Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Legend of Pi

For those of you who are not interested in Guild Wars, I would stop reading now.
Yeah so I'm pretty sure Pi is one of the best guilds out there.. other than the fact that we are not quite on the guild ladder atm. All of the officers/members are friendly and willing to help, and the leader of Pi is an all around great guy. I met up with him before I was actually in the guild, and he was gracious enough to give my monk - at that time unranked - a chance at LoD/infusing* for a ranked group. It was great times. We got great fame runs, and I gained a lot of experience in monking as he gave me pointers along our path the the Hall of Heroes. When our time to prove our selves at the top of the international tournament finally arrived, we were unfortunate enough to suffer a 3 way tie between two other amazing teams (yes I realize I am very inconsistent with spelling out numbers). After that day time passed on, but I would never forget that voice that led us to victory time and time again.

So another day, probably a month later, I am sitting in RA id1 waiting to join battle, when some officer of Pi spams a recruiting message for The Legend of Pi. Prior to this date I had already thought about leaving The Sacred Order of Teriyaki in the hands of Orion or David, but I had not yet given it up. It was at this point that I decided it was time join a guild that could take me places, instead of the dead-end 10 person - 2 people at any given time - max population of our guild. From here on out, it was smooth sailing into rank 3 hero.

So yeah, the day I was invited I hopped on the vent server and chatted it up with a couple of the officers who were there just talking about stuff. They were very inviting and I felt good about my decision to leave Teriyaki. The very next night, as we do every night, our leader got on and organized an ha run (I not amazing at grammars, but "a ha" sounds weird). When I got on the vent server after taking the role of N/Rt healer for a SWAY group, who's voice did I hear? None other than the gracious leader who had taken me in and given me pointers over a month ago. He didn't recognize me by voice, but when I mentioned the three way tie in halls, he remembered. Good times.

So now, what this post was all leading up too, the grand finale, the conclusion! It has almost been two months since I first joined Pi, (1 month and 25 days, but who's counting?), and I have been officially made Officer. Finally my skills and activity (as opposed to inactivity?**) have payed off, and now I can participate at a higher level within the guild. This includes participating in officer of the week, getting a vote for the next guild hall, having a say in what our guild cape should look like, have access to the "officers only" portion of the website, and most importantly.. Recruit new members! Heck, if SOT gets a bit better, I could get it in our alliance and perhaps go back to SOT and still be able to GvG and ha with Pi! Oh btw Pi is not currently recruiting because we have a lot of inactive members and we need to trim down the size of the guild.
Btw I have taken lots of fraps videos of GvG's and Ha runs for anyone who wants to see them. Haven't made them into videos but if you just want the raw videos put your email into a comment or email me @ pronoob5@gmail.com.

*At the time LoD/infusing was a very important role that prevented members of the part from being spiked down. However in the patch of Thursday, November 8th, 2007, LoD was nerfed and WoH took it's place as the WoH/infuser.
**I have no idea if activity can be used to describe the amount of time being spent on Guild Wars, but I know the root "active" describes whether or not you play often so I just assumed activity would work.


David said...

I think a good indicator of your activity on Guild Wars is that huge-ass hour count on your Xfire bar.

Oreo said...

even though I already knew this story, I was impressed by your writing which made it decently epic. now you just need to win one of the monthly tourney's and you can make your story into a major motion picture.

also, the last paragraph gives me hope, so now you make me want to work on my pvp skills.

David said...

As soon as I get 100% I will.

David said...

This is a pretty intense poll.