Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's days like this were I love having a cool basement to relax in.
Just finished mowing the lawn and trimming the apple tree so I'm too tired to do anything but blog.

Guild Wars 2
I guess this wasn't the best time to make a blog post since the next class to be announced is coming out later this week. I've been starting to get back into keeping up with the GW2 news and it's been getting me more pumped every day. It's a good motivation to getting a job since I doubt my current computer will run GW2 smoothly when it is released.

Cascadia Derby
Sounders vs Timbers was a decent match, not so thrilled about the tie though. In Sigi Schmid's post match interview he was clearly disappointed. Disappointed with the first half performance, with all the injuries we have been plagued with (reached 8 during the match), and with the constant rain. He also obviously wasn't a fan of the Timber's play style. I feel like it was the Sounders game to lose due to our second half surge, but we just couldn't get that winning second goal in the net. John Spencer, Portland Timbers head coach, has a very different opinion. He's gone on record calling Seattle a "bunch of crybabies who should stop making excuses."
I realize that I have a biased opinion and that I don't see the game the same way Spencer does, but after watching the game a second time on the DVR (yes I watch all our games multiple times what of it?), I see no way to interpret the overall flow of the match a domination by Portland. If anything they were the ones dominated. In the video on the link provided, Spencer makes some sarcastic remarks about goals on set pieces, but the fact is goals that come in the run of play take much more planning and skill to get than getting a goal off of a set piece because your player has a foot over all of our defenders.
Gotta love the regional rivalries.

Starcraft 2
Well since Chris and Eric both decided to not show up to game night without letting me or David know, we had plenty of time to work on some SC2 achievements.
We started off by doing some co-op vs A.I. since those are really just dependent on how much time you put into them. We quickly figured out that both of us going zerg and 6-pooling would be the fastest way to acquire wins since the A.I.'s aren't programmed in a way that allows them to stop it. We were a few games in mindlessly 6-pooling away, when something strange happened. Our enemies had walled off their ramp.
Walling off? The computers had never done that before.
We get up the ramp, and as I go to start attacking the pylon powering the warping-in forge, I realize that this isn't an A.I. at all! It is a human player!
After our last match I must have clicked the "Find Match" button instead of "Co-op vs A.I." because now we had been placed in a 2v2 without even noticing it on the loading screen. This match was a bit harder, and our opponents fought back with more vigor this time, but the result was unchanged. We stomped that 2v2. Among laughter and quilt, we accept our victory to find that we have been placed in Diamond League for 2v2s.
We felt like jerks for doing a double 6-pool, but go0d times.

Later in SC2 we tried to get our Star Jeweled (Bejeweled Custom with tug-of-war) achievements. Bejeweled is a pretty fun fast pasted puzzle game and it took me a while to get used to it, but eventually with the help of a strategy guide I managed to defeat the insane A.I., and a couple days later when David said he got the 6-combo achievement I went back and got that one too.

I guess there's more I could blog about but I'm not as tired anymore and I didn't take a shower after yard work so I need to go do that now. Also I just finished a podcast episode so it seems like a good time to stop.

For those who are interested, just refreshed twitter and got Sigi's response to John Spencer's comments on the Rave Green Blog.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back Due to Popular Request

Guild Wars
So to promote Guild Wars 2 Arenanet released that if you accomplish certain achievements in Guild Wars you can unlock stuff in GW2 via your hall of monuments. A couple months ago I completed all the Achievements, 50/50, and got the title Champion of the Gods. Pretty impressive if you ask other MMO players, a complete waste of time to the rest of the world.
David is also along the path to MMO ascension, so good luck to you friend.

In other Guild Wars news, David and I finally decided it would be a better idea to join a thriving guild than sit in our two man alliance. I can't remember the name of the new guild right now, and I don't really feel like getting on to check, but it's a pretty nice guild. I found it while doing a DoA run as being advertised as a DoA guild. The Domain of Anguish is a Nightfall elite quest which gives great rewards, and it can be ran in a decent amount of time using a build called FrostWay. The profit was good enough to quickly speed through the 50 minipet achievement and pay for the buy titles I needed.

That's about all I want to get in to with Guild Wars. I never got the GW1 title God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals so I might go back and get that some time, but for now the only times I get on are to pay David in GW currency for deals we made during game night board games. E.g. when he payed off my college loans in the board game Life.

Question for Comment
The reason my blog looks different is because I realized how ridiculous the previous background + font color was. I'm trying to find something that's easier on the eyes so let me know if this is alright.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Dammit I just finished what I thought was the season finale of SGU s2 only to find out that it was not only the series finale, but in fact the end of the entire Stargate saga. There will be no more Stargate series. Now I am pissed.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Watching GSL wanted something to do while watching a pretty drawn out tvt, so I'm lying on my couch with my keyboard in my lap typing up a blog entry.
Decided I might make more regular blog posts again since I have a horrible memory and some day I may want to relive these days.

Every weekend Chris, David, Eric (whoa abCDE) and I have game night. It started one Saturday after a UWB ultimate game because we wanted to play munchkin. With the exception of a couple weeks, we have done it ever since. First we played munchkin the card game, then Chris got Munchkin Quest, then for a few weeks we played a lot more video games than board games, then last week Eric got Settlers of Catan. We've also played various other games like Risk, Monopoly, etc. That reminds me we had a round robin Stratego tournament but Eric didn't come that week so we still need to finish that.
Sundays there's pickup Ultimate. March and April we didn't go that often because the weather hasn't been great, but now it's getting warmer so we will probably go more regularly.

Dungeons and Dragons
Three Fridays ago we started a new D&D campaign with someone Chris met at school and her boyfriend as the DM. The first week was alright, definitely not the same as with Davis, but interesting to see what it's like with a different DM. The next week I didn't go because I wanted to get laid instead, so the party played board games instead. Last week was canceled because the DM was busy with a heavy work load, he's some kind of freelance programmer or something like that Chris didn't know for sure.

Huge fan of MLS right now. Sometimes it feels like I live just to see their next match. Next weekend is our first match against the new expansion team, the Portland Timbers, so everyone is looking forward to Saturday. Portland is looking decent so this will certainly be an intense Pacific Northwest rivalry.

League of Legends
I started playing LoL at the request of Chris and Sai, and since I don't get to hang out with Sai that much anymore, and Chris doesn't play SC, I obliged. It's pretty addicting and I gotta say it is more fun than SotIS, even if it is underdeveloped. The biggest issue I have with LoL... is the lack of community to play with, which is ironic because I started playing to play with Chris and Sai, and I haven't played with either of them much.

Starcraft II
Started playing SC2 a bit recently due to Keir being summer break and asking David to play, who in turn got me to play. Just finished "grinding" some achievements for playing against computers today, so now I have no excuse to not ladder. One thing that was nice about getting on SC again was the pms I got from the SotIS community asking me to come back. I'm not really interested in SotIS anymore since I don't get good enough fps to be willing to play competitively again, but it was nice finding out that the SotIS mumble server isn't as strict about being only for SotIS games anymore and now they have LoL channels as well. I'll probably hop on there from now on when I play SotIS, and maybe I can even convert some of the guys I used to play with.
Overall hoping to play more SC2 than LoL now preferably with David and Keir but perhaps 1v1s too in preparation for PAX (and to maintain my dignity by being able to beat Ashley.. who has over 1500 1v1 matches).

Chris, David and I are starting to learn Korean. Chris and I have said we would learn via independent study for a while and David is going to study abroad in Seoul, so him needing to learn gives Chris and I that motivation we have been needing.

Ashley and I are still going strong. She's finally started to make good on her desires and start exercising regularly. It's been hard for her to find motivation since I keep telling her she looks great and doesn't need to, but it makes her happy so I guess I'm glad she's following through now. She's trying to get me to join a yoga class with her this summer, but so far I am in the "eff that" state of mind. Who knows though, I swore I would never take salsa lessons either and look how that turned out.

Actually doing something productive with my life
I know I need a job, I know I want a job, but idk why it's so hard for me to just go in and get an interview. I've been applying to every opening online, but really it's going to come down to when I decide to follow through and go in person to meet a manager. Somehow I need to gain confidence, but seeing as how I live in my mom's basement, I don't know where that is going to come from. Every time I watch a Sounders game they advertise volunteering through them, so maybe that would be a good stepping stone. Volunteering regularly.
As far as school goes, I've decided community college isn't the right route for me and eventually I'm going to go to a technical college. As of now though the plan is to 1. get a job 2. move out 3. go back to school so that I can do something that I enjoy and pays above minimum wage.

Question for Comments
Ashley is great. It does kinda bother me that I have only been with one person, but I definitely could see never being with anyone else. She keeps saying she wants to move on to another stage and get a place together, but at this stage in my life I would rather live with a couple friends than my girlfriend. What would my readers.. ok fine reader do in this situation?