Saturday, November 24, 2007


fucking pissed god fucking damnit. fucking sitting at home after failing at trying to play a frisbee game yesturday. then at fucking 11 zack messages me and tells me i just missed out on a fuckign amazing frisbee game at richmond beach library. fucking shit. really pissed right now, cant thik of a way to blow off steam. feel like calling so many people right now and being mda at them for not calling me. oh well fuck. fuck fuck fucking pissed god fuckign damnit. and to add to this fuck fest, my mom just decided to tell me we are goign to my aunts all day tomorrow for a birhday party for my grandma. so fucking whole sunday wasted. fuckign shit. so pissed rihgt now i cant even think. i need to go fuck some ppl up in cs i think. FUCK. oh also read the post below i made earlyer today when i was in a good modo. adlfkjad fuck.

1 comment:

David said...

That explains why you weren't on AIM today. Ah well, I guess we can just play SC during the week.