Thursday, December 27, 2007

Whap happens when you are playing ultimate and you run up to gaurd an inexperienced player? get hit with a frisbee thrown at full force in the face.

it hurt.

Wednesday we played ultimate from 4:30 to like....some time after 4:30, maybe around 6? Ok well we didn't play ultimate that whole time, first we were throwing a disc around, we being Davis, David, Zach R, and Melvin (I think that was his name) who is a friend of Zack's and coached Zack when he was on SW ultimate. After awhile Zack decided we should do 2v2 with perma handler, but then Sai and Bodon finished their swim practice and they joined us. Oh also Bijorn (idk how to spell it, bee-yorn) a friend of Zack's I have hung out with many times showed up. that made it 4 on 4. we played maybe one point, then Ashley was dropped off and we played 4v5 for awhile. My team got pwned, but I blame it on having been hit in the face, and having more inexperienced players, our 3 to their 2.

Christmas was good too I guess, but that will take awhile to post about so instead I will add some specifically good gifts I received. Got a miniDV camcorder from my dad that my cousin said is really good. Got a $100 gift card to best buy. Got a poster of Transformers signed by cast. Got a ps2 game from my cousin, which is funny because I have gamecube in Shoreline and xbox in West Seattle, and he guesses ps2.

Shoot one more thing I just remembered I was going to post about, I had a very gay experience before christmas... my grandma wanted to go to the Men's Chorus at Benaroya Hall. It was gay.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Escape + Spring Reign

This weekend I was introduced to escape games, which can become extremely addictive. For those of you who don't know what an escape game is, they are point and click based puzzles that require you to interact with your room in order to escape. You click things, gather items, combine and use items, and ultimately find a way to open the door and escape. For a good list of escape games, look here :list of escape games

One particularly good room that I escaped with the help of Ashley and Nick, (a guy from Cali), was muselock, found here: muselock

Don't get too frustrated, just ask for some help if you need it. Also it makes it more entertaining if you try to solve together with someone else, making it easier and faster as well.

Try not to get too addicted, remember to take breaks and then go back with a fresh mind. I found it helps to work on a different room for awhile so you can get a look at different types of puzzles and styles, then go back and look at it a different way.

One last note, we need to play more ultimate. I found a video of Churchill's freshman team, normally called B division team, at Spring Reign 2007. We played them in the semi-finals, and you can watch clips of the game at around 3:30. Of course the clips are designed to make them look good and us bad, but we do suck, and they did beat us 13-3. Churchill is one of the better teams no doubt, and don't expect us too look like them this season. =P
Spring Reign 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What's up?

Here are a couple of things I found amazing...
first a random video from that Chris showed me:

Second a pretty cool starcraft game that I thought I would post:

Ok so we need to play more Starcraft, or people should send me replays, because honestly most of the ones I thought were good...make us look like shit.
That is all.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Starcraft Montage!

David, Sai and I were playing some Starcraft Sunday night and Sai made this hilariously awesome SCV rush that pwned this zerg player, when I realized I have a lot of good replays from games we have had. At this point I decided to make a montage of some of our great Starcraft moments. Not only would this finally put SOT on youtube, but I will have a lot of fun making it also. Uhh... I can't think of anything else to say right now so yeah. Oh btw sorry about that last post, I was obviously in a bad mood.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


fucking pissed god fucking damnit. fucking sitting at home after failing at trying to play a frisbee game yesturday. then at fucking 11 zack messages me and tells me i just missed out on a fuckign amazing frisbee game at richmond beach library. fucking shit. really pissed right now, cant thik of a way to blow off steam. feel like calling so many people right now and being mda at them for not calling me. oh well fuck. fuck fuck fucking pissed god fuckign damnit. and to add to this fuck fest, my mom just decided to tell me we are goign to my aunts all day tomorrow for a birhday party for my grandma. so fucking whole sunday wasted. fuckign shit. so pissed rihgt now i cant even think. i need to go fuck some ppl up in cs i think. FUCK. oh also read the post below i made earlyer today when i was in a good modo. adlfkjad fuck.

Mmmm Turkey

It's been awhile since I made a post about life in general, so I'm not sure where to start. I guess I'll just talk about this weekend so far since a lot has happened and nothing interesting happens during the school week. Oh, besides me winning HoH in Guild Wars again and this time opening the chest before the time expired. Ok so Wednesday after school.. I think that was the day I was going to take the bus so I wouldn't have to go to Top Foods but I missed the bus so I went and walked around Tops for 30 minutes or so. Got to get in on the future new product at the student store. By the way David, I was right you don't have to be in DECA to be in marketing, it's just an option. When I got home Zack told me about how Eastern has extremely sweet computers with very large monitors set up JUST for gaming. They have tons of games pre-installed and since it's a college the internet is like... lag-less. He then talked about how he started playing Starcraft and wanted me to play again, so I looked into getting that fixed. Also Wednesday I downloaded some new music.

Thursday was Turkey Day, and yes, I ate too much turkey and other traditional thanksgiving foods. After dinner I didn't even feel up to shoving down some pie into my already overflowing stomach, but I managed to find space =P. Started playing Starcraft again, and met up with Peter, Ben, Albert, Oliver, and most importantly Keir on Bnet. I could barely control my excitement to be back on the battle field, but I managed to control my childish joy in order to keep good composure in the Skype conference. Even though I think I went 1-2, with the only win being Keir and I vs. Ben, it was still a lot of fun.

Friday I woke up and immediately went from breakfast to Starcraft. David was playing Mass Effect, but since he is a good friend, he played some Starcraft with me, and the others that got on later. We played some ums maps and I got a few of the good ums maps we used to play from David through Skype file sharing. While on Bnet, Peter said he might be able to come up North to Shoreline for a day or two, so we started planning a frisbee game.. that never ended up happening. David came over around... 4:30 or some time around there because once again he is a great guy, and Orion wouldn't answer his phone so we could plan the paper route. By 5:00pm it was already really dark so David and I rushed to get the paper route done before Peter would hopefully arrive. It was really cold but I think we may have made a new record for paper route delivery time. After the route David and I pwned up some GCN and waited for people to arrive. Eventually Orion and Alex got here with still no sign of Peter. I was told at this point that we would have a good amount of people for a frisbee game, but I will talk about my annoyance with this later.

We gamed on the Cube/PC until a little before 9, then we headed over to Shoreline A/B fields in hopes of having a game of ultimate started soon. When we got there one of Zack's friends pulled up at the same time, and we threw a couple discs around for a few minutes until everyone else showed up. When everyone else got there, they decided, (or more Gerard decided), that they were going to play football instead. I really don't like playing football because it seems so skill-less and non-strategic when they play it. Alex, Orion, David, Chris and I continued to throw the discs around for awhile. That got old after awhile and we decided we should go make sheer pwnage. At this point it was 10:15 and we didn't have a video camera on hand. We drove to David's in hopes that his sister had the video camera at home, but she had lent it to a project partner for some reason.

We sat at David's house listening to Alex play acoustic, before realizing we were cold and some of us were hungry. On the way to my house to pick up Alex's wallet and keys, Orion tried to predict the change of the red light, but instead ended up looking stupid sitting halfway into the intersection with a red light. Right as he had crossed almost completely passed the cross-walk and he and I were laughing with random "shits" in there, a cop took a left turn coming from the opposite side in front of us. At this point the "shits" and laughs increased, and we saw him slow down as he decided whether or not to turn around, luckily for us he was feeling generous and kept going. We kept going down 185th towards Aurora, seeing another cop car on the way. Good times, too bad we didn't have the camera.

Sat at Denny's for awhile, probably made the "clumsy" waitress think we were all high and had the munchies. Orion's car had died when we got there and he couldn't start it, but luckily after we were done, it had enough juice to start. Afterwards we drove back to my house, but unfortunately the downstairs was taken by my mom and sister who were watching..ugh..Hairspray... We decided to go our separate ways, but Orion's car wouldn't start again. We sat in the basement for around 20 minutes on the computer, hoping his car would start given a break. No such luck. He left it here and jogged home deciding he would come back with his dad tomorrow (Saturday) and pick it up then.

So far not much has happened today. We (meaning I) put up Christmas lights on the house, and Orion picked up his car. No one was on aim/msn so I decided to make this blog post and hopefully by the time I was done people would be on and ready to play Starcraft. None of the Clan is on right now, but I'm not on Skype so I'll try that now. Sorry this post was so long, but you're the one who was willing to read it all. And besides, this isn't so much to inform others of what happens, but to have a record of things we did so that, with my poor memory, I can look back and remember all the good times we had. Ok time to go get my micro back. -pronoob5 is back!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Household Hackers

So I was surfing youtube like I do every weekend I am at my dads, when I came across some really cool experiment type videos I thought would be interesting to try. I think I have all the materials, except maybe an extra mini jack audio cable and a RCA cable, but someone might have extra they are willing to spare, or I could just go buy one of each since neither would be very expensive. Next weekend for sure I'm going to try some of these out, so if you're interested leave a comment and we will set a time that is good for everyone who wants to check it out. The good thing about this plan is, even if no one responds, I can still do these on my own and film them or something.. except for my lack of a video camera..
Youtube profile:
I plan on trying all three and none of them should take long so there will also be time for gaming/poker/ultimate/whatever.
Also since the poll is doing well I think I'll extend it to see if any more votes come in.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Legend of Pi

For those of you who are not interested in Guild Wars, I would stop reading now.
Yeah so I'm pretty sure Pi is one of the best guilds out there.. other than the fact that we are not quite on the guild ladder atm. All of the officers/members are friendly and willing to help, and the leader of Pi is an all around great guy. I met up with him before I was actually in the guild, and he was gracious enough to give my monk - at that time unranked - a chance at LoD/infusing* for a ranked group. It was great times. We got great fame runs, and I gained a lot of experience in monking as he gave me pointers along our path the the Hall of Heroes. When our time to prove our selves at the top of the international tournament finally arrived, we were unfortunate enough to suffer a 3 way tie between two other amazing teams (yes I realize I am very inconsistent with spelling out numbers). After that day time passed on, but I would never forget that voice that led us to victory time and time again.

So another day, probably a month later, I am sitting in RA id1 waiting to join battle, when some officer of Pi spams a recruiting message for The Legend of Pi. Prior to this date I had already thought about leaving The Sacred Order of Teriyaki in the hands of Orion or David, but I had not yet given it up. It was at this point that I decided it was time join a guild that could take me places, instead of the dead-end 10 person - 2 people at any given time - max population of our guild. From here on out, it was smooth sailing into rank 3 hero.

So yeah, the day I was invited I hopped on the vent server and chatted it up with a couple of the officers who were there just talking about stuff. They were very inviting and I felt good about my decision to leave Teriyaki. The very next night, as we do every night, our leader got on and organized an ha run (I not amazing at grammars, but "a ha" sounds weird). When I got on the vent server after taking the role of N/Rt healer for a SWAY group, who's voice did I hear? None other than the gracious leader who had taken me in and given me pointers over a month ago. He didn't recognize me by voice, but when I mentioned the three way tie in halls, he remembered. Good times.

So now, what this post was all leading up too, the grand finale, the conclusion! It has almost been two months since I first joined Pi, (1 month and 25 days, but who's counting?), and I have been officially made Officer. Finally my skills and activity (as opposed to inactivity?**) have payed off, and now I can participate at a higher level within the guild. This includes participating in officer of the week, getting a vote for the next guild hall, having a say in what our guild cape should look like, have access to the "officers only" portion of the website, and most importantly.. Recruit new members! Heck, if SOT gets a bit better, I could get it in our alliance and perhaps go back to SOT and still be able to GvG and ha with Pi! Oh btw Pi is not currently recruiting because we have a lot of inactive members and we need to trim down the size of the guild.
Btw I have taken lots of fraps videos of GvG's and Ha runs for anyone who wants to see them. Haven't made them into videos but if you just want the raw videos put your email into a comment or email me @

*At the time LoD/infusing was a very important role that prevented members of the part from being spiked down. However in the patch of Thursday, November 8th, 2007, LoD was nerfed and WoH took it's place as the WoH/infuser.
**I have no idea if activity can be used to describe the amount of time being spent on Guild Wars, but I know the root "active" describes whether or not you play often so I just assumed activity would work.

Sunday, November 04, 2007


So per request I am making another blog post. Okay well Halloween was recently... that's a good starting point. Ok so as 3/4 of the people reading this post already know about the Guild Wars events, I will talk briefly about it. So yeah it was a gamer weekend with a bonus PVP game which was costume brawl. I played it a bit, not as much as I would have liked. Also the main cities were decorated with Halloween attire, they looked pretty cool. During the event there were special items - or treats you could say - that give certain bonuses, or just get your drunk. I found a great way to farm* these items and other rare items and it was good times. On Halloween this guy comes and gives you free items and festival hats that are only available for one day. Ok enough of Guild Wars.
Lets see what else has happened.. worked on brain project with Sai, learned about Bloon Tower Defense, lost our soccer game, started watching Starcraft replays on youtube again, got very addicted to Starcraft replays again, and once again got asked to go to a midnight ultimate game which I had to turn down because of being at my dad's house. Yay being left out!
Other than having to be here, life is good. Chris got a 360 with his birthday money, (I assumed that last part), and I might have to spend more time over there now seeing as how it is two blocks away and just too convenient to pass up. I'm trying to recruit more people to ultimate, but our ratio of guys:girls is looking increasingly worse. Optimal would be 4:3 since we have to field 3 girls, look like at best we are going to get around 5:1. But other than that looks like we will have a good year, lot's of new players with promising attitudes and effort. Last year it was just sad because 3/4 of the team was new to the sport, and the other 1/4 was just okay (generally speaking).
Dammit I made a longer post than usual. I guess this means I will have to read everyone else's long posts. Off to surf blogs then.
Oh and Go Hawks! -- almost game time it was on my mind =P

Friday, October 26, 2007


A lot of stuff has happened lately, but I just haven't had the motivation to post. Here are some of the things that have been going on:
I have become addicted to the show heroes in the span of like a week. I started watching the first season on tv-links since I could only find the second season on nbc. that worked well for awhile, until the guy who hosted the site was arrested, and the site shut down. this was a major drawback to watching heroes, and i watched lots of movies on that site. oh well.
In Guild Wars the guild i'm in recently starting gvging again, which is great because it is a lot more fun than anything i have experienced in guild wars yet. i could go on, but those of you who play guild wars will likely hear me talk about it often, and those who don't couldn't care less.
i can't think of stuff right now so i'll go back and edit this post later when i think of something. i definitely don't have anything else to do here (at my dads).

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Pure Pwnage Episode 15 is screening on Nov. 3rd in Vancouver B.C., and i think we should go see it. we always make big talk about doing things - sheer pwnage - but we never actually follow through. this could be something easy and close by that we could do and remember for a really long time. Nov. 3rd is a Saturday so it's a perfect day to do it. I know i won't have any plans that weekend - i never have plans - so lets freaking do something memorable instead of sitting at home every weekend.
Also if any of you are interested in playing ultimate this year, you should get in on these night games we play. we had one tonight that was down right pwnage. i know i didn't call anyone, but that's because whenever i suggest doing things at night everyone is opposed to it. Stephen Erikson and Andrew Namkum were two new people there, and i think they might join the team if that encourages others to join also. looks like its going to be a great season and i hope we can start practice early this year.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bo Burnham

I'm pretty sure i have told everyone about this guy already, but just in case i haven't, i need to make a post about him. So hes this comedian/musician on youtube that makes hilarious videos. Unfortunately he updates about as much as Pure Pwnage. anyway hilarious shit, idk why he doesn't get 1 million views a video, or at least 5ook. figured i would spread the word and try to get more people watching so that he would update more often.

freaking hilarious

Saturday, September 08, 2007

My first gw mv

Conjure Cripslash build

Monday, August 27, 2007


PAX was great. I'm not sure I need to say much more since the only people that will read this are the people I went with. Oh well, quick overview.

Friday mostly walking around and checking everything out. Orion and Davis did a long magic tourney for most of the day, and David and I did a GH2 tourney where we only managed past the first round since it was my second time playing the game ever. We spent time in the exhibition hall getting tons of free game demos and trials, along with posters and discounts for gaming products. Oh, and I can't forget the BAWLS. We finally got our hands on some bawls, and I thought it was great. (For those of you thinking I am gay, bawls is a caffeine drink).

Saturday was a pretty exciting day. Orion David and I were all signed up for a GW sealed...skill? deck?... tourney. Hero battles with 80 random skill cards. Orion was first up. Went 2-1 possible only losing his first game because he was new to hero battles. I went 1-2, realizing I rushed the build process way to much and ended up with shitty hero's that didn't do my planned combos, and I horrible warrior build that I controlled. Looking over my cards, I could have pwned much more. Later that day Orion and I went to our DD (Mario Kart:Double Dash) tourney. As was usual with the console tourneys, it was delayed. We did one practice run, and then scouted out the competition as everyone else played many practice runs. Format was 8 teams per race, 4 races per match, top 2 of every match moves on. We did well in the first round ending up tied for 1st (See Orion's blog soon for exact places of each race). Second round was a bit closer. I know we got a 5th, witch I was thinking would end our tournament dreams, however we managed a final race 1st and pulled into second. Top 2 whoo!! FINAL ROUND! We pretty much got pwned. There were clearly racers better than us, and they rightfully won, but we did manage to scrap out a modest 6th. I'm proud of us, and can't wait for next year.

Sunday we were entered in the GoW tourney. Lol I know hilarious right? I'm not sure why David thought we would do well, it was quite clear we all sucked after our "warm-up" in the console freeplay the day before. I'll hold the match details for us to know, and never release (hopefully). We didn't get past the first round.
Overall good times. Oh fuck... long post... sorry I guess now i have to read your guys' long posts.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Exhaustion: Take Two

Second soccer practice, even more exhausting. I don't know if I will do cross counter now... soccer is tiring enough. Made some new edits to teh blog of pwnage, the layout has changed a bit, and now I have some more options with what to do with it. Also, I've decided to let you guys pick songs that I should add to teh blog. Something like, every Monday I'll take the suggestions and put them into a vote, then whichever wins will be the song for the next week. Hopefully this will encourage more people to visit teh blog of pwnage more often.

Monday, August 20, 2007


First day of soccer practice with the Blue Angles today, and I can safely say that I haven't felt this exhausted since soccer last year.. actually probably since soccer with SW. It's a weird feeling when you haven't felt it in a long time. I went home, got the water pitcher, and sat down in a comfortable chair for 45 minutes. Every 5 minutes after the first 30 minutes I tried to get up, but I just couldn't get myself to do it. Finally I made it downstairs, got on aim, apologized to Stefano for missing the first xc practice, and am now typing out my first good post in a long time. Hopefully posting will become more regular now, since I'm going to be more active now. Also I'm slowly giving up Maple.

One last note: you may have noticed that I'm using correct spellings and capitalizations, and this is because I figured I would get a head-start on getting into "school mode".

Monday, August 13, 2007


In light of the upcoming gaming expo, i think I'm going to take a needed break from MMOs and revert back to cs:s. Also... I NEED STARCRAFT!! Seriously my longing for some protoss pwnage is causing my other gaming to seem boring. If anyone could let me borrow ANY starcraft and broodwar cd's they have, with ANY cd keys they have would be great. It doesn't matter that you got the cd key from me, because i lost my cd key, so any will do. I NEED SC NOW!!

Monday, July 23, 2007


So I read hp yesturday, sunday. It was a pretty good book. I didn't really like the final duel, but thats ok it was fun to read. Sooo yeah. I was proud of myself for finishing it in a day so i decided to post about it. Oh i got it! this post can double as a wedding post.

My cousin got married on saturday, happy times. There was around 200 people at the wedding...around 180 of them who i did not know. it wasn't very entertaining, but the reception was at some really nice country club in the last gated community in seattle, so it was kinda big deal. they had good food and a nice golf course. sooo yeah. oh and another cousin had to the book for me and gave it to us after the wedding. so thats why i had it and didn't read it until sunday.

in other news PP comes out tomorrow as i was told by jack. oh and i got my hair cut. thats about all for now. Happy Gaming.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I went to my first practice on Monday, and realized how out of shape I am. I'm not sure how far we ran, but I know not as far as they normally would have. So they will just have to be held back for a week or something as I get back into running haha. Oh well, gives me something to do.

A couple days ago I played sc at sai's house, and realized my micro is not what it once was, and i wish to play it again. So we are going to find a solution! We can start with using different cd-keys. If anyone with a cd-key could email it to me then that would be great. The next step would be to try different cds. Well, i hope this works.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Saturday - Tuesday

Well, most of this time was spent with my head in front of a toilet. Being sick sucks, espessialy for me since it always involves vomiting every 30 minutes. I don't know if it is this way for many people, but I get sick maybe once every two years, with many "sick" days in between, and on those rare occassions i do catch a bug, it always results in my body deciding everything must go! You know it's not good when you havn't ate or drank anything for awhile...and your vomit turns green... I'm pretty sure i fucked up my body pretty bad. After awhile my mom finally realized that she should go buy non-diet ginger ale... because she researched online that artificial sweeteners such as those found in diet products, are bad for you when your sick. Thanks a lot... jerk. Anyway feeling much better now. I'll probably take it easy tomorrow for the 4th, and be ready for frisbee or anything on the 5th, if i don't get too drunk that is.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sheer Pwnage!

btw i forgot to talk about sheer pwnage in that post so ill just make a new one. we started making sheer pwnage on campus day after the students totally pwned the staff at a game of ultimate. 11-3 or something like that. before i forget, we might play in a summer ultimate league, so it would be sweet if we got more people. back to sheer pwnage, we filmed like...5 mins of stuff in somewhere upward of three hours. pretty much we just went Back To Baghdad, but i guess that wasn't a huge waste of time. anyway, sheer pwnage - stepmania - frisbee - guild wars, life is good.


stepmania is really addicting. thats the only game i have been playing for awhile, and im getting much better. i guess it will be my micro practice after i lose quinn. after all, i gotta keep my micro up for Starcraft 2... damn im going to have to keep it up for a long time...
Happy Gaming

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tetris, Quinn style

Yeah so quinn is probably the best game for macs ever made. Yep, it beats out breakout, super breakout....photoshop....
But seriously though, I actually played tetris today in place of guild wars. That was crazy. But now i have something to show for it. Thats right, number one on a public server. Eat it. I can't remember the ip right now but if you check the site it's one of those. *Btw the score there isn't nearly my best score, it was just all i needed to get first on that server. Ok well, time to go play some more tetris!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

As Bored As Bored Gets

So I'm sitting at my dad's surfing the guild wars wiki planning out my gaming experience for the upcoming weeks, and I have set myself a plan. First I am going to go skill capping with my elementalist. After I have all the core and prophecies elite skills, I am going to complete the "bulding the base: prisoners of war" quest in Elona in order to change my elementalist's secondary profession to a dervish. Then I will travel back to Tyria and go totem axe farming, since it is the perferred weapon in my 55hp monk build, and would be good for my dervish running build. Not to mention its worth a good sum of gold.

Yep, pretty damn bored.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm such a druggy

So today i went up to get some chips, and my mom noticed i had been sniffing a lot lately. so she says, "If i didn't know better...I'd say you were snorting something.... pause... Steven let me see your nose." So i like turn my face and act like I'm hiding something. Good times. besides that i realized that im going to miss our ultimate championships this weekend due to going to Victoria....damn Victoria day being on the same day as ultimate...
Tetris seems to be all the rage at school now. We had a room with like 8 or 9 people at one point, it was pretty sweet. Most of them were noobs but either way it was fun.
Happy times.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium War

freaking awsome game. i downloaded the demo, now im going to see if i can get the game... without exactly paying for it...


that post was not nearly long enough to give the game its needed props. ok so tonight im starting the dl of C&C3, along with a movie that we are going to do a mock of for a spanish project. anyway back to the game. soon they are going to be releasing a free program that lets you watch replays and interact with them using common paint tools. so if the dl ends up to b some jip, ill be getting that for sure so i can at least watch replays and gaze longingly as noobs are pwned.

Oh, and one more thing. i dont know much about the game yet, but i know enough about rts to know this is a hilarious replay.
this just shows, that sometimes noobs can beat pros, like when jeremy was pwned by a flame tank in episode 4.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


English today made my whole day 5 times better. So we had to do these pointless presentations on persuasive techniques, because i guess he thinks that we learn better from our peers then we do from him, which could be true because no one listens to him. so chose groups of two, and chose persuasive techniques to learn about and present to the class. so everyone was had to make powerpoints that were 4-6 slides each, and talking about them for 1-2 minutes each. we were running through presentations going at a decent pace, and then abu....neiser?....(pardon my spelling but i think you all know who im talking about)...had to make his presentation. ok so first of all, the prior powerpoints had all had nice backgrounds and color themes and stuff...his powerpoint was white, with black text. his first slide, the word, and the definition. this slide had about 6 mispelled words. including genral (general) about 3 times. next slide was something about how you use it, but it was again white backgroud with black text, and many mispelled words. the final slide was the best....examples. his first example was, maxim is like when you call a little person a midget. oh but his sentence had a few spelling mistakes again. the next example made the whole class crack up. we had watched "The Color Purple" in class before, and he tried to relate to that.
"When albert told silly she was ugly"
"(the colored purple)"
for one, "Silly" is supposed to be "Celie", and the "colored" purple, was the "color" purple. this just about had me and the rest of the class roflmao. good times.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Yeah so the hall of heroes is the like the superbowl of guild wars. heroes ascent is the pvp tournament in which players from around the world participate for a chance to claim the hall for their country. needless to say, getting here is no easy task. The tournament consists of 9 arenas, many of which are 1v1v1, which lead up to the hall of heroes. after winning a battle in the hall of heroes, a couple lines of text are sent to every guild war players chat box including the party leader or guild, and what country they won the hall for. eventually, i hope to see The Sacred Order Of Teriyaki holding the hall for America. Unfortunately this isn't going to be possible with the limited skill selection of prophecies...

Hott Fuzz

Went to see hot fuzz on Saturday with Sai, David, Amanuel, and mini Sai. Movie was pretty funny, even more funny after having seen Shaun of the Dead 2 days before. Anyway before the movie we played some smash and such. Then afterwards, David was going to give us a ride back to sai's for some more smash..but... there was another car that was double parking David's car. The weird part was still on. It was kinda funny. We were just like now what. Then the manager and some other employees came out and were like ok so we called the cops, but we might be able to get you out if we move this van next to you. So the owner of the van moved, giving us enough space to get out. Good times.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Pure Pwnage Episode 13

Right now i am sitting in the library during the lunch constantly refreshing the pure pwnage website so that the second it comes out for dl i can start dling it and perhaps watch it streaming during math. but keeping with their tradition, they probably arnt going to update again until like 4 or 5.









Sunday, April 29, 2007


Yeah so thursday..mondo-party for PP. no one can pussy out of this one either...i dont care if you have hw, do ur friday hw on wednesday so that you dont get anything you have to do for friday on thursday. also, anyone who is a REAL pwnerer will accompany chris and i to see spiderman 3 at midnight! **great idea chris!!** FUCK. YES.

--btw the title does code for something--

Friday, April 27, 2007

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Friday, April 20, 2007

long time no post

havnt blogged in a long time with all the gw playing, but somehow its not consuming my life as much as starcraft was. its kinda wierd, but im sure davis and ben would understand completely, starcraft can have this wierd effect on the mind..
anyway i was bored and checking out some youtube videos, this one i found pretty funny, but it got really bad comments because people were expecting something serious and not something funny.


btw this is also a hint at something we should do again some time..

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Guild Wars Check-Up

Yeah so Guild Wars pretty much pwns. liek hard and stuff right? (sweet pure pwnage coming soon!!) I have decided that since i have found pvp to be amazing, im going to pvp until orion catches up to us and we can mission together. so today i unlocked a pvp title, my first. i have to win 10 consective random arena or team arena matches..100 times. got my first one today! my favorite pvp is my monk, because my random team always seems to win with my monk.. i think its cause liek i pwn and stuff. anyway yeah, i had this team that was really cool, idk how we did it, but we won flawless victory after flawless victory (no one dies) and before i knew it we were at 10 consecutive wins. pretty sweet. really wana have guild battles now. oh well thats a ways off.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Double Post

for my second post in spanish today i felt i needed to mention that i am about to pick up my computer, and throw it on the ground. dolphin olympics is such a simple game, that it pisses me off. sooo simple, but i always fucking mess up once at the end and miss the tailslide. im fucking pissed now cause i played it all period and only have like 11m to show for it. fuck that game.


So sunday at around 2:30 david and i went to sai's house to make a campaign video, but apparently that ment play some risk first. so we played a game of risk that took less time than any other full game of risk. we did missions, and random grab, and it was sai, david and i. my mission was to eliminate green, but since there was no green, control 24 territories. i started with 3/4 in south america, a couple in north america, and like 4 in europe. my intial strategy was to take control of south america and europe, but i didnt want david to take north america, so i put some defensive units there. my first turn i took over both south america and europe, and made an alliance with sai between europe and asia so that we would not attack eachother, an alliance i broke the very next turn. now i controlled two continents and felt pretty good about my position. next was sai. he took austrailia and a lot of asia, but didnt do any harm to me. david took over africa in his turn, and made large efforts in north america, losing many troops but managing to control all of it. my second turn, i recieved something like 13 troops, put them on south america, and europe. from south america i took the spread out north america, and from europe i took the spread out asia. i won on my second turn. that was the greatest game of risk ever.


So sunday at around 2:30 david and i went to sai's house to make a campaign video, but apparently that ment play some risk first. so we played a game of risk that took less time than any other full game of risk. we did missions, and random grab, and it was sai, david and i. my mission was to eliminate green, but since there was no green, control 24 territories. i started with 3/4 in south america, a couple in north america, and like 4 in europe. my intial strategy was to take control of south america and europe, but i didnt want david to take north america, so i put some defensive units there. my first turn i took over both south america and europe, and made an alliance with sai between europe and asia so that we would not attack eachother, an alliance i broke the very next turn. now i controlled two continents and felt pretty good about my position. next was sai. he took austrailia and a lot of asia, but didnt do any harm to me. david took over africa in his turn, and made large efforts in north america, losing many troops but managing to control all of it. my second turn, i recieved something like 13 troops, put them on south america, and europe. from south america i took the spread out north america, and from europe i took the spread out asia. i won on my second turn. that was the greatest game of risk ever.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


What a short day. Friday night stayed up 'till around 2 playing guild wars, got HELLA far. Somehow slept for nearly 14 hours and woke up at 4:15, realizing that i had to be at the shoreline soccer fields in 15 minutes for ultimate. Ran to the fields, played ultimate from 5-8, walked home, and i am currently blogging about it. Now to go on guild wars 'till around 2 again, and restart the process.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Quest: The Frontier Fugitives
More accuratly named by Pronoob Mage: The Fucking Frontier Fugitives
Reward: 2000 exp (and some shitty items)
Difficulty: Fucking annoying
Here is my walkthrough for the most annoying quest I have undergone thus far. Ok, so the objectives was to find these two differnet guys in two differnet areas, and kill them. Apparently this one person has a grudge with these guys so im a hitman now. I go find the first guy, not much problem, except these really annoying mesmer things that kept casting backfire on me until i decided i couldnt do it alone and took some NPC henchmen with me. This took awhile, since i tried to do it solo twice, and if i had been anything other than an elementalist it would have been easy... but those fucking mesmers. Ok found the first guy and killed him, no big deal. Now to find the other guy. Not only was this an area i had not explored before, but it was a switchback, making it hard to navigate and an even longer travel. Ok so i finally get to him.. for the first time. I talk to him, and roughed him up a bit..

Me:The games up, time to die.
Him: Wait, I don't want to fight you [I am a pussy].
Me: If you run, I will kill you.
Him: Wait, I'll surrender.
Me: ..If you run, I will kill you. (the other option was like accept his surrender)
Him: Wait, I'll surrender.
Me: Fine, I will take you back to ___ and she will deal with you how she wishes.

So the quest updages, and being the fast paced, traveling hating person I am, i warp to The Frontier Gate.. BIG MISTAKE. Yeah, so now I'm at the frontier.. which is hella far from the guy.. and i have to go back and get him again. So I follow the path i took last time, and get him again. We run back, taking extremely long, and then once we get to the entrance i just run right in.. BIG MISTAKE. I was supposed to wait for the quest to update, and say go to ___ for your reward. Fuck. So for the THIRD time, i run back to this guy who is really starting to piss me off. but this story is not over yet. So i run back, and start leading him once again to the gate. oh and realize at this time, that i no longer am paying attention to the game that much because im so pissed off. i took my headphones off and was listening to some music. so i get back to the gate....turn around....and where the fuck is the guy. god damnit he stopped a ways back and trying to fight this damned devourer that was above a cliff that he couldn't reach, so basically he's standing there 3/4 of the way back. god damn this quest. finally i lead him back and we finish the quest. later david and i pwn up some quests in yak's bend. thats about it.

Monday, March 26, 2007

How much is too much??

40 dollars a person is too much. It was a combined dinner for two of my uncles and an aunt. we went to this steak/lobster tail place with a group of nine, and im not sure how much the total was, but it was well over $450. I'll admit that it was the best salmon, steak, and salad I have had, but honestly....40 bucks for a meal?! Service was also great, but i felt really out of place. everyone was all dressed nice, but since i didnt know we were going to a nice place when i packed for the weekend, i was wearing shorts and a long sleeve atheletic shirt. i could go on about this subject but i have to finish my chemistry it is the lunch before chemistry and david is asking to copy my answers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Computer Upgrade

Finally getting that much needed memory upgrade for my computer. Ordered 1GB (512x2) from Site was a great help and easy to use, i recommend it for all of your memory needs. Anyway this should clear up some problems im experiencing while playing Guild Wars, Counter-Strike, and probably that pre-game lag i always have in Starcraft.
H4ppy G4ming!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Well...Guild Wars is a hella tight game....too bad my comp can barely handle it. Luckly the "explore" areas of the maps, a.k.a. anywhere outside of a town, are only shared with parties, thus you can not see other players in these areas. I believe this was an anti-spawn camp measure to make sure that everyone has the same opportunity for all quests and kills. Anyway this eliminates of the lag in these areas. However, when i wish to enter a town, i am stuck with the problem of not being able to move without waiting 30 seconds after every directional key i push. this leads me to my current problem... upgrade my pc's ram... or somehow amazing find an affordable computer that i will be allowed to buy. hopefully defragmenting will fix up this lag a bit so i wont have to decide, and chris said it got better the more he played, so maybe i will be able to manage. i also have found some techniques online for increasing computer performance, and i plan to try these out tomorrow after practice. wish me luck. BUY GW NOW!!

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Oh well...

No one reads my blog anymore =(. and if there are you out there that do, you dont comment, which makes me think that you dont read it, making me less inclined to create new posts thus giving you something to do when you bored. this being said, if you are going to read a post, please comment on it. the comment doesnt have to be meaning full, just put in a small bit of information or something. otherwise the only reason for me to have a blog is so that i can change the song/sound and random times and have a little fun with that.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

100th post

Dangit, i wasnt paying attention and didnt celebrate my 100th post. this is now my 102nd post, but all the same it has the same effect. dang, it seems not too long ago that i just started blogger, and i think to remember the good times of starting off blogger i will go through my archives. happy blogging.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Nanaca Crash

Haha nanaca crash is now on addictinggames!

DBR Evolution

We should play ssbm more, cause they look like they have a lot of fun messing around and playing. We need to all play a lot more during the week and stuff. So yeah, check out the new playlist.


Whoo 100th post!

Sunday, February 18, 2007




someone remind me to post the ssbm videos after ppl have seen the editing pwnage. i have some real ssbm pwnage..

Thursday, February 15, 2007


quick a stupid quote by my sub b4 i forget..
"These people had no savings, if they had any at all." she was completely serious.

Anyway i love my second period class, even if it is mostly conservative. we debate about anything possible instead of doing work. today we debated about the assembly and how they bashed bush too much. for any of you who know jerard(sp?) you know how he will go the extra mile to prove his point. and with our highly opinionated sub, this made for an intresting final 35 mins of class.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Friday and Saturday were pretty good days. Friday started out like any other Friday, school, then paper route. But this time after the paper route Orion and I got locked out of my house because I didnt put the spare key back in its spot after using it on Superbowl Sunday. This Friday just so happened to be the day my mom was working at the Einstein dance, so she wouldnt be home to let us in until five or something. David was on his way since he was going to pick me up to spend the night at his house, but Orion and I needed some way to entertain ourselves. We found an old deflated kick ball/dodgeball in the back, so we kicked that around for awhile. Then David got there and we couldn't think of anything to pass the time. Until one of us had an idea...

Fuck this is going to be a long post.

We had a scooter, a truck, and a broom pole... what to do... It was decided that we should pull someone on the scooter while one person drove, and another held on to the pole from the back of the truck. I was stuck with the holding on to scooter with one hand, and the pole with the other. We started going down my street, everything was fine. We were going 10-15 and it was fun. It was when we hit 20, and David turned into the middle of the street, when the scooters front tire hit a manhole and flipped me over the handle bars. That hurt. I start walking it off going back up the street to my house, when my mom pulls up. At least we can get inside now. I didn't really want to admit to our stupidity, so I hid the scrape on my forehead, cuts on my hands, and small limp due to my hip getting road rash pretty bad. We went inside, I kind of tended to my wounds, and we played Warioware. Played that for awhile, then Orion decided he should go home for dinner. So he left and David and I played a short time longer then went to his house. For some reason David went on youtube while i was packing, and somehow came accross the PP lego video again. I remembered how cool it was, and thought that we should make a video using legos. So this is what we did when we got to his house.

Oh btw no frisbee for a few days so I can heal.

I would first like to say, David has the largest collection of legos we would ever need to make a movie. Honestly, I would doubt that anyone in our class has a larger amount of legos. This was very time consuming, yet fun, and we didn't manage to finish (this may be due to the oftly long "brainstorm break" we took to beat Gears of War). We will have to finish it later, and then upload it on to youtube for the public's viewing pleasure. It will pwn. We went to sleep sometime after 2.

David when are we going to finish our video of pwnage?

Saturday I woke up surprisingly early, this may be due to the smallish couch I slept on. We found out that Sai's party was cancelled so we had to change our plans a little. Around 12ish we went to TDM for a lunch of tacos. After that I was dropped off at my mom's to be picked up at by my dad after he dropped off my sister at a friends house to work on a project. My dad and I went around running errands for awhile while my sister did her partner project. I could write a lot about stuff but I'll summarize it to one store. Home Depot. We went to look at deck heaters, but my dad wanted to find out more information about one of the choices, so we tried to find someone to ask. There was one employee talking on his cellphone, and two others having an in-depth converstation about something not work related. We chose the two. One followed us over and said he needed someone else's help to figure out the info. So he left for awhile. He came back later with another guy, who started talking with the other employee about how they could find out the specs. One sugests to the other that they run a search on a computer, so they walk away talking about something. My dad and I are left standing there Are we supposed to follow you? Do you realize we are here? Home Depot customer service rating of the day--1/5.

Post almost completed! Your doing great!

Driving around for awhile made for time to listen to the radio. I heard some intresting stuff. Such as how a study was conducted and based on life style, number of fast food restaraunts per capita, and availibility of gyms, Seattle is the second most fit city in the nation. The least fit/most fat---Las Vegas. Most fit was some city in Colorado. I also heard about two Gonzaga basketball players that were arrested for possession of drugs at a standard traffic stop. This caught my attention because I learned that possession of pot is just a missdemeaner, while possession of psychedelic mushrooms is a felony. So remember kids, only take your pot with you while driving.

Go Huskies!

After errands, we picked up my sister, and headed to West Seattle. Now I'm sitting with nothing to do, trying to pass the time by writing extended blog posts. Although this did give me time to do useless web searches, and I found a cool online reaction time test. I searched for one because I wanted to see what my reaction time was for cs:s. Hopefully this can keep me amused until Monday. Somebody please save me!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


today i got counter-strike source finally. its basically the same as 1.6, as in i can pwn at both, but there are noticable changes. right off the bat i noticed that i couldnt set two keys to a certain action, such as jump. this proved to by a hindence cause i used to use space just to jump and mouse wheel down to make it easier to bunny hop. i also used mouse wheel up for duck when i wanted to do the little hop, but i think they fixed that glitch in source. anyway gameplay is great. guns come with ammo now so i'll have to get used to not pressing b 6 and 7, and having b 6 be equipment, but won't take too long. i like the save weapon set function in the buy menu, because i can set it to whatever i want which is cool. i read that you can control your crosshair size a lot more in source, so i adjusted it to 1000. one other guy said he played with his at 4000, but i find that hard to believe because i would assume that would be nearly invisible. grenades are a lot better in source, and i mean a LOT better. flashbangs actually bang, and so do the high explosives. smokes now produce brown smoke, and are more realistic. i found out that the mp5 is no longer the most effective smg, now its what i know as the p900 (thought its probably a newer version that i havnt heard of). i noticed you cant right click for silencer and then quickly change weapons to put the silencer in effect, you actually have to wait for it to go on. however weapon switching to reset recoil still works. i dont know why, but it seems easier to get headshots in source, but maybe its just me. and to finish off this rather long post that i had planned on being short, i will mention how either the guns look extremly toy like, or my graphics card is not supporting the game completely. soooooo yeah. im going to have to break cs:s in this week, however i will not be able to play this weekend due to the annoyance of having a shit computer at my dads. oh well i will just have to play twice as much during this week. happy pwning.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


MMmmm i love xfire. i also love blogging. so why not combine the two?
now i have my mini-xfire profile on my blog to track how much i have played cs each week(past 7 days), and all time. MMmmm.

Friday, January 26, 2007


So im starting to wonder if baldur's gate 2 will ever work. this is just after we tried using gamespy and failed. we didnt really try it all that much, because everyone had to leave, and now orion davis and david are all off of aim so im going to assume they fucked me over and are now playing without me. oh well, this is just another occasion i get fucked because of having to go to my dads. this increases my opinion of him being a dick.
i was in a bad mood when i made this post cause i really hate going to my dads. i didnt really think you guys playing would have been..."fucking me over." u guys just dont understand how frustrating it is to get a call every week from rob/jake/will asking me if i wana play poker, and having to say at my dads.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

180 Degrees

It's wierd, lately my life seems to have taken a 180 degree turn. For example, i used to come home every day and go on the computer from 3 to....well....late. Now i get home, go work out on my new weight bench, get something to eat, do my hw, and then if i have some time i might get on the computer a bit. Just goes to show you how much better life could be without video games. I kinda wish they werent so fun, that way i wouldnt want to play them as much. So yeah, life is good.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

What? 2 posts in 2 days?

Anyway since i dont play starcraft anymore my video will now be of counter-strike. This first video sucks, so im just looking for feedback on the change of game. Eventually i might take videos of me pwning, that would be better.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

6 Day Weekend

Well, we just completed the extremely rare 6 day weekend. In case your a wierd blog surfer that wants an explination, it was a combination of normal weekend + MLK + snowdays. It was fairly eventful, but I'll sum it up in a few events. David Orion and i went sledding at north city elementary because Orion's parents went there as a family. We went down this fairly steep hill that had bumbs in it, Orion got butt raped. Then we went down this really long steep hill which was mostly cement since the ice had melted. I almost died hitting a car, david hit a telephone pole. After sledding David drove us to Orion's house to get hot chocolate, begin the pwnage with our "Teh Secks" ultimate alliance team, and forget my cellphone there.
Damn i could really get used to this long post thing...
Next day Sai calls, asks if i want to go airsoft. I am hesitant because its always lame, but i go anyway. I walk down Wallingford to the Echo Lake Ele. main office parking lot, and what do i see? Four cop cars, and Amanuel smiling. Ends up that someone called the police saying that Sai and Amanuel had guns at the school, which were in fact fake guns. The police arrive, pat the innocent Sai down once, and the innocent black kid Amanuel twice. Ah good times... We walk to Orion's house, pick up my phone, walk back to my house, Sai and Amanuel get calls from their parents and they have to leave. (these calls regarding the police incedent of course). All in all a good two days.
Final paragraph i swear.
Gears of War = Best game ever made. Keir came over from Florida for the weekend, so of course we have a party. We cant do it at davis' house, since he was in New York, so David was gracious enough host the pwnage. I could go on for hours about this party, but in light of the option to go play cs right now, Gears of War pwns.
That is all for now.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

next weekend will pwn

ok so next weekend: gears of war friday, poker/ping-pong/madden saturday
yes it will pwn.
in other news i left my mouse and starcraft cd at my dads so ill be playing the cube for awhile.