Sunday, November 04, 2007


So per request I am making another blog post. Okay well Halloween was recently... that's a good starting point. Ok so as 3/4 of the people reading this post already know about the Guild Wars events, I will talk briefly about it. So yeah it was a gamer weekend with a bonus PVP game which was costume brawl. I played it a bit, not as much as I would have liked. Also the main cities were decorated with Halloween attire, they looked pretty cool. During the event there were special items - or treats you could say - that give certain bonuses, or just get your drunk. I found a great way to farm* these items and other rare items and it was good times. On Halloween this guy comes and gives you free items and festival hats that are only available for one day. Ok enough of Guild Wars.
Lets see what else has happened.. worked on brain project with Sai, learned about Bloon Tower Defense, lost our soccer game, started watching Starcraft replays on youtube again, got very addicted to Starcraft replays again, and once again got asked to go to a midnight ultimate game which I had to turn down because of being at my dad's house. Yay being left out!
Other than having to be here, life is good. Chris got a 360 with his birthday money, (I assumed that last part), and I might have to spend more time over there now seeing as how it is two blocks away and just too convenient to pass up. I'm trying to recruit more people to ultimate, but our ratio of guys:girls is looking increasingly worse. Optimal would be 4:3 since we have to field 3 girls, look like at best we are going to get around 5:1. But other than that looks like we will have a good year, lot's of new players with promising attitudes and effort. Last year it was just sad because 3/4 of the team was new to the sport, and the other 1/4 was just okay (generally speaking).
Dammit I made a longer post than usual. I guess this means I will have to read everyone else's long posts. Off to surf blogs then.
Oh and Go Hawks! -- almost game time it was on my mind =P

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