Sunday, January 29, 2012

Frequent Updates Incoming

Man not updating very often is a bad idea, because then I think about how much shit I have to blog about and I don't feel like doing it. Then I get even more shit to blog about and the task is even more daunting.
I'm going to try to update irregularly every few days now so it doesn't seem like such a chore.

Just got off my third consecutive breakfast shift so I'm glad I have a day off (Monday) now. Doing the breakfast shift entails waking up around 5am and dealing with the extra grumpy residents who haven't eaten or had their coffee yet. Today was especially hard because the 6:00 server overslept and didn't make it to work until sometime around 8. So when I got to work on time at 6:30 none of the prep work that needs to be done before the dining room opens at 7 had been done. That left me running around trying to 1) figure out everything that needed to be done and where all the shit was and 2) do 90 minutes of work in 30. This was only my 3rd time doing the breakfast shift and my second time having to do the 6:00 server work so it was stressful. Mitch, one of the room service guys, was around earlier than he needed to be so he tried to help as much as possible but I only half knew what I was doing and he had no idea what needed to be done. Also the one other dining room staff member there is the chef, and she doesn't seem like one of the veterans so she wasn't much help either.
Despite not being ready I decide to open the dining room door at 7 even though the salad bar wasn't completed, I hadn't gotten the oatmeal ready, and the cereal was still in the kitchen.
Residents start coming in and of course today is the grumpiest I have seen them.
Lots of frustrating moments with residents having no empathy and me feeling lost beyond hope.
Around 8 I start to feel like things are calming down a bit so I decide to try to get a hold of my supervisor to let her know what's up. As I'm going to call her the other shows up all apologetic saying they overslept. She starts working on the mound of dishes that has accumulated because I didn't have time to wash dishes, take orders, and bus/reset tables. I noticing the pile shrink a bit and I'm hopeful that I'll get some help on the floor and not feel so overwhelmed, but instead I see her leaning on a counter texting or doing something on her cell. At some point our supervisor shows up even though she didn't work today, and goes into her office to do what I assume is some extra paperwork she had. A little while later she comes out and tells me I'm going to be a superstar today because she sent the other server home. So now I am serving breakfast alone again. And then she (my supervisor) leaves. Me alone. After already being overwhelmed.
Time goes by things start to calm down while the mound of dishes in the dish pit reaches half way up the walls. The previous night Chris told me that he was, for some strange reason, scheduled to wash dishes from 11 to 4. He hadn't washed dishes before. And now I am looking and this mound of dishes and thinking: fuck. me.
Eventually the lunch servers Oscar and Ivan get there and we manage to control the dining room.
Still the mountain of dishes rises.
Ian, who is a great guy and one of the chefs, sees the mound of dishes when he comes in and gets the story of what happened this morning. Nice guy Ian proceeds to drastically reduce the work load of the soon-to-come dishwasher Chris. Chris gets to work with a manageable mound of dishes and we eventually enter the really light dining room time around 1:30.
Finally 2:30 crawls in and I clock out.
Get home, play some LoL, start writing a blog entry, get tired of blogging and end the entry prematu


David said...

I was about to say something about the last part of your post, but then I suddenly saw what you did there >__>

ZerythPhoenix said...

Wow that kind of sucks giant ostrich eggs--opening a restaurant when you clearly haven't had thorough enough training to fly solo yet. Hopefully this will just intensely train you yo be pro at serving! Then with the experience you could move onto serving other places where you get tips..>_> like Johnny Rockets...

Oreo said...

Well, I bet the supervisor knew you didn't go by "pronoob" for nothing.