freezer. I was kinda in a bad mood cause i was about to pwn at starcraft, so i kinda said why dont you(my mom) get them....this was a bad decision. she then went on about how she cant make dinner, get the dishes out of the dishwasher, clean up after my "mess"(eggo waffle wrapper), and get the vegetables from the freezer. I then responded by saying, well thats because you dont have uber micro like me. I dont think she knows what i ment by that, but she took it bad. I then had to eat dinner in my room, which was actually nice cause i got to lay in bed and listen to my radio.
The moral of this story is......dont watch Pure Pwnage for hours on end.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

New-found gaming practice

I realised something this morning i was solving the cube for my tenth time... solving rubix cubes gives you uber micro! Whenever i am moving my hands around the cube in a seemingly random but purposeful order, i am gaining more uber micro skills to pwn at rts and fps with. Now i can become even more pro!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Serious post.

If anyone fucking tries to check my source to figure out how to add background sound because they are a template n00b, i will fucking demoniate then as a n00b for all of eternity.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

funny thing is, they didnt correct it... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Pure Pwnage

Anyone notice anything different about my blog? If not than maybe you should try turning ur speakers on...

I would like to thank Orion for helping me put the finishing touches on this new update.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ok, last one I promise...

I have nothing better to do....so i was thinking about this friday thing again. So maybe we should do like a $5 thing....you know....cause its a tournament..... we dont have to i was just thinking.
anyway the payoffs would go as follows-
1st Place-----------$25
2nd Place-----------$10
3rd Place-----------$5

OMG is party time!

I was just thinking, mario party 7 is also 8 player, so that would be sweet too! Also, to find out more about Mario Kart: Double Dash, go to the official website at http://www.mariokart.com/doubledash/launch/home.html
(please keep in mind those are not the only availible characters, there are more than the 16 shown)

Anyway, mario kart is a blast, with either 8 player vs, or 2v2v2v2, the choices never end. It's going to be hella fun so dont miss out.

Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

Ok so I've been really bored this break, time to do something. Friday, my house, 8 player mario kart, or other video games if u guys think that game sucks. Also available is poker, ping-pong, computer, movies, food. It's going to be awsome and there are only 8 slots and the 8 player Mario Kart: Double Dash tournament, so sign up through aim/phone now!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006




Time to update

it is time to update! whats even worse is that i have been on the computer, i just havnt updated in awhile

Saturday, March 18, 2006

actual restaurant Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i might have to explain this for a few of you.... animal hospital.....and leather....where does leather come from.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

hehe....voted best.... Posted by Picasa

best calculator game ever

stage #? i have no idea, thats how many stages ive made so far....o yea. eventually ill make like 50 billion and 3...but for now u can play it if u want at lunch or something. sooooo yea. its pretty damned cool.

i am deciding to edit this now.....after jake has deleted the game of pwnage. so yea. im really made at him now. this is me angry. soooooo... yea. grrrr...im angry.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


How's this for a riddle? What is the secret password? I'll give you a hint...it's on my blog.

how bout this one then? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006

funny sign of the day! Posted by Picasa

get it? Posted by Picasa

freaky... Posted by Picasa

whats real? Posted by Picasa

wooooooow Posted by Picasa

this ones kinda cool Posted by Picasa

hehehe... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 02, 2006

omgosh i almost forgot

i almost forgot, i went to hawai'i for break. that was pretty fun, and i guess i should write about it sooooooo.... yea. ok i cant do this im just too bored.

ok david fine, ur password is in my blog now....lol

ghost bob balloon keyboard mouse speaker television dashboard compose publish starcraft soldat counter-srike calculator morrowind text normal casper canteen time years soccer football links SGFshorty90 runninginsquare3 dawnoftheturkey chicken blitzmoose scuddybuddy23 oreo2476 comment seahawks sonics sounders preview mirage falldown control marine zergling dragoon archer stapler ritz crackers black white red blue yellow green cards poker pencil sharpener phone camera paper route enterprise concord linksys logitech blood italic evil sword dagger lord of the rings star wars bow gun shotgun pistol sniper assassin murderer zelda link fairy news main blizzard music bookmarks tools help file edit view go help blog myspace draft speed drugs cars mustang leader captin tag flag slayer odd ball rocket launcher plasma pistol warthog flood alien predator invasion july march january february quote letter dell aim skype post sign alignment galvanize push button steven boston seattle vegas hawaii texas folder compact disk virtual laser deposition shortcuts lol g2g ttyl eight ten nine eleven sixteen hundred thousand height short tall fat skinny nose back leg arm finger firefox refresh html mission splinter cell tom clancy world china mongolia japan africa middle east north south west pacific water ocean etc etc etc etc etc

so have u figured it out yet? ur password is in my blog!

password for david's calc

david ur an idiot, did u really think i would post it in my blog? well just so that everyone else knows, i put a password on davids calculater so he cant get to his games. lets see if he can survive one math class and a saturday with out his calclator games! FWAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


why does picaso make the quality of the pictures so crapy?!?!?!?!?!

dont i look profesional Posted by Picasa
btw that last picture was me after my job share, and that coat I'm wearing was givin to me by my host. overall it was a pretty awsome time. i got to put in a new server and configure it. i learned soooooooo much!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Sai's party

Sai had a party, apparently it was his birthday party but he couldnt tell anyone cause his mom didnt want people to get him stuff lol. so for all of you who either 1)didnt come because u where busy, or 2)werent invited, it sucks for u cause it was kinda fun...and now im mad cause i left at 6 for the basketball game and now im sitting at my computer not playing halo and not leaving yet cause the game starts at 7..........life sucks some times....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

i was told to make another post

So i just went to dinner for my birthday. its a little late but i wasnt feeling good around my birthday. you guys should guess where i went....its kinda funny....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

uh...stuff has happened.