Saturday, November 24, 2007

Mmmm Turkey

It's been awhile since I made a post about life in general, so I'm not sure where to start. I guess I'll just talk about this weekend so far since a lot has happened and nothing interesting happens during the school week. Oh, besides me winning HoH in Guild Wars again and this time opening the chest before the time expired. Ok so Wednesday after school.. I think that was the day I was going to take the bus so I wouldn't have to go to Top Foods but I missed the bus so I went and walked around Tops for 30 minutes or so. Got to get in on the future new product at the student store. By the way David, I was right you don't have to be in DECA to be in marketing, it's just an option. When I got home Zack told me about how Eastern has extremely sweet computers with very large monitors set up JUST for gaming. They have tons of games pre-installed and since it's a college the internet is like... lag-less. He then talked about how he started playing Starcraft and wanted me to play again, so I looked into getting that fixed. Also Wednesday I downloaded some new music.

Thursday was Turkey Day, and yes, I ate too much turkey and other traditional thanksgiving foods. After dinner I didn't even feel up to shoving down some pie into my already overflowing stomach, but I managed to find space =P. Started playing Starcraft again, and met up with Peter, Ben, Albert, Oliver, and most importantly Keir on Bnet. I could barely control my excitement to be back on the battle field, but I managed to control my childish joy in order to keep good composure in the Skype conference. Even though I think I went 1-2, with the only win being Keir and I vs. Ben, it was still a lot of fun.

Friday I woke up and immediately went from breakfast to Starcraft. David was playing Mass Effect, but since he is a good friend, he played some Starcraft with me, and the others that got on later. We played some ums maps and I got a few of the good ums maps we used to play from David through Skype file sharing. While on Bnet, Peter said he might be able to come up North to Shoreline for a day or two, so we started planning a frisbee game.. that never ended up happening. David came over around... 4:30 or some time around there because once again he is a great guy, and Orion wouldn't answer his phone so we could plan the paper route. By 5:00pm it was already really dark so David and I rushed to get the paper route done before Peter would hopefully arrive. It was really cold but I think we may have made a new record for paper route delivery time. After the route David and I pwned up some GCN and waited for people to arrive. Eventually Orion and Alex got here with still no sign of Peter. I was told at this point that we would have a good amount of people for a frisbee game, but I will talk about my annoyance with this later.

We gamed on the Cube/PC until a little before 9, then we headed over to Shoreline A/B fields in hopes of having a game of ultimate started soon. When we got there one of Zack's friends pulled up at the same time, and we threw a couple discs around for a few minutes until everyone else showed up. When everyone else got there, they decided, (or more Gerard decided), that they were going to play football instead. I really don't like playing football because it seems so skill-less and non-strategic when they play it. Alex, Orion, David, Chris and I continued to throw the discs around for awhile. That got old after awhile and we decided we should go make sheer pwnage. At this point it was 10:15 and we didn't have a video camera on hand. We drove to David's in hopes that his sister had the video camera at home, but she had lent it to a project partner for some reason.

We sat at David's house listening to Alex play acoustic, before realizing we were cold and some of us were hungry. On the way to my house to pick up Alex's wallet and keys, Orion tried to predict the change of the red light, but instead ended up looking stupid sitting halfway into the intersection with a red light. Right as he had crossed almost completely passed the cross-walk and he and I were laughing with random "shits" in there, a cop took a left turn coming from the opposite side in front of us. At this point the "shits" and laughs increased, and we saw him slow down as he decided whether or not to turn around, luckily for us he was feeling generous and kept going. We kept going down 185th towards Aurora, seeing another cop car on the way. Good times, too bad we didn't have the camera.

Sat at Denny's for awhile, probably made the "clumsy" waitress think we were all high and had the munchies. Orion's car had died when we got there and he couldn't start it, but luckily after we were done, it had enough juice to start. Afterwards we drove back to my house, but unfortunately the downstairs was taken by my mom and sister who were watching..ugh..Hairspray... We decided to go our separate ways, but Orion's car wouldn't start again. We sat in the basement for around 20 minutes on the computer, hoping his car would start given a break. No such luck. He left it here and jogged home deciding he would come back with his dad tomorrow (Saturday) and pick it up then.

So far not much has happened today. We (meaning I) put up Christmas lights on the house, and Orion picked up his car. No one was on aim/msn so I decided to make this blog post and hopefully by the time I was done people would be on and ready to play Starcraft. None of the Clan is on right now, but I'm not on Skype so I'll try that now. Sorry this post was so long, but you're the one who was willing to read it all. And besides, this isn't so much to inform others of what happens, but to have a record of things we did so that, with my poor memory, I can look back and remember all the good times we had. Ok time to go get my micro back. -pronoob5 is back!


Oreo said...

wow, that was a ridiculously long post for you steven. record?

David said...

Yeah sorry about not playing yesterday. My parents kicked me off all games.

SC this week though.