Saturday, October 27, 2012

Diamond League!!

So I just got Diamond rank in League of Legends and now I don't know what to do.
I think I need to calm down a bit so I am going to make a blog post since wikihow told me keeping a journal is relaxing.

Life Overview
Life's good.

Work is going well. Starting to get positive recognition for my work and being rewarded with more hours. Almost got overtime this week because I covered a shift for a co-working and then had an extended shift today because the new dishwasher quit and no one else is willing to do dishes.

Was looking forward to a "gaming house" concept but it seems to have died off due to multiple people not being able to move in yet. Might have to just get a smaller house and not be able to split the rent as many ways, or just wait for other people to be ready.

Obviously going really well right now.
Stopping playing Guild Wars 2 once Diamond League rewards was announced prior to the League of Legends season 2 finals.
Dropped 200 elo very quickly and slowly got it back.
Last game I just played was really epic and might have to put it on youtube or something.

Get Carried
Our League of Legends team seemed like a cool idea for the first couple weeks.
We had a group of 4 core players that could regularly play together, but we needed a top lane-er so our "manager" Chris found some people on reddit to "interview" and we tried 3 our before deciding on Kuro. Unfortunately he has been sick for the past week so we haven't been able to play much.

New Phone
Just got my first smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S3.
Pretty cool it's nice having a phone that can do more than call/text. I didn't know how much I would use it but now that it's available I'm finding I use it a lot.

Everything with Ashley is going fine as always. She is really busy with school/work/work so I don't see her too often, but we see each other enough to be happy and this way we don't get tired of each other at all.

Italy/Spain/Somewhere in Europe
My dad moved to somewhere in Europe because a friend of Andrea's got offered a job there by the company he works for, Boeing.
Haven't talked to him much which reminds me I still have to respond to his email.
Doesn't effect me too much since I didn't see him that often anyway, but now I have an awesome vacation planned in the near future.

Can't think of anything else right now.
Not playing any sports very often because I work on the weekends so it's hard to make it to ultimate games.
Yep that's it.

I kinda need a hair cut it's getting pretty long.

Sounders are 2nd seed in the playoffs so hopefully we can make it past our first round for the first time in 4 seasons.

Built 3 computers now, 2 complete and 1 helping Chris with his.
Probably should go back to college soon and maybe study CS.
Wouldn't be hard with my work schedule since I could still work dinner shifts from 4-8, just wouldn't get as many hours because I couldn't work any full shifts unless it was on the weekends so I guess I could get a good amount of hours.

Tetris is fun

Starting to use reddit

Ok I think it worked I feel pretty calm.

Been thinking about getting some kind of console, and now that I got my goal of diamond league I wouldn't mind spending some time playing a non-competitive single player game every now and then. But I guess I could also just get single player games for PC. But then I wouldn't have the comfort of relaxing on the couch.
Never mind can't get a console need to learn how to top.
Alright off to read some guides on top lane.

Also the next Starcraft 2 expansion still doesn't have a release date and the longer they put it off the less likely i am going to be to remain interested in the story.

Ok actually done with this blog post now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wow has it really been a month?

Time seems to be going by really quickly now.

Was playing some late night LoL because I finally don't have an "early" morning tomorrow. Weekends I work at 12-8 so I have to get up at a decent hour, and today (monday) i had to drive Kelsey back to Ellensburg and then get back before work at 4. So I had to get up at a decent time again. Tomorrow I finally just work at 4 and don't have anything else I need to do before then, so I don't need to worry about setting an alarm to wake up (unless I sleep until 2pm somehow).

Working 6 days a week now, two 8 hour days on the weekends and four 4 hour days during the week. Thursdays I get off, but of course whenever we have staff meetings it happens on thursday, so this week I will have to go into work every day. Also pay days are on thursdays.

Sounders season finally started, excited for what this season will bring. 2-0 so far with 4 goals for and 1 against.

I can feel myself getting better at LoL and am happy about that. My goal is to get 1800 by the end of april so I can get my stream posted on and then maybe get some viewers and start a following.

Guild Wars 2 pre-purchase starts april 10th and that will get me access to the weekend beta events so that will be fun.. except that weekends are when I have the least amount of free time.

Generally happy with life, much more so than before I got the job at MG so I'm really thankful to Chris for helping me get that.

Pretty sleepy right now but feel like something is missing and I still need to do something.

I guess one thing that is still missing from my life is time with Ashley. Last week was spring break, which one would think would mean we could see each other more often, but really it just means she is going to work all the time in stead of have class to go to. We've talked about my interest in moving out and maybe moving in together or with a group of people, but right now she is worried about potentially not getting financial aid next year since she will be a 5th year senior and if she doesn't get financial aid than it might not be possible.

fuuuuuuckk tired but don't want to sleep haha.
everyone else went to sleep early because of class/work/idk what else and now I don't know what to do haha.

I guess I'll just find something to watch.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Buffet Brunch

Just got back from a Sunday breakfast shift, and my first brunch shift. Buffet's are pretty awesome to server during, since all the entrees and sides are out in the dining room and the only thing we have to do is get drinks, serve desert, and bus tables. We started off opening breakfast normally, but at lunch time we did buffet. I'm not sure why it was called a brunch since it was all the lunch/dinner foods and I associate brunch with breakfast and lunch foods, but regardless it was a nice break from the normal routine.

Saturday morning was an Ultimate double header, and then I had to work Saturday night, and Sunday morning. Not looking forward to another breakfast shift tomorrow.

My computer is not completely put together since I got the Crossfire cable, and now all I need to do is print out a couple copies of my Paypal receipt for mail-in rebate purposes and I'm all done with my new computer stuff. Might get another monitor soon, I've been getting a lot of hours lately.

There is a free Sounders pre-season game on the 29th at Quest Field that I want to go to, but I don't know if I will find anyone who can go with. Ashley doesn't think she can get that Wednesday off. I'm sure I can find someone though and if not I might just go alone.

Lost a lot of ELO in League. Going to try to stream regularly now that all my computer stuff is done. Might make some youtube videos if we ever do drunk LoL again.

Guild Wars 2 Beta sign ups were open for 48 hours a couple days ago.. and they managed to get 1 million people to sign up. I really hope I get in, but from what people are saying they are going to be looking for lower end PC's to test which systems will be able to play the game.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

First Post from New PC

Hurray! It works!
Had a bit of frustration trying to put it together when my LGA 1155 socket wouldn't close without a lot of pressure on the CPU. Eventually I just went for it and so far it seems like nothing was damaged too badly. Other than that I didn't really have any problems putting it together. Still haven't done all the mail in rebates yet, and neither my graphics cards or the motherboard came with a crossfire connector so I need to order one of those too. I'm glad I went with the opaque case siding, because I didn't really do a great job of organizing all the cables.

Trying to start up a YouTube channel with Chris focused on League of Legends stuff, but finding a name that's open has already put us at a creative roadblock.

Guild Wars 2 can not come out soon enough.

Work is work. Chris has been saying he wants more hours, so I offered to trade him my breakfast shift tomorrow for his dinner shift giving him 4 more hours, and then he said he had conditions for me, as if it wasn't ME doing HIM the favor.

Hmm anything I am missing... doesn't seem like it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

I'll start posting more, promise

Work is going alright. Abby just hired a new server so I'm no longer the new guy. Seems like I might have the weekend breakfast shift locked up because I've done it two weeks in a row. May not seem like much of a pattern yet but I'm scheduled to do it this upcoming week to so here's to hoping.

Guild Wars 2 closed beta is underway now so maybe in a months time a more open beta will be available for fans.
Which leads me to...
Needing a new computer to run GW2.
Which leads me to...
I just bought all the necessary components to build my new PC!

I've never made a purchase this large before, so while I will post the specs go easy on me; I don't want to regret purchases that set me back hundreds of dollars.

Still playing League of Legends quite a bit and just broke 1700 on the ladder. I'm pretty happy with how that's going and seems like I can continue to Ryze to the top.

Haven't had a game night or D&D session in a while since Chris and I are now both working. Now that I'm used to the breakfast shift though, I think I'm ready to go out on Friday and Saturday nights as long as it's not much past midnight.

Last Thursday night Chris, David, Eric and I had our (first) drunken smurf League night. It was a lot of fun and hopefully we can continue doing it semi-regularly, especially when I get my computer put together and we can start streaming it.
I'm thinking as far as streaming goes I might get into some video editing as well to capture some of our highlights for YouTube and maybe others will think we are as funny as we know we are.

I think that's all for now. Look forward to more frequent posts in the near future.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Frequent Updates Incoming

Man not updating very often is a bad idea, because then I think about how much shit I have to blog about and I don't feel like doing it. Then I get even more shit to blog about and the task is even more daunting.
I'm going to try to update irregularly every few days now so it doesn't seem like such a chore.

Just got off my third consecutive breakfast shift so I'm glad I have a day off (Monday) now. Doing the breakfast shift entails waking up around 5am and dealing with the extra grumpy residents who haven't eaten or had their coffee yet. Today was especially hard because the 6:00 server overslept and didn't make it to work until sometime around 8. So when I got to work on time at 6:30 none of the prep work that needs to be done before the dining room opens at 7 had been done. That left me running around trying to 1) figure out everything that needed to be done and where all the shit was and 2) do 90 minutes of work in 30. This was only my 3rd time doing the breakfast shift and my second time having to do the 6:00 server work so it was stressful. Mitch, one of the room service guys, was around earlier than he needed to be so he tried to help as much as possible but I only half knew what I was doing and he had no idea what needed to be done. Also the one other dining room staff member there is the chef, and she doesn't seem like one of the veterans so she wasn't much help either.
Despite not being ready I decide to open the dining room door at 7 even though the salad bar wasn't completed, I hadn't gotten the oatmeal ready, and the cereal was still in the kitchen.
Residents start coming in and of course today is the grumpiest I have seen them.
Lots of frustrating moments with residents having no empathy and me feeling lost beyond hope.
Around 8 I start to feel like things are calming down a bit so I decide to try to get a hold of my supervisor to let her know what's up. As I'm going to call her the other shows up all apologetic saying they overslept. She starts working on the mound of dishes that has accumulated because I didn't have time to wash dishes, take orders, and bus/reset tables. I noticing the pile shrink a bit and I'm hopeful that I'll get some help on the floor and not feel so overwhelmed, but instead I see her leaning on a counter texting or doing something on her cell. At some point our supervisor shows up even though she didn't work today, and goes into her office to do what I assume is some extra paperwork she had. A little while later she comes out and tells me I'm going to be a superstar today because she sent the other server home. So now I am serving breakfast alone again. And then she (my supervisor) leaves. Me alone. After already being overwhelmed.
Time goes by things start to calm down while the mound of dishes in the dish pit reaches half way up the walls. The previous night Chris told me that he was, for some strange reason, scheduled to wash dishes from 11 to 4. He hadn't washed dishes before. And now I am looking and this mound of dishes and thinking: fuck. me.
Eventually the lunch servers Oscar and Ivan get there and we manage to control the dining room.
Still the mountain of dishes rises.
Ian, who is a great guy and one of the chefs, sees the mound of dishes when he comes in and gets the story of what happened this morning. Nice guy Ian proceeds to drastically reduce the work load of the soon-to-come dishwasher Chris. Chris gets to work with a manageable mound of dishes and we eventually enter the really light dining room time around 1:30.
Finally 2:30 crawls in and I clock out.
Get home, play some LoL, start writing a blog entry, get tired of blogging and end the entry prematu

Monday, January 09, 2012


Got a job at a retirement home. For now washing dishes with the opportunity to eventually become a server. Thanks Chris for putting in a good word for me. Dunno what else to say about it. Maybe because I'm not used to working and I'm tired now, even though I had today off. My shifts are 12-8 which is perfect for my sleep schedule. I had two training days saturday and sunday, then went in to finish up all the paperwork today, and have my first day working alone tomorrow. For the most part I think it's a pretty easy job, feed the dishwasher and make sure the servers/chefs have all the dishes they need. Then at 7:30 close up the kitchen by taking out the trash and moping up and such. Seems like it will be more like a 12-8:30 normally since the dining room doesn't close until 7:30 so the final wave of dishes doesn't come until then, and then having to scrub everything down takes a while. I think my first week will be a 32 hour week but hopefully I get 5 days in the coming weeks so it becomes a full time job.

Now that I have money it's time to think about what to do with it. For now the responsible thing would be to give my mom a portion of my paycheck since she does pay the mortgage and utilities and food. Something else I will be looking into is getting a place with Ashley. Now that we both work and she has school in addition we probably won't get much time together unless we move in together. She was really excited when I proposed the idea, and I'm for it as long as it's financially viable and we can get fast internet.

Another thing I could spend money on is a desktop. Now that I got a job I don't feel so bad about taking control of a bank account that has been in my name for a while with a decent sum in it. Originally it was created as a college fund, but idk how long it will be before I go back to college so might as well put it to use eh? I'm still playing LoL right now and it doesn't require anything better than what I have but gw2 is around the corner and Chris and I have always said we should start streaming when we play and commentate on games.

Dunno what else to talk about. I told david I would start blogging regularly if certain conditions were met, and I guess I will consider them met now and start trying to blog on a weekly basis.