Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Back Due to Popular Request

Guild Wars
So to promote Guild Wars 2 Arenanet released that if you accomplish certain achievements in Guild Wars you can unlock stuff in GW2 via your hall of monuments. A couple months ago I completed all the Achievements, 50/50, and got the title Champion of the Gods. Pretty impressive if you ask other MMO players, a complete waste of time to the rest of the world.
David is also along the path to MMO ascension, so good luck to you friend.

In other Guild Wars news, David and I finally decided it would be a better idea to join a thriving guild than sit in our two man alliance. I can't remember the name of the new guild right now, and I don't really feel like getting on to check, but it's a pretty nice guild. I found it while doing a DoA run as being advertised as a DoA guild. The Domain of Anguish is a Nightfall elite quest which gives great rewards, and it can be ran in a decent amount of time using a build called FrostWay. The profit was good enough to quickly speed through the 50 minipet achievement and pay for the buy titles I needed.

That's about all I want to get in to with Guild Wars. I never got the GW1 title God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals so I might go back and get that some time, but for now the only times I get on are to pay David in GW currency for deals we made during game night board games. E.g. when he payed off my college loans in the board game Life.

Question for Comment
The reason my blog looks different is because I realized how ridiculous the previous background + font color was. I'm trying to find something that's easier on the eyes so let me know if this is alright.


Davos said...

It is pretty terrible.

David said...

Oh snap, you updated the day after? I need to start checking your blog more often then.

New guild is Sesame Street Fighters [SSF]. We're the head of an alliance of I think 8 guilds.

As for the background, I think it was easier to read when it was green on black. I actually didn't have problems when it was like that.

brider....that almost seems like it should be a word.